Things that make you giggle like girl...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by PanzerGoddess, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. PanzerGoddess

    Dieing from own claymore...not sure how but it happened to me. The feeling of "hmmm, dont recall putting that there only to be standing close to it when an enemy goes by x_X

    Having a galaxy suicide his aircraft on you while you try to dodge those things a fkcn huge when they are trying to land on you rofl. Seem so small in the sky lol.....the question I should be really, why me, I was alone going for a jog "somewhere" lol mining my own business.....and then you came along....I could of came up with alot of other ways to die lol...that was not one of them.

    Trying to sneak into a building only to realize that some random class other than infy is running behind or along side you discharging every bullet they have screaming out loud everything he sees, and as you try to escape in another direction he continues to follow you.......when I am trying to sneak somewhere...well sneak is the key word o_O
  2. Enerzeal

    Nothing quite beats the claymore active turret hack trick.

    Find a bro in a turret going all guns blazing.

    Drop a claymore just a little back from him.

    Hack the turret and jump inside the moment you get it.

    Giggle as he turns to run away only to eat a face full of claymore.
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  3. Rigsta

    Mines. They never old. Pretty much any time I plant one in a cunning manner, forget about it but remain somewhere nearby, and later on hear a loud bang accomanied by the message "You killed Hapless McDead, Heavy Assault" I will at least grin.

    Or simply dropping a mine at my feet as I run away from someone who got the jump on me in CQ. It *almost* never fails. But my favourite has to be placing a mine on jump pad/elevator landing points and watching the inevitable unfold. Wheeeeeeeee *BOOM* "HRRRRKK!"
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  4. ShinyToyPaladin

    Yeah I love all the fun to be had by a well placed mine.

    Also love the HA's who stand still when aiming their rockets and guys who get on flashes only to stop while on it and take a look at their map :p
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  5. Exrage

    The jack-*** reaver pilot who rocket-pods an entire mountain to end your 30+ killstreak.

    The sniper you're trying to help teach how to sniper duel by allowing him one shot, shooting him in the arm, giving him 3 seconds to move and reposition before another shot, then head shotting him mid-run because you've memorized the direction he ran in and adjusted for strafe speed.

    Having an entire sunderer to yourself continue to respawn despite you mowing down a third or half of their forces before they get the chance to move around a rock.

    That same sunderer repositioning after 20 minutes behind an adjacent rock, with the frustrated now manning the two guns and shooting wildly around the hills your hiding behind trying to find you- but for some reason not sending a team in after you.

    Killing said team with a well placed claymore, then a grenade, then some quick knife-work while the medic tries rezzing his team.

    The inevitable pounding of a max suit's walk telling you that you've done your job right and someone is pissed.

    Walking up on an enemy sniper and falling victim to a well-placed bouncing betty/proximity mine that took some serious thought.

    Blowing up an idiot who puts theirs right next to them with a sniper round. Or a pistol- anything really.

    Someone calling you a bad word in /yell, then someone else defending you that's not in your faction.
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  6. Prince Planet

    One thing that made me laugh once I worked it out was... I was up in a hill with my trust bolt action. Looking through the 12x scope I could see an NC guy standing plain as day on the top of a base station. He was just standing there stationary...

    I drew a bead on him and fired. MISS... WHAT! Humm maybe bullet drop so I aimed higher. MISS... HUH! I spent the next few minutes raising and lowering my aim via the Mil Dots. I even started shooting other targets to see where I was hitting...

    After multiple shots I decided I'll have to get closer, so I headed off towards him. I moved in a bit and scoped up. Guess what?

    All of a sudden the turret in which he was sitting rendered. No wonder I wasn't hitting him! Bloody graphics!
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  7. Benevon

    Oh I hate that. After it happened a few times I just assume anybody standing so still near where a turret would be is IN a turret.
  8. vampwood

    Getting hackusations constantly usually does it for me.
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  9. Kalocin

    That just happened to me like half an hour ago...I was up top on an amp station hidden in a decent spot and kept taking shots at people trying to get in a plane...Some guy I kill repeatedly claims I was a hacker because he couldn't see me with his irnv scope (which makes sense considering I was hiding behind a big metal tube). The part that made me giggle was that some pilot actually found me and rocketspammed me to hell.

    What usually makes me giggle is when you pick off a random standing target in a crowd and everybody around them just starts freaking out and running all over in paranoia....It's like dropping something small into a pile of ants lol.
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  10. Lazaruz

    Shooting the enemy with their own base turrets never gets old. Especially tanks, you can put 3 shots into them before they realize what the hell is going on.
  11. Zinn

    Multikills with handgrenades after cloaking and going behind the enemy lines. Gets me every time.
  12. PanzerGoddess

    lol always a good laugh. Or going to an enemy base in the middle of no where, hacking all the terminals and watching the few enemy spawn looking around lol.

    Or hacking an air terminal and shooting out an enemy aircraft that decided to land for repairs....nothing better than a giggle.

    ....or the running along where you thought "no one would ever go here" only to find yourself on a kill message from a prox or bouncing betty....I usually just put my head down, laugh a little and wish for a murderous death for the person who put it there.
  13. PanzerGoddess

    speaking of a good one. Just last night, we took the few of us that was on and a few other infiltrators and proceed to hide at a base on indar while waiting the few minutes for an adjacent outpost to turn over. Here we are all hiding and out of no where this random MA shows up and proceeds to come hide with us....ok not a problem, were scattered around the base, have our clocks watched and wtf does this guy do...decides to start shooting at the damn wall making all sorts of noise, well by now the few enemy that was there I'm sure heard the only reasonable thing I could do was TK him after numerous times to tell him to **** and be does he he manages to respawn at our hiding sundy.....blow it and proceed to yell in local that there was five of us infys hiding within their now Im not sure I wanted to laugh or throw that guy of the cliff.....

    its hard enough trying to convince people the infy has a purpose and show them that we can cqc....and this is the type of shiit we have to deal with..
  14. vampwood

    Another good one is sniping an enemy proximity mine/bouncing betty and killing them with it as they plant it.
  15. Darlith

    Knifing snipers that are paying way too much attention to their scopes always makes me grin a bit.
  16. Lavalampe

    Not really an infiltrator story, but i like it.

    I'm one of the worst pilots on woodman so there was one situation where i laughed my butt off:
    Right after leaving the warpgate an enemy ESF was behind me and shot me down in seconds but i also got a kill cause my burning wreck felt on his ESF after he tried to dive below :D
  17. Syntera

    Finally managed to get to an enemy sunderer (non deployed, but one of 4 in the area) and hid underneath it, really happy with my new hiding spot with open view on the enemies..

    and I fall through the world...

    maybe giggled like a sad girl, but I still giggled. I am going to try it again though
  18. Hagnar

    When you aim at another Infi that's looking into your direction, then both shoot... and the other one dies. That's my favourite moment ..
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  19. Azrael67

    love to see the chaos that ensues when you drop a couple of the opposition in a massive zerg. happened to me last night where the engineer I winged jumped back in his heavy tank an proceeded to mow down 3 of his team mates trying to get a bead on me. He killed me in the end, but I was too busy laughing at him to run and hide
  20. Benevon

    I've seen that happen a lot, and have been the victim of it. Everyone gets trigger happy and dont realize who is standing in the way. Definitely much funnier to watch it than to be shot in the face by a teammate trying to get an enemy.