Stuck at "Logging In..."

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Orion2710, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Orion2710

    This is my first day at PlanetSide.
    A few hours ago started a problem, every time I click on "Play" to start the game with the selected character, the games writes "Logging In..." and just stays that way. I left my computer open for a hour on this, with no results.
    It didnt happen until my 4th launch of the game(I played the game only 3 times before, each session for less than a hour).
    I also tried creating a new character on another server, yet the problem continued.
    Can anybody help me?
  2. Orion2710

    sorry for the double-post(is there a rule against it here?),
    but I really need a solution thank you.
  3. Googy

    same - stuck at logging in too :/
  4. Googy

    That ring around the green circle is still flashing. Can't log in into the game :(
  5. Orion2710

    come on, is there ANYONE here who can help me?
  6. Rengrave

    I know of a handful of people having this issue right now. Were you able to get it sorted?
  7. Rebus

    Same problem on Briggs server. Patched, hit play button on character screen, said 'logging in " for while then stopped after which the play button did nothing. Couldn't create new character etc.
  8. Zardoc

    Woodman EU here, would like a solution to this problem <.<
  9. Zappy123

    Just tried again now and it worked.
  10. LonelyAirman

    It seems to be hit-or-miss whether you get in. Please can we get some support on this?