How is the game running now?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by TLAR, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Mansen

    While I can agree that there was a limited stress test, it is now quite clear that it was too late in development. Just think of the huge issues with the servers and server-wide rubber-banding.

    I lol'd.

    I've had 3 bad CS experiences so far. My client still crashes on close like it did 3 months ago.

    Today, I logged into two servers and the FPS was so low in each Warpgate, I couldn't move and so I logged off. In other words, a game I have plugged about $150 into and I can't play it. This lagging has been particularly bad the last 2 patches. Before that the game ran consistently well.

    Enemies still don't render at distance.

    The game warps like mad, including the minimap on Mattherson for the last 3 days.

    You guys botched up the weapons, specifically the falloff on rocket launchers in the last update.

    Populations are low and the game has become boring with very few gud fights happening regularly. Probably because most everyone is becoming as pissed off as I am.

    And I have been banned from the FB page for reporting bugs to the social media team, whose sole purpose seems to be to cheerlead stuff no one really cares about. (whoever handles your marketing is really, really bad at their job, this game feels like it has been mostly supported by word of mouth based on PS1)

    If you want a brand that matters to people, TAKE CARE OF THE SMALL DETAILS.

    And yeah, you're busy or behind or whatever. No offense, but you took my money. I am not really interested in excuses unless they come with refunds.
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  3. Carpathious

    Sorry to say that this is the 3rd worse release game for any MMO. SOE was so eager to get money for this project they jumped the gun and now we suffer for it. SOE thanks us for our patience but this shouldn't be happening on a released game. Especially when they half built the game. Why are we getting new weapons so quickly after release? What happened to all the other ideas such as RE-CERTIFICATION? Yeah, SOE gives us a trial ability but not on modifications. Another slap in the face if you ask me.

    Crashing still happens A LOT. It doesn't matter if your in a vehicle or not, it will happen and when you re-log in you are reset back to your main warp gate and your vehicle is now on cool down. It is almost as bad as Anarchy Online when it released (For those who never played AO, you had a game play ability of about 15 minutes before the game/servers crashed). SOE should be focusing on fixing the current issues instead of releasing stupid stuff like the horn.

    Most battles are extremely limited by view distance or by the invisible kills. If the enemy is out of distance or view distance is shortened due to people in the area, they can see you, you can't see them. You will literally see them disappear right in front of you.

    Server population is not limited and in some cases, 1 faction can have over 50% server population. But for the players of PS2, SOE laughs at us by giving us a resource/experiance bonus depending on server population. Yay, if I wasn't being spawn killed or locked in, I would love to get some of this so called bonus.

    A new trend of SOE is this warping or the server losing your location(Oops). What this does is either you can not repair/use a vehicle or you just go around the map as a ghost which nobody can see you and you can not see or do anything! In short, fubar.

    But don't worry, SOE is working on it....they are just not going to get it fixed in the next year. They will just release more broken content and laugh as people pay them for it.
  4. Mansen

    Your entire post reeks of subjective, infantile bile - and that quote is just golden.

    Oh the stories I could tell you. WoW had an average ping of 14 seconds during launch - or higher. Fourteen seconds.

    The old republic had warping and game breaking bugs that would make Planetside blush.

    Guild Wars had servers break for almost two weeks - half of the features were broken.

    Baseline - Shut up or at try to stay connected to this world.
  5. Carpathious

    Ha, you simple minded fool. I have played all of those and can tell you, yes PS2 is still 3rd in the worst release.

    Baseline - Sucking up to SOE will get you no where.
  6. Mansen

    Simpleminded is not two words, you fool.

    What? Considering how you've run out of valid arguments, I thought we might as well make this a pissing contest.
  7. Kitsune94

    Your both making Ad Hominem for pointless reasons. I get it that people are upset, they spent money and things aren't how they want. That's no reason to go off on a hissy fit.
  8. Mansen


    (You even linked to it - Silly Kitsune ;))
  9. Kitsune94

    Please forgive me, I've got about 40 terminals open across my monitors and work-spaces that I'm typing in atm. My browser is a terminal as well. I've corrected the typo per your request.
  10. Mansen

    None taken - I can sympathize with that excuse. (I have my share of monitors here on my desk too) :D
  11. Kitsune94

    Yea. hardly enough space. Soon I may not even have room to sleep with all the hardware and monitors everywhere.
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  12. Wombat


    Dev gives well reasoned, well thought out response to assure customers they're working on it.


    I love the forums.
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  13. ClusterBomb

    Just cause a couple of servers are full doesn't mean it reflects on the outcome of every server.
    SO far alot of servers have been having individual problems.
    You can't tell if all servers will run good at full just because a couple of servers were full.
    If they had put it into Open Beta, then alot of players would be more understandable to why there are these problems, but they released it instead.

    Planetside 2 can be a great game, it has an experience that can't be experienced anywhere else, MAG on PS3 was a great game that had very large battles of 256 players, but that had it's problems aswell. I do understand that an MMO of this size and calibre will have it's issue's, but I wish SoE did more to stop it from being released so soon.

