Does Walmart Card give 4x?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icor1031, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. icor1031

    Do we get 4x station cash from walmart cards, right now?
  2. Jestunhi

    3x if you redeem during triple sc event.
  3. Malsvir Vishe

    He's talking about the bonus.
    33% boost with the 3x boost we get works out to a total of 4x the station cash. Yes, it does work that way. It is considered a 2000 SC card and is THEN multiplied by 3, so the $15 card gives $60 of station cash in the 3x event.
  4. Gavyne

    Make sure they are cards that do say 500 bonus sc, because wal-mart also sells standard soe game cards without the 500 bonus sc.
  5. icor1031


    Does it give 4x "Right Now?"

  6. Ghoest


    If you buy a card from wal mart that says 1500+500 bonus you definitely get 6000.

    I just tried one.
  7. Abomination713

    3x. Lets not confuse people here. Also, it starts on Dec 21 at 12:01am PDT.
  8. Abomination713

    I'm not sure I trust you. It isn't suppose to start for another 4 hours and 38 minutes. Unless you are saying you just tested one, but that would be silly to waste it a day early.
  9. Talizzar

    No clue where you are getting 4x. The promotion will be 3x starting at midnight Pacific. If you have a Walmart card that says you get an additional 500 sc the card will be worth 2000 X 3 or 6k at midnight.

    Since the world ends at the solstice you will have about 3 hours to use up the SC :) Happy shooting!
  10. Jaeger41

    It has already started. There are other threads here regarding that, and it comes up on the screens when you buy SC. I've already redeemed one of the $15 Walmart cards, and now have 6000SC...
  11. Mansen

    It already started an hour ago or so...
  12. Garrix

    Just go to the SC purchase page on the website. It tells you there (it crosses out the original numbers with the new ones, with plenty of exclamation points to go around).
  13. Jaeger41

    The 3X sale has already started, see the other threads on the forum. Because the bonus Walmart card costs $15, and gives you 6000 SC, it is effectively a 4X offer. It isn't called that officially, but the end result is the same.
  14. Hoki

    Confirmed, the walmart bonus 500 is trippled as well.

    I apologize to anyone in atlanta, I just bought all the station cash cards from 2 different walmarts lol
  15. Good53X

    Not if you're Canadian, because Canadians can't get the cards at Canadian Walmarts.

    This is outright discrimination - I should get a lawyer!
  16. Ghoest

    Go eat some boogers.
  17. Talizzar

    Please go hire an attorney and spend 500 dollars on a consultation over a $15.00 game card....or just send me the 500 bucks please.
  18. goneLinkdead

    Just redeemed my cards, confirmed you get 6000 station cash per card.