[Suggestion] NC Heavy is WAY Overpowered

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jdrake7766, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. jdrake7766

    I normally play NC Engineer. I enjoy my engineer. Today I had to switch to heavy in order to kill an onslaught of magriders and felt that I should make a couple notes. Understand that these observations are of an unmodified NC Heavy.

    -Default Gun is Too Accurate
    -Default Gun has Too Little Recoil
    -Default Gun has a Ridiculous Magazine Size (probably about right for the implementation of a heavy)
    -The Armor Skill Ties the Above Together to Create a Cesspool of Overpowerness

    These make the heavy into a kill class instead of a heavy support class. If you somehow miss the target, you don't need to burst because of so little recoil. What little recoil can easily be accounted for by the large magazine and the extra armor provides additional time to get that target in sights. Completely broken...

    If the other factions heavys are similar, I suggest changes to make heavys more like heavys:

    1. When I think heavy, I think of a guy toting around big and heavy weaponry. This would pretty much kill any speed you have. But as can be seen in the game, heavys can run around like there is no tomorrow (it is insanely improbable that the world will end on the 21st). Slow them down, give them a stamina trait, or take away sprint.

    2. If the game is going for realism (lol?): I have NOT fired a light machine gun irl before, but I imagine the extra weight of the gun helps reduce recoil. This doesn't pan out so well as a gameplay trait. Maybe introduce an overheat (a kinda neat way would be to destroy the gun for that spawn if fired to long). What I would do to fix the LMG:
    -decrease hip fire slightly (especially slightly if in combination with the next idea)
    -decrease aim while moving greatly (aim down the sights of a heavy *** gun while strafing?)
    -decrease accuracy over time during bursts (forcing more conservative firing)
    -with the above, keep magazine size and armor

    With these changes implemented, I believe other classes will have a decent shot at killing a heavy without having to quick draw their armor skill (maybe even make them even slower with armor activated).

    I understand that there should be a class with reduced functionality for enhanced killing ability, but that class shouldn't be heavy; it should be light assault. Heavys already have the bonus of rockets for heavy support, they don't need ridiculous ability to kill as well.

    Other suggestions (decrease extra threads):
    -Tank mines should have their power reduced, but in exchange quantity increased. I don't think their functionality was meant for throwing at tanks.
    -Attach names to sunderers so that leaders can contact owners of deployed sunderers
    -Have a faction visible icon attached to vehicles to show lock status
    -Reintroduce the 'q' quick key for shouting for catching a ride
    -Introduce a line of sunderer weapons that decrease infantry capacity (such as an artilary or aa).
    -The above same with Galaxy (and see next idea)
    -Introduce Extravagant Vehicles with extra high costs (Galaxy acting as an AC130, even force the pilot to tilt to the appropriate side for the gunners to fire).
    -Allow an attachment for Galaxy that decreases capacity, but allows it to pick up a vehicle (with the second vehicles permission). This may also slow the Galaxy.
    -Introduce fuel to vehicles, refuel much like you reammo
    -Introduce weight limits where users have to manage passenger capacity and ammo against speed and maneuverability.
    -Introduce a non-offroad vehicle with increased speed (I think that would be a blast)
    -Allow a faction to choose to dispose of a zone (becoming neutral) forcing occupiers to rebuild to capture. This one would be hard to implement (who would you allow to do such an action?).
    -Allow destruction of bridges similar to generators.
    -Change how you take damage from moving vehicles. I watched a max run into the back of a moving sunderer with his dash ability and die...

    ...and lastly...
    -allow colliding with enemies
    -fix knives

    If you read this entire article, thank you for your time! If you play heavy and think you are sweet, go rethink your decisions. Not the decisions in game, but your decisions in life. I imagine you messed up somewhere along the line.
  2. Tasogie

    Started to read it, then realized he wants, the Anti tank class nerfed, an any means the Engi has to fight tanks nerfed. laughed an went to end, where he abused anyone that doesn't agree with him.. Whole thread is irrelevant.\

    Tank mines are easily defeated, no nerfing req.
    HA is perfect way it is, no nerfs req. They die VERY fast.
  3. iller


    Could you please use the Record Function and show us first hand that what you're saying has any factual basis whatsoever? It would greatly improve your argument and counteract the negative stereotype associated with people in your position with only 1 or 2 posts and a seemingly randomly picked name that's typically exploited by "Sockpuppeteers". Including some direct comparisons to atleast a few other guns (with hard numbers) might help too to qualify your post as constructive feedback.
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  4. Cason

    Are you trying to tell us that the SAW doesn't have a lot of recoil....

