As a Total Newbee...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rawl, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Rawl

    I've tried to play this game, but being a total newbee, with experienced people shooting me before I can do anything I find this game frustrating. I've died many times and haven't gotten one kill point because I don't stand a chance against all these people who've played this game for much longer than I have. (actually, anyone who has been able to play at all, has more experience than I do.)

    The tutorials are helpful learning the interface, but not on being able to survive and get experience.

    I think you should have a newbee area where inexperienced people like me can have a chance to learn and grow before being thrown into the pool of sharks.
  2. Envenom

    Survival of the fittest. Man up solider.
  3. HerpTheDerp

    As long as you avoid Miller you should be fine.
  4. CommodoreFrank

    My friends were the same way. The best advice I could give is to try to find somebody to show you the ropes. Maybe look for an outfit that's open to new players.
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  5. vorttam

    Find a group and stick with em. Dont go in running lone wolf everywhere. You will be destroyed. With that said, just takes time to adjust and learn where and what to do. Where are the advantage points in bases ect.. There area many many rolls you can do in this game to earn exp and cert points. Try playing a support roll, healing, repairing , supplying people with ammo. Or be peoples gunner in tanks / aircraft.
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  6. Alkasirn

    There can't really be a tutorial on how to survive. Since you're going against other players that all have their own thinking, asking for a how-to guide to survive is like asking for a pattern of Chess moves that's guaranteed to win 90% of the time (sure there are patterns which make things a lot easier but there's nothing that will guarantee victory).

    To get good at surviving all you have to do is die, think about why you died, and try to avoid dying in that matter in the future. What really helps is being a support class (medic/engineer) and staying behind everyone else. That way you can observe how the frontlines move and how the enemies approach. Eventually you'll start getting a 6th sense/intuition on where people will be and how safe you are.

    ...but if you like not putting effort into things, you could just buy a HE turret for a tank and shoot it next to enemy spawn points, retreating any time a rocket hits you.
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  7. santuckcasper

    look for a good outfit and join em, ive only played this game for around 12 hrs and im getting pretty good at it if a may say so myself, i joined the "Blue Lions" and they helped me learn the ropes some, so find a helpful outfit, and just keep playing you will get better over time, when i first played it felt like i died every 2 seconds and i got frustrated just like you, but keep playing and you will get better, dont give up now or it will show that you have no will-power to stick through until you get better, keep at it man, you can do it
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  8. DukeFlash

    I can't disagree with anything you've said. Most of us agree the game is unnecessarily rough on beginners, although some people are sadomasochists and think this is perfectly acceptable.

    What I would say is: Open your map, click the top right and sort by population %. See where your faction is dominating, go there, join in on the easy zerg. Depending on how dominant your faction is, you will have a progressively easier stroll through the park. This is as close to a beginners tutorial as you'll find... in-game anyway.

    Normally this would be terrible advice, unless you want easy certs and zero combat, but since you really do seem to want a stroll through the park while you learn... you might want to try it. When you want a real fight, go to evenly populated continents.
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  9. SGTalon

    Come to Waterson and join the TR. I know my Outfit is willing to train new guys. I have done it quite a bit.

    Typically a single night with an Outfit/Squad that knows their stuff is enough to get the hang of the game.
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  10. santuckcasper

    ohhh and dont go to the crown unless you are defending!
  11. santuckcasper

    look up the blue lions on the matherson server! :p im not a recruiter but i think you would like them
  12. Rawl

    I don't know what crown is
  13. RayDrazon

    I haven't played for long either but I can tell you this about the Crown:

    It is probably the only place worth defending because of how it's situated; The Crown is a medium base in the continent Indar which sits in top of a rather steep mountain. It's organized in a way that makes defending very easy since attackers need to go into the open and rush up this mile long road with little to no cover. AA Turrets are found in this base so Air Vehicles won't do to scale up the mountain. Tanks rushing up the hill are immediately met with a faceful of 10 rockets...

    So yeah, if you are not the defender, prepare to die a lot at the Crown. In my opinion, it is the hardest place to capture, even more so than the major bases like Bio Labs now that Tech Plants have been made easier to invade.
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  14. r.Tek

    If you play on Mattherson, i'm willing to help you.
  15. santuckcasper

    the crown is fun to defend because you can get ALOT of certs, but attacking is like being a cow in a slaughterhouse, it is on indar and the only way to capture it is WWII USSR style: keep piling S***-loads of men on it until you overwhelm them, but you need to constantly attack, dont take cover or anything, just 1,000's of guys charging at once, if anything goes wrong they will get slaughtered, i have been on both sides of this over the past few days, trust me, you want to be defending it!
  16. ajappat

    Are you having problems in other fps games? I mean, this game is pretty much just like any other fps game when it comes to gameplay on smaller scale.

    If you know the basic controls, learning the rest shouldn't be hard at all.

    Edit: If something, people in this game seem to be a somewhat less skilled in general shooter skills, compared to some other FPS.
  17. bPostal

    I do always feel bad about shooting someone just dropping in and see that they're a BR1. I don't feel bad enough to take a chance on NOT shooting them though.