[Suggestion] Excessive TK'ers: The Scarlet Letter

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 13lackCats, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. 13lackCats

    Make people's friendly dorito a different color. Instead of blue, an excessive TK'er will be black, until they reach a forgiveness threshold. Those who are excessively TK'd get a pink(?) dorito- give 'em a break, but stop running into my fire too.

    Metagame adder?
  2. Ghoest


    Basically anyone who fights a lot will get TKs.
    Any one who doe support will get very few TKs.

    I get TKed by accident much more than I TK people but both happen regularly because I tend to be up at the front in base attacks.

    Also its surprising how many friendlies my employed sunderer manages to kill when Im not there - its like Christine.
  3. Chiss

    I fight non-stop and pretty much never TK.

    But then, i dont partake in the ****** orgies outside entrances. I just run in like a man.
  4. Jourmand1r

    I'd like to see a symbol added above frequent TKers heads. If you don't tk very much having the symbol wouldnt bother you, but if you do, it would give warning to the players you were about to grief.
  5. lordprinceps

    zepher+blob of enemies+freindly infil running about= sad lordprinceps
  6. 13lackCats

    Yeah, I don't TK much, or get TK'd much either (except for my stalker, who TKs me all the time).

    People are yelling for a metagame, where here ya go. Is this the only military in the universe that doesn't investigate friendly-fire events?
  7. FateJH

    I get run over by my own sides' tanks a lot. I want to say it's not my fault since I have no peripheral vision without distorting my screen a bit, and it's not quick enough to stop and turn to check for vehicles (coming right at me), but it usually could have been avoided if I weren't as hurried to get to different objectives as I were. I need a targetted "Let me repair you" emote so that this tank or that MAX doesn't run off and get itself destroyed before I get to it.