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  5. Mafia Puppet

    I skipped after the first sentence and read this instead.
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  6. Big Cyz

  7. Maxi'sProteinPowder

    HAHAHAHA i too did the exact thing LOL

    NO to everything!
  8. Kiekeboe

    YES YES YES to NC HA too OP
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  9. Mishkel

    Yeah.. even if you take measures to reduce the recoil you still need to be pretty active compensating to lay down much fire. Altho beyond what does appear to be a troll post... The main issue with the OP is the fact its not comparing the HA from all 3 factions. I'd dare any NC HA to go shot for shot with a TR HA... assuming same level of certing/accuracy. My bet is the TR HA would drop the NC every single time.. outside of a lucky headshot.

    You can't compare the HA of one faction and ignore the HA of the other two with the exact same abilities. Along with the fact (or I'll say my personal experience) that the Carv hits a lot freakin harder in HA vs HA scenario. VS seem to hold their own alright in the HA arena as well.

    more or less (and I play NC) I think the HA's are fairly well balanced between factions. I just don't like getting shot by Carvs at all.
  10. Vortok

    When I opened the thread I was really hoping for the one guy on the planet that goes on a tear with the Jackhammer and was asking for it to be nerfed.

    Alas, I instead found an NC player claiming his infantry weapons are too strong. Clearly not connected to the NC forum hive mind and/or a crazy person.
  11. jdrake7766

    Factual by first hand experience. Anyone can do it. Hard numbers are for snobs. While the factual evidence could prove this, getting the hard numbers is difficult seeing as how there is little resources to do so without selection bias. This is not a troll post, but instead sincere suggestions that shouldn't be ignored.

    I'm not proposing a nerf to anti-tank, I'm proposing a nerf to the anti-tank being anti-infantry

    The comparison is to any of the Engi guns I've used. I haven't posted much because I don't typically follow these forums.

    You didn't even skim my post...
    "If the other factions heavys are similar, I suggest changes to make heavys more like heavys:"

    I doubt I'll get a dev response, however I feel this issue should be pressed to help balance gameplay. If no one else thinks Heavys are OP, then maybe I'm just crazy. I'm not saying there are not any OP weapons for other classes and I'm certainly not trying to single out the NC heavy, it's just the only heavy I have played.
  12. Linedan

    I'm not caffeinated enough to wade through the OP's entire post, but I also think he wants heavies nerfed to spot with Russian accents and to yell "WE MUST POOSH LEETLE CART!" every time they get on a control point.

    BTW, I too play engineer most of the time, and I die to heavies more than any other class, but that's because more people play heavies than any other class because of the anti-vehicle capability. And from what little I've played them, an NC heavy using default gear is third place behind the TR and VS heavies, even after the CARV took a nerf (the Orion is still wickedly accurate but doesn't hit all that hard unless I get headshot). The Gauss SAW requires a lot of skill to use effectively. I couldn't kill a thing with a heavy until I took advanced of triple Station Cash and bought the Anchor, which gives up a little punch and magazine size to be a lot more accurate.

    I almost always lose going 1v1 against a heavy as an engineer. Which is as it should be. I'm a support class, he's a big dude with a nasty-*** machine gun, a bit more armor, and extra shielding.
  13. Xasapis

    Here's the thing. This is not BF3. The heavy here is the main infantry fighter, not support. Everybody else is support to the heavy (including infiltrators and light assault, they just don't directly support like medics and engineers).

