Time To Kill Too Quick

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Iksniljiksul, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Dralger

    The bulk of the issues you brought up would be solved by concurrently increasing ammo capacity for everyone when they raise TTK, its not the complicated...
  2. Gibgezr

    No, no, a thousand times no. I hate games where I have to empty two entire clips into someone to kill them.
  3. Littleman

    Actually, the alternative to simply buffing health values would be to lower the rate of fire of weaponry.
  4. Dralger

    I still think this is relevant to explain the resistance to raising TTK.
  5. smokemaker

    "Meanwhile, sniper rifles, grenades, bouncing betties and rocket launchers really shouldn't be one-shotting infantry...."

    Sniper rifles = a 50 cal. projectile to the head will completely turn your head into mist. Sniper rounds to the head should ALWAYS be a one hit kill. Go play BF3, and try some sniping to see what happens if you don't kill in the 1st shot to the head. Its a complete joke.

    Bouncing betties aka mines = I love my mines. I can only deploy 1 proximity mine at a time, what would be the point if it didnt kill you outright?

    rocket launchers = A big boom. A2G because there are thing on the ground to shoot. Move in a group. G2G launchers because there are tanks. If used on an infantryman..... boom... you should be instagib'ed.

    The dumbing down of FPS has gone on long enough. Grow a pair or find an easier game.
  6. Dralger

    Yes that works too and wouldn't need an increase in ammo capacity, many ways to accomplish this improvement!
  7. Gavyne

    You raise the ammo capacity, but you still have to balance the characters because those that die faster will still be at a disadvantage. See MAX vs Heavy Assault as an example. The ones with the best dps and best armor wins. It's a classic balance issue with MMO's where TTK is long, and people are always complaining about their dps and how they can't kill such & such. In MMO's you will have certain classes made to not be able to, in no circumstance, kill a certain class. Do you want to see that in this game where the devs say, ok, light assault will never be able to kill heavy assaults by design?
  8. Dralger

    I like how you can't realize that introducing OHK's to FPSes actually WAS the dumbing down you pretend to oppose.
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  9. Cowboyhomer

    They already have those games...go play them. I like the tension I feel from not knowing when i might die. To me the better player gets the first shot. The better player puts himself in that better position. You want bunny hopping and strafing....those games are out there.
  10. Dralger

    Yes but generally complaints over lacking DPS to kill certain types are in MMO's with crazy healer types. This game would not be anywhere near that bad.
  11. shamarama

    I must have an amazing LA carbine then (just the starter gun) because if I jetpack in behind an enemy and unload my gun up his poop chute he will be dead within a second.

    I think the 10-15 seconds mentioned in the OP is too long, but I do think current TTK is way too low. Sure it's satisfying to get behind people and laugh manically knowing they can do absolutely nothing about the death they're about to experience, but the flip-side is that when that happens to me I barely get the time to notice I'm being shot just before I die. If I'm *really* lucky I can move a few steps or jetpack, but by that point a single bullet will finish me off.

    Maybe it is old skool, and so not the way players want to play today, but I'd much rather prefer to have the opportunity to turn around and engage in a fire fight that came down to skill ... with my advantage for having got the drop on the enemy being the fact he is down to half-health rather than just that he's dead. As someone on this thread said, and I hadn't appreciated it before, maybe the sea change to such low TTK really is to allow less-skilled players to feel some sense of accomplishment for getting a kill - because higher TTKs will reward the more skilled players even if someone gets the drop on them and gets off their shots first.
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  12. Corezer

    TTK is too quick indeed. Individuals dont get that this is a massive game, not CoD

    There is no corner without eyes on it, no hall without a gun pointed down it, and no room without a grenade in the center.

    Claymores/betties/rocket AI damage/frags are out of control!

    Frags should do like 400-500 damage, a very big tactical advantage, but not a free kill.

    TTKs should be like .8 seconds or so via cutting back RoF. not only will this stress servers less but the game will cater better to the old style players with twitch skill taking precedence, while still being rewarding to the new age tactical player, being granted an advantage (after lag and reaction times are considdered) of about .3-.4 seconds, more than enough to create the feeling of pitched battles for them, while still leaving a point in keeping your hands on the keyboard and mouse for normal PC shooter gamers.

    And a quick note to "tactical" players: Longer TTK is actually more realistic. Remember, gun fights are won by quarter seconds and half seconds. The fight ending outright in .2 seconds goes against that real life saying.
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  13. Dralger

    Really? Care to suggest any good new shooters that play like that? Because I don't know of any new ones that don't follow the low TTK model.
  14. SirBurning

    Halo 4.
    Tribes Acend
  15. shamarama

    It is true that it takes some skill and awareness to get into those killer positions. A skillful player though would be able to do that AND aim better though, and so do well even if they were jumped if TTK allowed that.
    I'm not in favour of bunny hopping and all that, but my LA jetpack does give me the edge when it comes to getting in to those killer positions ... or adding a 3rd dimension in a full-frontal fire-fight.
  16. Gavyne

    Yeah I don't think anybody can really compare a military/war game to an old school fast action FPS game like Quake or Unreal. You just can't compare them since they offer different types of gameplay. People also forget these quake characters run at the same speed, so it came down to player skill over most of anything else. In a game like this, characters are not created equal, guns are not created equal. Tanks don't drive at the same speed or shoot the same exact cannons.

    I really liked Quake, but those old school games gave you characters & guns that were built equal, so it really came down to player skill and may the best player win. That's not how this game is designed.
  17. smokemaker

    1HK's have been in FPS sense the start. Doom, the 1st game i ever played against another person.... 1 Hk's and insta gibs on rocket hits....

    The dumbing down of FPS's started with deathcam... Any game mechanic that takes away the thinking from the player is bad...

    If i pop your brain pan and you die in 1 hit.... Its up to you to figure out where i was. So you can defend or retaliate. I don't see where this dumbs down anything. Please explain how one hit kills dumb down FPS's.
  18. SirBurning

    TTK is fine
    There are intens firefight.
    You dont die in a blink.
    And there is plenty of room for tactic's..
  19. Funguy

    You really have no diea what youre talking about.... Compare the pace/speed rather than 'ttk'

    in tribes most wepaons were one hit kill, same with quake and favoured twich shooting - pretty much i could rambo through the entire team with my leet super fast reaction. would you really like that?? i sure would

    ps2 doesnt need higher ttk but rather faster running/sprinting and more agility - you feel to clunky to maneuver hence you feel outgunned.
  20. shamarama

    It really should not need to be said, but here goes: games should borrow from reality not mimic it. We can change reality to make things better, not be a slave to the minutiae that we experience every day.
    If you're so keen on reality then just delete your character every time you die and start a new one. You accept that break from reality with glee I imagine, so open your eyes and spot the others.

    I am also against OSK from sniper rifles because they are unavoidable and there is absolutely nothing you can do to avoid them apart from never stand still, always run in a zig-zagging random motion, bunny hop at every opportunity, and a wide variety of movements that wouldn't look out of place in a Monty Python sketch. I am totally in favour of sniper shots being THE most powerful infantry weapon, and doing 99% damage ... because then snipers can work to pick off the wounded, or weaken front-lines, and even take out those who are too stupid to move once they've been hit once.
    But unstoppable, unavoidable, no-warning deaths are never a good idea in games ... IMHO of course.
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