[TR] - LUA OUTFIT Now Recruiting

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by Taskforce, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Taskforce

    1. 600+ member outfit (Active 24/7)
    2. Multi Level Operations
    3. Founders are prior military ( Multiple real world deployments and tactical experience. )
    4. Platoon + size operations including unique individual squad class/vehicle builds
    5. No experience required! Outfit Leaders are happy to answer any questions or help new players. ( Our leadership is confident that we can help you grow in skill and gameplay so we do not require a minimum battle rank to join.)
    6. Teamwork and Tactical play style ( Teamwork is a must! )
    7. Mature Members 18+ Only ( Exceptions made only by outfit leaders)
    11. LUA Website/Forums
    "Conduct Coordinated Outfit Operations Utilizing Real Military Tactics"


    LUA typically runs multiple air cav squads providing air support for our ground forces. We utilize each type of aircraft to keep a full range of options in our operations. Usually our air squads consist of 2 mossy's per liberator in the air to provide proper CAS. Our outfit primarily supports the air mission for the TR on Genudine.


    Our infantry squads are made up of fast paced reaction forces or dedicated armor support to help us accomplish a variety of tasks,

    1. QRF or "Quick Reaction Force". It is a squad dedicated to Galaxy or Sunderer support operations. LUA helped achieve the server first "Triple Continent Lock" where our infantry maneuver squads were vital to the success of that accomplishment.
    2. We utilize maneuver squads often using a wide range of vehicles. We stay open to whatever is needed for the current situation


    -Welcome to LUA DEATHRACE 2012-



    Hope to see you in game, If you're interested in our outfit send me a message or friends request in game.


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  2. Fatlad

    Cheers LUA! :)
  3. Thermington

    Hi, I'm Thermington, I'm an LUA Officer and I made the outfit logo. I've been playing with LUA since beta and it's been awesome. I've played FPS my whole life but this is my first MMO, so it's cool to have found a cool group of people that are also great tacticians. The leaders in this group are very friendly and very skilled at leading the group to objectives while keeping the force together. On Genudine, TR have the lowest world population on this server, and we end up making massive impact on the continents, thanks to LUA. Being in this Outfit make this game so much more fun.
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  4. insane2170

    This outfit is the best TR outfit on Genudine.

    Out of all the outfits there they have the most respect for their members, the best advice, maturity above all without taking the game too serious, and have taught me more in 2 days than I have ever known about the game.

    LUA taught me to fly, to be an engineer, to be a heavy assault, to drive tanks and work with others towards a common goal. They accepted my friends without fuss, and all I had to do was ask if I could join.

    All I had to do to gain ranks in the outfit was to show that I was committed to playing in the group and then show initiative in wanting to take on squad leading even as a lowly recruit. All I had to do was ask to lead a squad for a while and I was immediately offered a chance.

    LUA even has special events like death racing where we form a massive gang of flash ATVs and drive madly across terrain to see who can get to the enemy warpgate. It was very different than the usual grind and for 30 mins gave everyone a well deserved break from the tedium. I can't wait to try that with the new buggies coming out soon.

    I get a very good feeling of being part of something bigger than myself in the LUA and can always count on a handful of players to do something as a squad within the platoon they have every day. Best of all I don't get bossed around...the guidance I need is a waypoint and the occasional vote where my opinion matters.
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  5. Hypermark

    When I first started this game, I was confused and couldn't keep a mos up for more than a minute. Now, I can lead a platoon to take over Amerish. It happened one fateful day when I randomly joined a squad and found myself asking to join LUA. A few days later, I volunteered to lead a platoon. My mission was to retake the top half of Indar. We didn't get a lot of resistance, but success is success. We've got a website under development that I plan to work with Gravestar and Thermington on. Even though the TR is under populated and a little under-powered, this outfit makes it all worth it.
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  6. Kazzran

    I don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said by the people above me, but I just want to show my support for this outfit. I started playing in early beta and wasn't part of any outfit. I just sort of lone wolfed it, and maybe occasionally joined a squad. I quit for a couple months. I come back after that time and find 2 new Continents with the GUI and menus changed. I joined a squad that was part of a platoon, and the organisation blew me away. Even though outfits were broken at the time, he managed to lead and organize a platoon. I jumped at the opportunity to join his outfit as soon as outfits were fixed, and am enjoying it every time I play.
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  7. Vashius