    As for your other suggestions:
    • Regarding mines, bad idea. Right now you're effectively carrying (as max certed) two and a half mine, since you need two to kill any vehicle and one is just repair exp for the driver. Tbh I'd rather have 3 mines, each of those to have the damage of two of our current implementation. As for throwing them at tanks, this is a practice from WW2 with their archaic (for today) equipment, 1000 years into the future I would assume improvements. In any case, number of mines, effectiveness and ease of detection make the creation of minefields impossible.
    • Sunderer driver name, I agree that it would help.
    • Lock status, I don't understand.
    • Q for riding, I agree.
    • What you ask for sunderer weapons already exists.
    • Same as above.
    • There are people who already try this setup with the galaxy with interesting results. Personally, I'm not convinced about the cert costs payoffs. Still, fun is more important than effectiveness.
    • They can already sort of do that. Galaxies can carry vehicles on their roof. I don't know if the engine is capable of what you ask though. Consider that an even more basic function of troops being carried on top of MBTs is not possible.
    • Fuel sounds like a really bad idea. What would you accomplish by limiting fuel? Making supply sunderers more important?
    • Vehicle performance vs weight. I suppose that an EVE online system could work, but again, what is the thing that you try to fix with it or to improve?
    • All vehicles have better offroad capabilities as a performance upgrade as it is. What would the function of said vehicle be besides being faster than the current vehicles?
    • Too few a zones atm. Even one zone warpgate locked is painful in high population servers.
    • Most continents don't really need bridges. Still, you'd need to tie this up with the vehicles being air transportable
    • Roadkill mechanics are still weird, but better than before. My own vehicle when I was repairing killed me once. I was also got pushed like I was in a launch pad away from my vehicles on multiple occasions.
    • Very few games can handle collision detection. The current engine doesn't seem to be able to handle it rather well, considering how long it takes to adjust to the only collision detection item in the game, the engineering turret.
    • What's wrong with the knife? It's a two hits kill (one for shield, one for health). You'd rather kill at one, CoD style?
  14. Dr. Allcome

    I did.

    You lost all credit you had with these three sentences. So I don't even bother to answer to your suggestions.
  15. general_azure

    That accent would actually be pretty awesome, at least you get something to laugh about when the guy next to you keeps hammering his spot key ^^
  16. Being@RT

    While I agree that recoil isn't an issue, implying this non-issuedness (it's a word, honest) leads to an accurate weapon is just wrong. The cone of fire will, on any weapon, always affect your chances of hitting a target far more than the recoil will if you at least try to compensate. In some cases, the cone of fire will be the larger random factor to a guns accuracy than recoil even when you're not compensating..

    That said, all guns are pretty much perfectly accurate on the first shot while aiming down sights, but this applies to all factions as far as I am aware.

    offtopic: I find it somehow unintuitive that sniper rifles are the least accurate weapons in the game and shotguns the most. That is if you just consider the accuracy bar for the items as displayed in game... they should probably name it 'hipfire full-auto accuracy' or something. But that's kind of a minor gripe, the bars are a perfect example of misleading graphs.. as an empty bar for damage for example does not mean zero damage, it is very hard to judge how big the actual differences in performance are.
  17. Mojo_man

    I have to disagree with pretty much all of these. The SAW kicks like a mule until you get the fore-grip, and even then it's bad enough. As for it being too accurate that's (Not to be rude or anything) absurd. That thing has a Cone of Fire big enough to make it an utter crap-shoot at any range past 20 feet. The recoil is so bad that you basically NEED a magazine of that size to do much, and the crazy slow reload helps to offset the size considerably. As for the armor skill I've never known it to make an enormous difference even against infantry, nevermind vehicles.
  18. hostilechild

    I see a mental institution in the OP's future. Betting he is really a TR/VS tank driver engineer :rolleyes:
  19. hellin

    Accuracy it just sucks. I was surprised that the LMG can not get 50% of the clip on hit once from 50 metrs. Besides, his rate of fire does not allow to kill somebodyat close range. Recoil felt less of a low rate of fire, although it is the same as that of other LMG.
  20. Being@RT

    I don't think it was ever meant to have 'enormous impact'.. but it is enough to make the HA win more often than not in a situation where two equally skilled infantry players notice each other at the same time. Obviously in an environment that doesn't massively favor either one for any reason (such as shooting from behind shields, or an infiltrator 200m away or the likes. you know what I mean).

    Which is actually fine as the other classes have other things going for them.