Why is my FPS so bad? (i5 3570k, gtx 670, 8gb ram)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by OptionalFTW, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. OptionalFTW

    When I'm in a normal situation its 60-90 which is fine, and where it should be. I understand that I'm limited by CPU when there's huge battles going on but holy christ.

    I'f im in a big battle by say one of those biodomes (forgot what they are called) My fps is like 25...Lowering my settings doesn't do jack. I tried lowering the rendering down to 0 and everything to low I gained like 5 fps lol wtf?

    My cpu is overclocked to 5 ghz, on a coolermaster heatsink, doesn't go over 68c on full load. My GPU doesn't even hit 50 degrees. Nothing in my computer is overheating and i'm on nvidias newest drivers.

    There must be something I can do.. the game can't be that horribly optimized..
  2. Fa7h3r

    how much do you try using some of the ultra settings that are around in the forums? I get smoother game play with ultra settings, and some things like shadow (low). Your setup seems to be a very good setup. I do have a 3770k no OC (just default) and xfire 6950 2G with very good performance overall, including big fights.
  3. Owen Fox

    Well, a lot of people who have worse CPU's than GPU's will find that editing so your useroptions.ini to ultra settings actually improves performance.
    So go into your planetside 2 folder, open the useroptions.ini, and replace the "Rendering" settings to this:
    I hope this helps.
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  4. RynoManiac

    I get the same FPS as you on a way ****tier system. I haven't bumped my stuff up to ultra yet, but I suppose I will at some point

    amd phenom x4 9600b (oc'd 2.62ghz)
    4 gb ram

    get 80-90fps everything on high out in the world, smaller engagements, large fights, in the 20's
  5. OptionalFTW

    I've tried the so-called ultra setting, but from what I've noticed, setting it to 5 defaults it back down to 1, the lighting and shadows looked really, really bad when i used that config =\
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  6. MaddBomber

    Yeah, don't use 5, use 4. It is very simple to test yourself. Put everything on high in game, and then adjust everything in your ini by 1 number.

    But, please don't tell the ultra 5 people this. If their game looks better because its called ultra, who are we to judge?

    I have similar spec to you, lowering shadows seemed to be nice. I play on ultra settings with high shadows and frame rate is acceptable in all areas.
  7. Alexlightning7

    Actually, use 5 for all but lightingquality and texturequality.
    And shadowquality.

    Lightingquality is strange.
    Setting it to 5 is default medium lighting, but also hugely increases the quality of reflections, making guns and surfaces look terrific.
    However, it also hugely decreases the intensity of the Ambient Occlusion, making it more subtle.

    but setting it to 2 is the in game high which makes the small object shadows and cloud shadows. also, AO is how it is originally.

    Shadow quality effects CPU, not GPU(don't ask) so I would set this on no higher then medium.

    also, ultra textures are texturequality=0, unlike the rest.

    Heres a guide I posted on the steam users forum

    Try all those. I garentee FPS.
    Also, if you want to, post your gains.
  8. werzinator

    The game is horribly optimized :)

    What resolution are you playing at?

    I'm playing at 1080p with all high settings, medium shadows, with an i5-2500K, 560ti 448 core, and 8 GB of RAM on a Samsung 830 SSD, and I'm getting the same framerates you are
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  9. Katana

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  10. OptionalFTW

    I'm playing at 1080p, also I'm on an SSD as well. Lots of room left on it, I even put rendering at 1.410000 or whatever for more AA (I didn't lose any FPS) Let's hope they optimize this game.. cuz playing in big battles at prime time when servers are full (4pm-11pm) is almost impossible..

    I mean wtf, this game is cpu heavy right? Then why isn't it utilizing all 4 of my cores?

    I barely hit 50% cpu usage in this game, and I've never seen my gtx 670 go over 950 mb of vram. At least the GPU load is at 90-99%. That's as optimized as you're gunna get for the gpu end.
  11. Irathi

    If you are running at 90-99% GPU load, you are being GPU bottlenecked. That being said you are getting horrific fps for those 90-99% and the results just seem really, really odd. I have a HD7950 which is approximately as fast, some games slower, some games a tad faster and with my FX-8320 at 4,530ghz I get CPU bound constantly. However I never drop below 40 fps even in the largest battles..

    I play at 1920x1080 all settings max except for shadows which is at the lowest. Render distance 100%.
  12. Mauller

  13. OvenTop

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  14. Mansen

    No it isn't. But you are of course entitled to your mislead belief.
  15. OptionalFTW

    What we need is physx to be enabled -_-

    I'm not the only nvidia user with terrible fps. it seems equivelant cards to the 6xx series on AMD's side are performing far, far better.

    I tried this "Ultra" config again and the game looks like garbage. =\
  16. B0bzor

    I just did the "ultra" settings in the guide and got a 15fps increase while getting better graphics.

    Thank you so much for posting this!
  17. lambs

    For me, I had to go under power options, and set my thing to use 100% of the cpu at all times, I got a nice FPS boost out of that. Almost exact same setup as you.