The Sudden Fragility of Lightnings

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BlackWolf, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. BlackWolf

    So far, I've lost two lightnings inside a half hour, both of which because I was run into by friendly tanks and sunderers. I don't know what it is, but suddenly my lightning cannot get its paint scratched without exploding. Is anyone else having this appear? Or have I been lucky so far and this is old hat now?

    On a semi-related note, the IRNV on the skygard is useless. Can't see anything at the heights aircraft are normally flying. Waste of certs.
  2. Flarestar

    Lightnings are obnoxiously fragile where vehicle to vehicle collisions are concerned. You should be getting instagibbed though. May be a bug.

    Also, why the crap would you put an IRNV on a Skyguard to begin with. It's not like aircraft don't stick out like a sore thumb at all times anyway. IRNV is what you use for shooting at ground targets.
  3. Seph Kurai

    Lightnings are fast so you should be easily avoiding vehicle collision. Also, t-bone going full speed by a sunderer going full speed and all that happened was I flew into the air, did a barrel roll, and landed fine.
  4. BlackWolf

    ...Cause I wanted to see what would happen, honestly.
  5. Deavonere

    Why did they put this then ? There is a huge amount of attachments and upgrades that simply does not do a thing. If you buy something it should at least give you some functionality.
  6. Compass

    Driving full speed at a Sunderer with my Prowler, who was driving full speed at me (60kph for both vehicles), I took probably 75% damage from the collision alone. If no one hits the brakes, I find it believable that a Lightning could get one-shot by a ram of all things <_<
  7. Iksniljiksul

    Always shoot any friendly that runs you off of the road for no reason. Anyone who feels they are so important that they push everyone else out of the way, or get in to front of your line of fire, make sure to TK them.
  8. Eduard K.


    And yes collision sucks.

    Signs, a pilot.
  9. SenEvason

    I was driving a Prowler when I was T-boned by a Lightning, and both of us exploded. Lightnings being weak I can understand, but a Prowler?
  10. DankFist

    If I know for a fact it wasn't an accident, I do. I also switch to HA and blow up careless tank drivers that decide they want to go up the mountain with all of our infantry squishing them as he goes.
  11. ent|ty

    Yep, I was chasing a Sunderer yesterday in my Prowler, I slammed about 10 rounds into its backside as it was driving away at full speed. It was returning fire with its default cannon and blew me up. I was bewildered as to how this happened, and how he lived long enough to go away. I guess all the big explosions and shells are just an illusion, and I wasn't hitting him at all or something, or some hax were happening. I managed to kill the single operator of the Sunderer when he got out to repair it, and finished it off with umm 2 rockets... amazing, the Invincible Sunderer.