    Cant really beat a bunch of prior military running an outfit in a game that actually takes some tactical prowess.
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  8. Hinthus

    Hi, I was wondering how I could join up with you guys? It seems everyone here has learned how to fly a mossy and that's where I wanna end up XD I'm no pro player, but I do like to think of myself as a committed and easy-going player. Put me where you need me and I'm there. Point me at what needs killing, I'll do my best to make it dead or die trying. Tell me what needs taking, it's already yours. My character name is Hinthus, "Loyalty until Death, Strength in Unity!".
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  9. throne

    I don't even like this game. I only play because these guys are a lot of fun to play with and ******* hilarious.
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  10. insane2170

    You can ask any of the leaders to join. Try Cowboy, Gravestar or CaustiousPoke who are the most active recruitment officers. They will let you in right away. It's easier to send them a friend request and a tell message.
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  11. Taskforce

    Thanks for all the kind words! Glad LUA is having a substantial impact on our server and I am extremely happy this game is as good as it is. I have made some great friends and we have been super lucky with the sheer amount of quality players with team player as the main attribute.

    It's a pleasure guys and gals,

  12. MissVengeance

    So, I'm gunna just put my 2 pennies in right about here...

    I'm MissVengeance, one of the few ladies who run wild with the LUA guys. I was originally apart of another outfit (TVTA) before LUA asked us to join them. TVTA was small (maybe 8 people on a good day) and LUA was at 250 members when I first joined them. I was extremely frustrated with the merger and ended up having some "growing pains." If it wasn't for the understanding outfit leader (who personally took time to help me) and the other members of the outfit, I would have not stayed. They really have taught me a lot and they are a freaking blast to play with. Someone is always on but most importantly, they are well organized and they get better everyday. LUA is definitely worth checking out and don't let the "size" of the outfit matter.


    P.S. Being a woman who is prior military herself, I feel right at home with LUA. ;)
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  13. Shadowhunter1

    I joined LUA after My friends and I from TVTA decided that a small outfit will not gain us the XP nor the support we are looking for in the game. We made a unanimous decision. We all agreed to join LUA, and at first it was insane, so many people, constantly a full platoon, and running around with people who had direction. Changed the game for me, and turned it into a brand new game. I did not know that they had so many pilots and it blew my mind one day when i asked someone to cover me in my liberator, because I was / am still learning to fly, there were SO MANY LUA in the air i nearly crashed trying to see how many.

    I do not regret joining and I have actually tripled my XP gain since joining LUA. Everyone is definitely a good humor personality and will make any situation fun. Joining the PUG LUA groups and you can see for yourself.
  14. Llurendt

    Hallo! I was just wondering how one goes about joining LUA. My ingame is Llurendt. Thanks!
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  15. Taskforce

    Send a friends request to me ( Gravestar ) or Cowboy in game. We will get you setup and we look forward to seeing you in game.

    Message me if you have any issues,

  16. Chicken Wings

    As someone who has never been in LUA, but has played alongside them, I can vouch for their skill, tactics, and professionalism. Their excellence in the field of battle has proven time and again to be a force to be reckoned with. This, combined with an almost round-the-clock running of squads or platoons, should be proof positive that they are a top class outfit.

    That, and it's fun to have someone for COWS to work with. ;D

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  17. TwistedX

    <3 my Lua brosifs! even though you always pick on me!

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  18. Taskforce

    I appreciate the respect, see you on the battlefield.
  19. Taskforce

    Thanks Chicken for the kind words, I work extremely hard to build the respect that LUA truly deserves. It means a lot to have your support in that belief.

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  20. Digital Shark

    Word up my LUA homies. I was honestly thinking about transfering over myself for awhile. But I dont think I can bear to leave Chicken Wings behind. Either way, I always have a blast working with you guys. Ever need a Insane Medic or Ace Mossy Pilot. hit me up anytime boys. see you on the other side.
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