The only 2 problems that plague the NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hashi, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Hashi

    Warp gate balances.

    Camos. (especially giraffe)

    Go ahead and ask away on any of these two topics, anything you'd like to know I or someone else can probably answer. Anyone agree?
  2. Hashi

  3. TheBand1t

    Warpgates, yes. Especially on Indar and Esamir, less so on Amerish.

    Camos? Really? lol
  4. Hashi

    have you ever seen a giraffe camo'd VS ?
  5. Eduard K.

    Lol, so close yet so far.
  6. TheBand1t

    Yes, and I shoot them down the instant I see them because it's a painfully obvious camo.

    That and 9/10 they already have a giant red dorito over their head.
  7. Hashi

    Yeah... understandable and all but I'm talking about in a heavy firefight. It's plain and smiply easy during small raids but in bigger battles, they would definitely get some damage/a TK from me.
  8. Mootar

    The only problem that plagues me as NC is the fact half of our enemies are nearly invisible at night time, while the other half are completely invisible in the dark and we show up like a christmas tree.

    An IRNV scope shouldn't be a neccesity whenever its nightime, which by the way seems to last 4 x longer than daytime.
    It annoys the p155 outta me.
  9. ThreePi

    I've never personally had an issue with giraffe camo, but the difference between the different empires at night is staggering. NC definitely got the short end of the stick there.

    And the warp gate positioning is pretty significant too. That corner on Indar is just at a terrible disadvantage. Tarwich and Zurvan are practically indefensible for the NC. And trying to push out of there is a (literal) uphill battle.
  10. Kar98

    Don't forget idiot players :p. OP your signiture gif is also very distracting :/
  11. Banick

    Looks about right for NC to be honest. That is about as good as it gets on Briggs.

    The core issue is at play in two things. 1. Our weapons are not easy mode, so we miss out on; 2. Mass scrub players to form a zerg

    TR are easy mode, hence they usually have the largest force using the easiest weapons and practically cont lock everything.
  12. Trysaeder

    Giraffe camo causes as many teamkills as hesitations.