What happened to the Vanu on Waterson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chrollo, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. chrollo

    Where did my vanu brethren go. We have been down double digits in pop to the TR on waterson for the last couple of days. I can't do anything against these stupid tr zergs, and I can't even fight the NC cause the TR is in the way. Right now the TR has 20 percent more pop than Vanu, how can you let this happen SOE. Balance the pop on servers or Waterson will keep losing VS and NC.
  2. Morpholine

    We old-school Vanu call that a target-rich environment. Or Tuesday, depending.
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  3. LHeureux

    I play on Waterson as TR, there's way too much of us it's crazy. TB attracted them all :(
  4. lordprinceps

    more TR just means more targets
  5. chrollo

    but is also means too many mozzys to fly my pretty new scythe get shot coming out of the warp gate :(
  6. Morpholine

    So load up your pretty new Burster max and farm 'em.
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  7. Dhart

    They aren't gone totally, but they are suffering population decline- it's true enough; and it is not just a Holiday phase... been going on for weeks.

    Of course compared to TR's 38-40%... NC and VS look pretty well under-populated. Funny part is that NC can still conquer at least one continent even being with 10% fewer online. Zerg is about right... without one they are just so so no matter how many there are.
  8. wowie

    I wish I could fight the NC more but it never happens anymore. It seems like all the internet celebrities simultaneously decided to roll TR on waterson just to see how badly it skewed the population balance. And then the ability to roll multiple factions on the same server and account was added, so now everyone who hasn't spent SC is flocking to the TR ranks. After account-wide unlocks are added, everyone who has spent SC, but hasn't joined an outfit, will also doff their old uniform and don a red one. Then what will happen?

    TR zerging is getting to the point where it's going to reach critical mass soon if something isn't done, lol. o_O
  9. Flying Butt Monkeys

    Vanu on Waterson here.

    This happened almost immediately after the patch when they allowed different characters to be created on the same server. I think a ton of Vanu+NC jumped ship to Team ****** because they already had a slight population advantage. But now, well..


    Me? My character is BR42. I've sunk a lot time and a little money into it. I can take out the first 2 or 3 of 'em, sure, but not the 4th or 5th. There is no meta game anymore for this server since it's impossible to take or hold anything when you're outnumbered 2:1. It's just spawn-kill 2/3-die-repeat. Over and over. No point taking tanks or planes as you'll be dead from rockets/mossies within a second.

    It's not fun anymore.

    I'm uninstalling PS2 before I waste anymore time/money into this mess of a game. Maybe if they bring in the ability to change servers or a ******* autobalance function I'll consider picking it up again.

    Until then, I'll be playing something else.