Nice game, when are they adding AA?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Endlos, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. FateJH

    This is a common trend in these debates: one side tries to roll different ideas to create more interplay between the sky and the ground, sometimes overshooting their mark and producing a silly idea, sometimes producing an idea that can be rendered workable; and, the other side says "no; get in the sky." Not that the other side might not be right about "get in the sky," but why are they against expanding the interplay between the ground and the air?
  2. Rivenshield

    Was this on the Crown yesterday? We absolutely shot the pudu out of them. :D
  3. Nature

    You do realize that by scaring the targets you are effectively being a threat. It only takes a few burster maxes to keep the ESFs far enough to make the rockets rather inaccurate. People cry about air being OP, but refuse to do anything about it. If you are constatly getting bombed by libs or rocket spammed you already lost the area.
  4. Leftycakes

    lol, that's awesome
  5. Kobo

    The most fun I have had in this game was when the enemy placed a sunderer close by and the troops just kept on pouring out and we had a complete blast shooting each other to pieces... now... I spawn get buttfu**ed by a gazillion air units and tanks and hardly even see a single infantry unit that I can even begin to shoot at... I realize that there is nothing I can do except die horribly... and then I simply log off because there is simply no fun in that.

    I like the basic idea of the game... but the complete lack of balance between air, ground and infantry units is the major reason my sessions is becoming shorter and shorter... my guess is that within a matter of days they will simply stop entirely.

    I would love a server where they leave transport vehicles and ditch other armor and air units so that the infantry can slug it out... but that wont happen... at least not while I am still interrested in the game... which is kind of sad really.