What if: we nerfed aircraft but lowered cooldown / cost?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DukeFlash, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Major_Catastrophe

    MHO is OP is dumb suggestion. Leave everything how it is right now.

    Aircraft are vulnerable to enemy who are competent and dominate those who are incompetent. As it should be.
  2. CommodoreFrank

    I really don't think the AA options are that bad right now. It's the fact that there's no reward incentive to do it. Heck, I'm a team player, and I don't even care to break out the AA, because I'm lucky if I get a single cert in 15 minutes. I feel that the moment they add reward for deterring, the amount of people playing AA will rise exponentially, negating almost every complaint about air.
  3. Major_Catastrophe

    There is nothing wrong with base design. If you are getting rocket spammed in the spawn room then the battle was already lost ages ago. No one can fight back from the spawn room. Your incompetence led to you being locked down in the first place.

    Best thing to do is spawn somewhere else and try again.
  4. Zer0range

    The silent majority has better things to do; playing and enjoying the game (seemingly, as opposed to those with special needs (when it comes to the current balance)).
  5. Nonsensei436

    I actually feel like a better solution would be to buff vehicles and increase their timers. Get those pilots out onto the field for a bit. Spawn a vehicle, it dies, cant get into another one for 5 or 10 mins. OBV this wouldnt count for like a quad or something minor.
  6. DukeFlash

    You're welcome to think the concept proposed is stupid but I would not regard aircraft as vulnerable to competent AA players...
    only annoyed by them.

    It's more like Aircraft are forced to escape, land & repair versus competent AA, dominant the incompetent and only die if they themselves are incompetent.

  7. GraphicJ

    I really don't understand the logic that you have behind nerfing aircraft even more given that AA and especially the over spam of double bursters are practically decimating ESF's. (Do not know about Liberators as I hardly fly those.) This is not including the Lock on from Ground and the lock on spam from air.

    But if I had to add to your idea I would actually say that Aircraft and maybe tanks (Non transportation vehicles) need to cost much more than what they normally do. ESF's, Liberators and Tanks are the by far most powerful, infantry killing machines yet they are so easily accessible because their cost is so freakin low. I would suggest adding 150 resource cost to each AT LEAST.

    This coming from an air wh*re ESF pilot.
  8. FateJH

    That's fine, but the death of a MMO - nay, the decay of any logically or morally decent concept - is a very vocal minority, especially one that has a consistent message. Who do the devs hear more?
  9. FateJH

    Many small bases have small spawn buildings that do not block splash damage from the outside. As soon as the enemy attacks the base and has at least one way of spamming splash damage, let alone the terror of a single ESF with hellfires, we should just give up defense?
  10. DukeFlash

    and what about the silent majority who quit out of frustration? The non-posting goes both ways: you will have players who happily play and never post... and you will have the disgruntled who never post because if they're leaving, why bother?

    And please don't tell me SOE doesn't care about players leaving, even F2P ones. SOE needs F2P players to keep the paying customers happy with the large battles they expect.
  11. Zer0range

    This doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    Hopefully not the senseless.
  12. Zer0range

    I don't believe "the silent majority who quit out of frustration" exist.

    Some will post and some will not. Nothing unusual about that.

    I'm not going to tell you anything on behalf of SOE. You, on the other hand, are telling me about SOE's needs. That's fine, but I'm not paying much attention to such speculations.
  13. siiix

    its perfect how it is
  14. Brok9000

    ^^ This.
  15. nella

    This. They're always telling us how infantry needs to coordinate, have 10 players designated to killing tanks and aircrafts, well they should too.

    Cut their damage in half or make it so that killing an infantry with a tank/aircraft only awards 10-20 xp.
  16. FateJH

    Then speak up over the "senesless" others because your "senseless" opposition is loud and is actually proposing ideas that can pass as workable to idle hands.
  17. Tasogie

    So you want pilots to be free kill farming for you ?. Not gonna happen. Cost is fine, The trouble is, when you make it so a single infantry can kill any pilot, you instantly destroy that class.

    Seems to me all you lot are asking for, is for others to be free farming for you, at their expense. Infantry are "sposed" to be scared of tanks an armor in general, not to mention aircraft, even tankers are sposed to be scared of aircraft.
  18. SixVoltSamurai

    AA is fine for maxes. G2A is crap right now, and base turrets pretty much are where they need to be despite having horrible ranged fire spread. Skyguards are still a minor threat that can be seen from greater distances and therefore gets killed much quicker and has no advantage over being an AA max as infantry renders at much shorter ranges, sure you can move 60-70kph, but frankly who are you going to outrun other than infantry which you can't kill (effectively or reliably) with said AA tank. Sure AA doesn't make a lot of certs, in fact nowhere NEAR the experience gaining capability that ESF's (that ***** about AA being too powerful lulz) or Liberators, but the reward you get... well should get is the fact that you have opened the gates for your air superiority... however with resources and timers being minuscule speed bumps in vehicle piloting, you never really get rid of airstrikes.

    The current resource system is a joke as it is, pilots/drivers with around 10 minutes up time minimum generally don't ever have to play infantry as their vehicles will always be up to farm infantry with. Resources aren't hard to come by, and nerfing aircraft shouldn't be the answer. Making vehicles a commodity would help in this regard, if you pull a suicide tank to go get a few HE round kills (be real, who pulls a tank with the intent to kill tanks anymore?) and lose it really fast, then it should actually mean something to lose it. Currently you can suicide run with every single vehicle with very little chance of running out of resources before you can pop out, farm what you can then die. Resources mean nothing right now other than oh darn I have to sit in the warpgate a few minutes to get back in my vehicle so I can continue farming highly indefensible bases and infantry that has very little chance of fighting back if they're not AA maxes.

    Resources should be changed, vehicles need to be made to mean something, instead of a class that people play instead of infantry like it is now.
  19. SixVoltSamurai

    Yeah, how dare something else get free kill farming on Air like Air currently has on 75% of the vehicles and infantry in the game, the nerve of some people right?~ Being the lion in a field full of gazelles is pretty rough I guess.
  20. Tasogie

    Well Airpower is Powerful, with good reason, but making up exaggeration that air cant be killed is just moronic. 2 AA max will obliterate anything in their range, period. a Single infantry soldier can kill a Sythe. with a Carbine.

    Aircraft die very very quickly, the main reason I have a feeling you either get killed by or cant kill is because you are trying to rambo everything in the sky.
    AA missiles cant insta kill planes an wont anytime soon, because that would invalidate the weeks of playtime that players have put in.
    Yes you need more than 1 Max to kill a gunship an that is how it should be.
    Yes A2G missiles are powerful, that is how they should be.
    I think you want a single infantry to be able ot kill anything.

    Food chain is this

    Airpower kills Armor, an infantry as it should be, tanks kill infantry (an if they are lucky "VERY") airpower.
    Armor kills infantry as its sposed to be, an its an MBT, with a really big freakin gun v a squishy soft little soldier with a pop gun.

    It's simple fact an cant be changed without utterly destroying the game.Many of us "hope" that SOE have learned their lesson about pandering to the cod generation an the forum warriors who scream all sorts of gloom an doom. They obliterated SWG because they listened to these sorts of posts.