How do you upgrade magazine size for T9-Carv?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Wrongwayscout, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. Wrongwayscout

    When I was watching the Auraxis Tournament Challenge, I saw someone with a 200 round magazine T9-Carv. The reason I know it's a T9-Carv is I saw him get a T9-Carv bronze medal, and I would like to know how to get a 200 round magazine for the T9-Carv. Thanks.

    Here's the video, he gets the bronze medal at 6:47.


    Can't anymore. I wish you could. I'd love to have 200 rounds in my CARV.... Must have been from Beta.
  3. SixVoltSamurai

    Yep, changed on release in order to sell the Carv-S which allows the extended magazine, along with all the other attachments the base Carv used to get.
  4. Carrionghoul

    You have to unlock the CARV-S and then unlock the extended clip cert that gives 50% ammo increase.
  5. TheBloodEagle

    IMO not worth it at all on the CARV-S, you'll be better off with the Grip. Only reason to buy CARV-S is for compensator & single fire mode but the recoil & ADS have been increased since patch so I don't recommend the CARV-S anymore.