NC Medic Composite Helmet

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by IHateMMOs, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. IHateMMOs

    Please redesign this helmet, it looks so lazy compared to the tr and vs one. I know that NC are supposed to be the ones that put their armor together with duct tape, but there's really no excuse for it looking exactly like the light assault one. Please add a mouth piece, a least the one from the Apex helmet, just don't make it the same as the light assault. The cloth looks perfect on the light assault, but not on the medic. Please remodel it.
  2. irishroy

    /sign or sigh
  3. Sturmhardt

    All NC helmets look like ****, they better make some new ones. And I dont wanna see any skulls :/
  4. Sobralense

    Trainee designer.
  5. IHateMMOs

    Lazy designer*
    • Up x 1
  6. Brusilov [TR]

    wtf? it's my favorite helmet!!! go buy another helmet!!

  7. Hashi

    man that was hard to read.
  8. Brusilov [TR]

    It's what T-Ray says, whenever anyone complains about art style and aesthetics of PS2.
    • Up x 2
  9. Hashi

    eventually we'll go buy all the helmets until he tells us to switch factions and buy their ones too
  10. IHateMMOs

    And were just going to sit back and take it up the ***?
  11. Hashi

  12. Ghoest

    Actually I bought it just because it doesnt have one of those ugly mouth pieces.

    I like it.

    Stop asking the devs to ruin stuff I have already paid for.
  13. MrMacaroli

    I actually bought the HA Illuminated Apex or w/e it was called because it looked like the CM one: without a bulldog mouthpiece that makes you look like an ugly dog. It's sleeker, and neat.

    Of course, these are all just matters of opinion but I think the combat medic's helmet remains the best out of the NC ones.
  14. IshanDeston

    Urm no. I love that helmet. They can give you another helmet to buy, if you don't like this one, but i very much like this. Actually i wish i could have it on all my Infantry and not just on LA and Medic.

  15. Dodgy Commando

    The part that covers the face takes on any camo you may be using, it's nice!
  16. MortarionX

    At least your default helmets don't make you look like geezer bikers :rolleyes:.
  17. IHateMMOs

    I would have to disagree, Tr helmets are very well designed and they're very different from one another, and fit the theme of the rounded armor quite nicely. The nc only has 2 original helmets, the infies and maxs, the LA's is exactly the same as medics, and the engies is exactly the same as the HA's. gg
  18. irishroy

    sad, but true....... ;)
  19. OperativeHD

  20. SmileyBomb

    The Illuminated Apex, albeit rounded out like a miner's helmet, is probably the best option available. It takes on much more camouflage than any other helmet types (especially for the medic, as it really thins out the glaring white forehead). Unlike the name suggests, it is not illuminated at all. Unfortunately, it is the most expensive version.