Holy Burster Nerf

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Hoki, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Hoki

    Welp, serves me right for buying a weapon that can damage an air vehicle. Flyboy panties were too delicate?

    Accuracy and range is pathetic now.
  2. Swordlord

    Burster got a minor damage buff in the patch last week. Range and accuracy were unaffected, and since I suit up the MAX armor quite a bit, I'll vouch for my observation above.
    That being said, you still won't get many kills as a lone Burster MAX (find 2-3 Burster Buddies), and consequently very little XP/Cert gain. Drive off attacking aircraft you might, but you'll gain no game-generated reward for it. PS2 is lame for defenders all around.
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  3. Hoki

    Maybe it was a placebo affect but it felt like I could reach out and touch AV from a much longer distance last night.
  4. tugernut

    are you saying the patch today affected the bursters ?

    i pulled my max dual bursters yesterday for the 1st time in a while , since the buff patch , and actually was pretty happy with the damage i was doing last night. actually got 3 or 4 kills and atleast 10 times more assists , i was the onlt 1 in AA gear so i was happy with my results.
  5. Worthit

    Maybe, just maybe, don't expect your lone wolf self to make that much of an impact in a game with 665 other players on your side?

    Seriously, 2-3 bursters with just 1-2 of them having the second burster gun will absolutely shred any ESF. Wait for him to come in and hover at about ~300m when they start slowing down, then all three of you jump on his *** laying into full throttle and cackle to yourselves maniacally as you're doing God's work and you just love it.
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  6. Worthit

    EDIT: That being said, maybe an award system for defenders such as when someone/thing is healed/repaired the damage doers get half the EXP of the person doing the rep/healing?
  7. NoctD

    I think its easier to get XP/cert with 2 AI arms on a MAX defending, just rush a cap point being capped.
  8. Hoki

    It felt like the accuracy on them went down. As in the shot pattern, spread seems a lot wider.
  9. tugernut

    ill be sure to test it tonight n give my .02$

    thx for the reply
  10. AceMF

    you wish it got nerfed. Until bursters render ya'll can ****
  11. Talizzar

  12. tugernut

    i noticed no difference tonight
  13. BobFromMarketing

    Used dual bursters less than an hour ago, had no issues. I think perhaps its in your head.
  14. Canaris

    was rocking my dual burster while camping the last outpost before NC warpgate on Amerish last night, everything seemed normal for me.
  15. Jawa

    I wish there was some kind of confirmation

    I want to get dual bursters but if they have been stealth nerfed then I'm less inclined to do so, especially with how unrewarding AA is to begin with, cert-wise
  16. SixVoltSamurai

    Yep "until bursters render" pilots just won't be happy until they can kill them well out of effective range and make a mockery of ground with nothing to worry about possibly killing them from the ground. Then they'll only have A2A to whine about.
  17. Swordlord

    I'm rarely a lone wolf, as every toon I play is a member of an outfit.
    Yes, yes they will. I will not argue that fact. But my statement still stands that getting kills -- the only real way to earn decent XP/cetification points other than base captures -- is limited. Lone wolf, you'll just drive an ESF off, or maybe kill him if he's new to flying, drunk, or just plain stupid. Buddy up with other Bursters, and you're splitting the kills you get multiple ways. Assists are better than nothing, but only earn you a fraction of the XP/certs.

    Also, speaking as a MAX player, I do feel that Burster MAXes are able to engage air assets too soon (render due to vehicle status). But, rather than having a MAX render as a vehicle (which it's not), I would rather air become visible to MAX units at a shorter distance. This would alleviate pilots getting slammed at 1500 meters by Burster fire, while avoiding another nerf to an already neglected infantry class by making it into a vehicle for rendering purposes. I have no idea how the coding for that would work, but I think it's a better option than making the MAX render as a vehicle.
  18. Jokester

    Just make the burster range lower. Like the plane has to be in plain sight and not a mile away.
  19. Swordlord

    That's essentially the problem pilots are griping about. I, as a Burster MAX, can see an ESF from a great distance, and if I can see it, I can start to flak it.The flipside is they can't see me because I render as infantry and the render distance is much shorter for squishies.
    If you're speaking of the range of the weapon, that may be an option, but so far in PS2 the maximum range of AA weaponry is it's only saving grace. The balance issue is a difficult one, and will be on-going for the foreseeable future. Right now, air and their rocket spam is the terror of the battlefield. Between Liberators and their mega-death Daltons and ESFs with their A2G missiles and troop-reaving forward guns, aircraft is a parallel to ground based tank spam. The only difference is that A2G > G2A.
  20. Jokester

    I think the MAX flak should be high damage low range. This would counter those annoying ESF's that try to float about and shoot infantry.
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