Is this kind of spawn killing an exploit?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RawrKitty, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. RawrKitty

    A: Setting up c4/AP mines touching/close to shields (lets say biolabs) and detonating them to kill people inside,

    B: doing the same with anti tank mines -

    are these an exploit or a clever use of game mechanics??

    i personally think it's cheap and silly but not necessarily an exploit - just redeploy, but most people (especially my outfit) get VERY angry when they die to tank mines inside a spawn in a biolab and report the mine layers as "exploiters"

    Im curious as to anyone's thoughts and if there is any soe statement regarding this? i feel shields should absorb explosions too but it could just be a bug.
  2. Bloodtank

    the physics in this game are god awful, leave it at that... i say remove the spawn tanks altogether, but sony wouldnt make money off kids then... pretty sure little kids and hacks are their number 1 customers
  3. RawrKitty

    Spawn tanks? what do you mean? what are spawn tanks? and what do they have to do with SoE making money?

    and please stop calling people "kids" it sends a very negative connotation to people, you seem really immature, - which is kind of counter to the point you are trying to make when calling somone a "kid" - and none of what you said really has any relevance to my question, or this thread apparently.
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  4. Poojawa

    It likely is a bug in the hit detection. Sometimes you can kill people by shooting into the shield. It's mainly lag and the client reporting that it hit the target, the server going 'pretty sure there's a shield there, but whatever' and giving the client a free kill.
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  5. IshanDeston

    You can do it "once" per flip of the base. And mind you, i've done it too. Spawned into a camped spawn room, notice the base was about to flip and i wouldn't have time to redeploy. So i changed to engineer and dropped an AP mine. I was dead, and so was one of them.

    Fair trade in my opinion.

    Edit: And if it wasn't working as intended the spawn protection shield, that is damaging enemies to prevent spawn killing (that was fun in beta), would trigger the mines just like any explosion would.
  6. RawrKitty

    Well, the problem with that poojawa, is that c4, tank mines and AP mines GARUNTEE hits inside the shield, often a single claymore can net up to 15 kills (since it one hits any non max in the spawn who isn't behind a terminal in biolabs)
  7. RawrKitty

    No, that's not what i mean, laying mines in wait for new spawners is halarious , and not so cheap, im talking about sticking a c4 onto the shield, and then detonating it, killing the people inside. (the explosive is OUTSIDE of the shield)
  8. Braken

    How many times has this been "fixed"? Seriously... they've said they "fixed" this issue several times before, but it has never truely been fixed... :confused:
  9. Meiu

    Until they get rid of the stupidity of one way spawn shields, and just shielded areas in general, I will keep putting my c4 on the corners that let me blast behind the shields.
  10. IshanDeston

    Ahh sorry, that. No thats not working as intended. Wouldn't call it any more an exploit than i'd call and ESF that is rocketbombing a Skyguard into oblivion a exploit.
  11. RawrKitty

    Eh, they won't and i don't think they should, i've dided probally less than 10 times total in months of gameplay to people inside spawns, and those are probally only grenade kills - dont stand in direct line of sight to the door, problem solved.

    And yeah i understand where you're coming from, free certs, keeps pushing back the forming zergling group, etc.

    i was just wondering if its a reportable exploit
  12. Meiu

    It isn't so much dying to them as it is a poor mechanic that just causes stagnate gameplay.
  13. Bloodtank

    lol, spawn tanks are those protected places you drop into on a base that are being camped...
    As for your problem with my mention of kids.. sounds personal.. you need to deal with that yourself, if you don't know the difference between a little kid and i guess a teenager, or have the ability to comprehend points.. maybe reading is not for you..
  14. Bloodtank

    one way shielding is stupid... and pathetic... game has like a record number of bad choices in design.. and i think have no clue where to go, nor care anymore.. its all a hype fest of lies that im hearing..
  15. RawrKitty

    I won't derail this into immature banter, was just trying to help you, to each his own.

    i don't see how the shield mechanism is poor design, the entire structure of base placement and terrain design is all favoring zerglike offensive rushes, there are very few places in the world or base structures that really give any sort of defensive edge - especially given that there is no real "timer" to defending, due to the nature of persistent battles, an attacking force is almost inevitably garunteed to capture any given area, given equal or nearly equal skill/numbers.

    This is even with the current spawn system in place, with out it, it would be impossible to defend any area whatsoever.

    the side counter to this is SCU points, that is why they exist. the design is fairly well balanced i'd say. and SOE certainly should NOT make defending more difficult and taxing.
  16. QuantumMechanic

    I don't think it's necessarily an exploit... you have to be near the shield to get blown up.

    I have one more to add to your list: enemy throws sticky grenade which sticks to the spawn room shield door. When it blows up it kills everybody nearby.
  17. RawrKitty

    Yeah that's another one haha
  18. schwarzklang

    Spawnroomsdoors should be impenetrably.. from both sides.
  19. Bloodtank

    Just ask yourself...
    Whats the point of the shield doors?
    Okay, I spawn inside this protected room.... And sit here... why am i sitting here? Oh there's 50 dudes outside trying to kill me..
    Hey lets shoot through this shield.. my bullets can go out, but no one elses can come in.. maybe some nub will run in front of here... wheeeee

    And surprisingly it happens...

    But whats the true point of it...? Is there one? why are they on every friggan base angle near a control point.. oh... to create and protect teh zerg.... where 500 people stand around playing tease on a shield door.... to pretend there's this massive battle taking place... give me a break...

    Fish in the barrel concept.... create the mayhem, fool the masses, tease em eith unlocks... cha ching
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  20. RawrKitty

    the only alternative is the attacker's foothold being completely unshakable and unbreakable.
    if the shields blocked both ways, you'd have clumps of hundreds of people in direct line of sight of the door able to shoot directly at anything that came out, whereas now its only adjacant line of sight or secondary line of sight, giving you enough time to nade and pop back in, or sneak away with a cloaker / LA, this also allows groups to coordinate max crashes or smoke breaks - with out this there would be virtually no way to break a foothold.

    I don't see why im even bothering to explain this - the spawn door system will NEVER change.
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