Saw my first guaranteed cheater last night. A narrative!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Poisonedpawn, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Poisonedpawn

    Normally I give people the benefit of the doubt when playing FPS games. I have done some pretty crazy things myself that I probably couldn't repeat and other seemingly near impossible things that i practice constantly to get better at. BUT man this was annoying.

    On Jaegar we were getting pretty much curb stomped at one of the bases on the ice planet in the middle of the map. NC were hold up in the main base with the entire outer rim wall down and being totally over run by both Red/Purple from two directions. It was a GLORIOUS fight. I loved every second of it. Then it started to turn and we were losing the upper level of the base and it was sort of surprising to me how it could happen so quickly. BLAM shots to the back and I'm down in the spawn room. I figure if we are getting over run on the sniper perch then ill load up my MAX and go clear it back out for us. I take the lift back up to the perch and there he was...

    Some Red medic glitching in and out of phase. Dancing around me in circles. Popping into view every 2-3 feet and then disappearing again. I unload everything i have at him, ahead of him , behind him. NOTHING happens. hes still tearing me up. Shotgun spray in every direction and not a single pellet registers a hit. Then I start launching grenades at the feet and ground hoping for splash dmg.. still nothing. I nearly emptied my entire stock of ammo at what apparently was thin freakin air. It felt like fighting one of the agents in the Matrix. or even worse. Neo. And right before my ammo runs out .. crunch goes the mech armor and I fall over. Within 30 seconds the entire base was theirs.
  2. Seryi

    What happened probably wasn't a hacker, but a person with a high ping. I've seen it too on people with bad connections - they'll be teleporting all over the place on my screen, while on their screen they'll be unloading into my face. When the server finally catches up, it seems like I died instantly.

    It frustrates me at times that they'd apparently reward people for coming in on subpar connections/high pings, but eh. Nothing you can do, really.
  3. Jac70

    I also don't think this was a cheater but some kind of bug.

    Occasionally you will see people who flicker in and out of existence, you can kill them if you have decent reflexes.
  4. Hodo

    Its a lagswitch.

    I have seen it in other games, and players who run them are often hurt by the lag but in this game it helps to have a bad ping.

    This is why the game should either screen out bad pings from servers, like I shouldnt be able to go to the AUS server from the East coast of the US. Only reason I would do it is becuase I would have a horrible ping and thus an advantage over everyone on the server.

    I have seen to many players trying to take advantage of bad pings lately because its the easiest way to cheat, without actually hacking.
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  5. Poisonedpawn

    Actually people are purposefully using packetloss software to increase their ping and make themselves invulnerable. They are doing this on purpose. Its just as cheating as an aimbot.
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  6. Nonsensei436

    We called it lag skipping in DAoC. People would use it to get on top of things that they normally could not. It was done by dragging a window in the UI while moving. This sort of nonsense is cheating in every sense of the word and you better believe it is completely intentional and will ruin the game if left unfixed.
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  7. Solafide

    We called it "Tapping" and it's common and almost impossible to stop.

    Someone says bug, another says glitch...

    Lets settle this debate right now:

    You intentionally use glitches and bugs for an advantage, it's the same as a hack program..plain and simple, it's called cheating
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  8. Vachek

    Hackers were running rampant last night, I truly hope it does not persist into the weekend's fun.

    -Saw enough "lag skippers" that it was not coincidence, someone has learned to repeat this and pass it on
    -Couple of Superman's, can hit them, register hits, they take no damage, then nonchalantly turn around and kill you
    -100% Accurate out of range hits from people
    -Shot or killed in spawn tubes or impossible locations

    Stay Vigilant SOE!
  9. Xizwhoa

    It's called anyone over 200 ping gets the boot.
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  10. Talizzar

    I saw two or three of these guys on Matherson last night. If you spray and pray enough you can kill them sometimes. I don't like it, but I am not getting all bent out of shape over it. I have not seen a blatant Aimbotter in quite some time. I know there are some smart ones that use it judiciously and there are plenty of rader hackers out there. Go sit in a quiet place and wait till they show up.
  11. Veri

    One shot HA kills with LMG while shields are on, full armor and full health.
    Killing low level player three times but keeps on coming back, fourth time uses from there on.
    Low level player drop pod through building into gen room.
    Low level player teleporting around targets whether on the ground or up in the air.

    If this continuously happens press page up to record.
  12. Esxraptor


    It's called server ping limit

    Instant stop
  13. Esxraptor

    Edit "Low level player" to Any level player

    Then you have it :)
  14. Veri

    Yes I fall for that filthy trick.
    'Me no cheater I I have high rank and play lotz'.
  15. nukularZ

    It should be easy to stop : if your ping is high or you're losing packets constantly, you get kicked by the server (take an average over 1-2 minutes and if the average exceeds some preset value, kick). If your connection randomly goes bad and you can't play because of this, it's probably for the better anyway.
  16. Esxraptor

    Sorry Veri

    Actually meant something like this :

    "Any level player ....drop pod through building into gen room"

    it's not the sole domain of "Low level player" only

  17. Mammon

    all what this game let die is all the f*uck*ng aimboter. Is only a pay to win game ... why ? pay for a aimbot or a multihack too win all times and soe do nothing
    Look at steam with VAC2 server how many player get banned...
  18. 13lackCats


    I love them, and they are fantastic opponents, but the Asians on Connery in early morning PST warp around a bit too.

    I just feel awesomely lucky that I can play such a great game with people from around the world.
  19. TangoQD

    Awhile ago on briggs, I was playing normally fighting at one of Zurvan's sub-bases, and suddenly there was a large lag spike for a few seconds, when I stopped I got right back to killing.

    Then I noticed none of the enemies were moving (including the reaver seemingly hovering in mid air), I proceeded to shoot them and got full XP for killing them (it felt a bit cheap though). I have no idea what happened on their screens.
  20. Kroktar

    You first one? You must be lucky :p