LA80 NERF = NC Nerf!!! THX

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by jackrandom, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. jackrandom

    I'm a little upset at this change for the fact that I bought an LA80 for reason of its bullet speed. Now that SOE has decided to change the bullet speed not only did I get something I didn't want but it was nerf to NC faction for anyone else who purchased this reason.

    All other factions start out with semi-auto rifles and NC gets the bolt driver which is a bolt action. After these changes I now have 2 bolt-action rifles which one is barely even better then the other, 550 bullet speed to 600 bullet speed. This means that we are limited to only a bolt action rifle which isn't even a real difference now and every other faction has the option to be more situational and switch from semi/bolt action.

    Why does SOE hate NC so much?
  2. Revanmug

    The LA80 was the only sniper that was simply superior to its TR/VS counterpart. Having a single sniper that is better than the other faction is pretty stupid considering the current sniper balance. If it can make you feel better, the LA80 is still a clear upgrade over the NC14 bolt driver.

    The Longshot sniper could be consider a clear upgrade over the LA80 depending on how widely use Nanoweave will be use after the latest Flak armor buff.

    I feel like I'll need to save those 6 line of text and copy paste it for the next few days with all those stupid thread.

    PS: If you need a semi, there is one for 100 certs which is nothing.
  3. Hellhammer

    I think if you asked both the TR and VS, they'd take a OSHS kill weapon, over a 2SHS kill weapon as their default "sniper" rifle.

    I guess we all covet what we don't have....
  4. Varamis

    You could argue apples and oranges here (apples being sniper rifles, and oranges being carbines) but imo i feel the TR and VS Carbines for the LA/Engi classes far outperform their NC equivalent. I'm not trying to be argumentative, just stating my opinion. I can see why the Dev's would want all snipers to be normalized, but I can understand the OP being bummed out about it. Not only did the sniper rifle he likely purchase with Station Cash get nerfed (LA80), but a new rifle none of us had any idea was coming out (Longshot) was added which is simply an upgrade nine times out of ten. They made his weapon inferior, and they made his now inferior weapon even worse at the same time. I'm glad I didn't spend 1000 certs or $7 on an LA80.

    Why have faction play styles when they don't apply to every class?
  5. Wobberjockey

    op: are you honestly proposing that SOE should leave potentially bugged items in the game in the future because players MAY have spent SC on it, and a smaller subset may have bought that item specifically BECAUSE it was bugged?

    because if you are i think you need to step back and think a bit here.
  6. jackrandom

    Not at all, there is many different ways that SOE could of handle this to make players not upset. Ex: Bumped up VS/TR snipers to 650 and made the new rifles 750. That would make the new rifles an upgrade and all factions would be happy and the new rifles would motivate us to be purchased because they are still an big upgrade.

    It's obvious now that the SOE didn't want that gun to have the bullet speed or they wanted to make it so people from NC would purchase there new cash grabs they implemented. All in all to say it's a bug is hard to compare since every faction has "unique" traits.
  7. Prince Planet

    So you're upset your weapon is now equal to those of the other factions. And the unfair advantage is gone?

    Oh I see. :confused:
  8. Revanmug

    Like you say, the balance about other type of weapons is a complete other story that I am not interest going into. Feel free to join the 21318273 threads about it. I am happy to know sniper rifle are actually BALANCE by being the same across the board and one faction doesn't have some stupid advantage because why not. I have the pleasure killing people with the knowledge the opposite faction do not have an advantage or disadvantage.

    I bought the alpha squad. The LA80 was part of it and it got nerf. So what? It's still part of the best sniper available to the NC considering the only big thing about the Longshot (being higher damage) doesn't nullified nanoweave as I was expecting. I also got the Longshot with certs because I know how to farm and I rather keep my station cash on customization. You know what? If people can't even notice how bad the slower chambering and full reload (incomplet reload difference is actually minimal) of the Longshot is compare to the LA80, they won't notice too much the lost of velocity.

    I'm seriously considering using the LA80 again once I got the auraxium medal because there is very little advantage to use the Longshot. That actually what's funny here. The real big changer was the higher damage which could have remove nanoweave out of the equation when using a bolt action. The damage is sadly too low compare to the damage degration over distance and you are still stuck with the same problem with possibly needing 2 shots to kill people.

    Bullet drop and enemy movement can be compensate for. Chambering and reload downtime cannot. What will you take?
    • Up x 1
  9. yama

    Sniping has nothing to do with empire play stiles. Ever since they introduced the additional sniper rifles for purchase SOE has made that very clear by always making sure those guns are on equal footing.

    Why? Because "Use gun on head" is a stupid, and easy enough mini game as is.. and they learned from beta days. You should be happy the OHK rifles you get are as good as they are... and the only price you pay is that the other guy can haz ze same gunz!
  10. Spartan 117

    I have probably earned the Auraxium medal 2 times over with the LA80. Since the most recent "nerf" I have noticed no decrease in effectiveness. Just saying.
  11. BrB Stove Exploded

    Not enough NC bought the Longshot because the L80 was so good.

    Step 1: Nerf L80

    Step2: Profit.

    SoE balancing games around $$$ since 1999.
    • Up x 2
  12. NCf00

    Getting headshots may be easy on static targets within 100-150m, however against a moving target it requires massively more skill to do so.
  13. vampwood

    There was no reason to use the Longshot over the LA80. The LA80 was just flat out better. Now that the LA80 is inline with the rest of the other faction snipers, it has a use!
  14. Voods

    .. dammit, I was having a tough time landing shots last night wonder if that was why.

    Regarding the nerf happy folks, you all have better weapons available than the other sides in one regard or another, QQ is unnecessary, but It is unending right?
  15. kgosser

    Abstracting away the bug: the Longshot is vastly superior anyways, so saying that the LA80 change nerfs the faction is short sighted. Get the Longshot and be happy.
  16. Neoxide

    It wasn't a nerf it was a fix. The LA80 had the quick reload time of a v10 and the high velocity of a longshot/parallex. It wasn't an NC nerf because all factions are meant to have equivalent counterparts as far as the sniper rifles go. Otherwise VS bolt actions wouldn't have bullet drop.

    Get a Longshot or stop crying about a minor velocity fix.
  17. jackrandom

    VS doesn't have the right to say balance in this thread, VS bolt actions do have bullet drop but it is just a hair compared to the other factions and in the sniping world bullet drop is all that matters.

    And yes we know that the trade off is damage drop at longer ranges. Which matters when exactly? With the current rendering issues in this game.

    So when is VS going to be brought in balance with TR/NC? From everything I've seen everyone wants all of us to be brought on par with each other so adjust VS.
  18. Ipecac

    Cool, I can post this here too:

    The relevant column is on the far right. Please note that this chart includes all bolt action rifles for each faction, including the short-range bolt action and the new super fast ones. You will kindly note that they are very similar across factions.
  19. ST4LK3R

    mad cuz bad?
  20. Neoxide

    Very similar = identical; 7.5 bullet drop on all bolt actions. OP doesn't know what he's talking about and justmaking up excuses to QQ