    I do know that SoE have worked hard on this and still are, and have been fixing alot of the smaller in-game problems. But I do think next months BIg Update will help alot of us enjoy the game more.

    But it's annoying that I can only play the game when it's population is Low, and that they have designed the Game Engine in such a way that you need a Top End PC to play the game. Unless thye fix it they won't get the High Populations they want, and Most people don't have the PC required to play the game smoothly.
  14. iller

    Well.... 1 Month actually if they do the right thing finally and implement real GPU-offloading & Server-Side entity occlusion in their "Magical January" Patch that they keep saying will make a huge difference. (instead of only screwing around with Core/Mem tweaking like they've been doing)

    ....and honestly, it should. Look I'm on a really cra**y old Dual Core that isn't even intended to be Overclocked to begin with but I'll be getting 60FPS on ULTRA GRAPHICS "4" with no stuttering at all when there's only 2-5 other players nearby. So the game's client-side graphics engine IS optimized right now when it comes to effects, bases/particles, and Terrain especially.

    Way too many people with Quad Cores will argue against that b/c they're only getting ~40fps in similar situations but that's only because they haven't tweaked all the right Dials. But even if they fixed that, the real problem comes when dealing with the massive bottle-neck in general all-purpose dynamic-entity data (not just GPU stuff) all of our CPU's have to deal with when there's 50 or more players nearby and the server-client architecture expects our lousy older BottleNecks to process millions of pieces of data that we shouldn't even be AWARE of because those details are supposed to be "culled" by walls and terrain (but they aren't and it's giving Wallhackers a huge unnecessary advantage).

    ...but, Unfortunately; like any major impact-having change, there would be downsides or atleast Tradeoffs that would require extensive testing (and post-release live testing) to minimize their effects while keeping the Server responsive enough to handle really busy days. IOW: Upper-end users would lose some of their current advantages against lower end users and since they tend to make up the majority of Forum Regulars, the complaining would completely over-represent the actual results.

    Being able to turn off Bloom, Anispotropic, and all AntiAliasing would also result in some major gains... (I don't understand why they're so resistant to that Request.... Smedly keeps saying in these happy-glad-Hands Puff Piece interviews that they're going to design the game around customer requests.... well here's all your customers demanding that you let them turn this stuff off b/c they think it makes your pretty game both slow & UGLY to them ..... WHY AREN'T YOU ACKNOWLEDGING THEM??)

    That's true... but they're not giving DETAILS. All the well reasoned PR in the world is still just more empty promises when there's no details attached to it. IE: they can give their WhiteKnights a fish and feed them for a day, or they can teach everyone the details (like Valve does) and feed those whiteknighters forever.

    Just logged in again, FPS won't even show in the client. Still completely unplayable.

    And of course, I forgot to mention earlier, Leaderboard stats only work 25% of the time and today isn't one of those days.

    I don't understand why the game was launched like this. Some functionality is actually worse than Beta.

    Also, the guy above who is reflexively apologizing for SOE, he's trolling for argument to get this thread locked, as SOE uses flamewars as a reason to close down threads with real issues. Don't take the bait.

    Got FPS showing.


  17. AlfalphaCat

    Maybe you should have spent that 150 dollars on upgrading your PC to play this F2P game?
  18. CM32

    Its still pretty bad, and probably more-so for the med and low end guys, but hey, its kinda expected for the first months of a MMO right? (I still get bad dreams of the first days of WoW, its not funny)

    Only thing we can do is w8 for that big optimization patch.
  19. idkmanwhat

    As far as I'm concerned performance still needs drastic improvement and is only slightly better than beta. Considering the lack of actual details being given as to what the problem is, what they're doing, and what we can expect I'm not holding my breath for this patch to make a huge difference.
  20. SGTalon

    There is definitely an issue for people running with dual core processors. I had a huge lag issue when i was playing Battlefield Bad Company 2. Someone told me they heard there was in issue with dual core bottlenecking so i spend $100 and got a new AMD X4 64bit proc and a new motherboard. Best investment i ever made.

    I have 2 friends that get crappy performance and are working on getting upgrades. But the simple fact is, if you are rocking a 6yr old processor that works fine for World of Warcraft - a game that can run on a barebones netbook - or Planetside 1 (2003 game) you can't expect it to work for a cutting edge game. Does your system work fine for Black Ops 2? Are you over there complaining about the terrible performance on their forums?

    Simple fact is, if your computer doesn't meet the specs, you can't expect them to simplify their game to meet your system.

    It kinda ticks me off that so many people come on here and rage about how bad the game is yet there are tons of people like me with mid grade systems that the game runs great for.

    The idea that someone spent $150 on the FREE GAME instead of upgrading their computer just seems like terrible decision making. $150 would get you a top tier 4 core AMD proc, a new motherboard, and 8gb of DDR3 ram.