Why can't we get Tramell Ray Isaac as our 'VS Leader?'

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hamster, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. steverowland

    It could just be someone not youtube famous who plays this game...

    But well more then campaign for players this is just big advertisement blob to get as many new players... but why do they want VS to have all the noobs and kids :( Maybe so they balance our power and awesomeness xD
  2. Malchance

    I agree. Shoulda been T-Ray or Storm for VS, Higby for NC. TR can keep Biscuit; he's pretty much working for SOE at this point anyway.

    I'm just saying this though, Vanu.... If you're really this upset about Happy Wheels running your faction, well, there is friendly fire. You know how much us NC players love a good mutiny, so if you need any tips...
  3. SaaKhu

    ABSO****INGLUTELY Not is that Toby dude my leader.......TRAY i dont really wanna be rude.....BUT................
    1.This dude will drive the hawt chicks away !!
    2.He gotta show me his PS1 credentials
    3.You and Purrrffffect Kitty are mucho more photogenic than that crazy lookin dude,and i know you play and love the game.

    I rest my case.
  4. irishroy

    why can´t we get Ché Guevara as our leader?
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  5. TriumphOfMan

    Because T-Ray's black behind should be busy redesigning me a Prowler that doesn't look and perform like *** not jerking around with this PR stunt.
  6. Dixa

    Dave Chappelle should lead the Purple Drank Squad imo
  7. SvZ Owns

    LoL ^ that's Vs Leader hahahahahha
  8. pisu

    I for one am refusing to fight under this dimwit cloun and boycotting this whole enterprise.
    Think they would take the message if no Vanu shows for the fight ?
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  9. yama

  10. Sabzi

    I am VS, please no Toboscus or whoever is he.
    I would rather take anyone else, but if I would be to suggest someone than I would go with Cricken :D. Maybe we would lose, but we would have the most fun.
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  11. Squiffy101

    I agree with the OP. Who the hell is this "Toby"? I have trawled his channel looking for Planetside 2 videos and have found nothing. I have never even heard him mentioned before. Surely to qualify as a "Leader" he must have done some playing of the game? What are we going to find in the next battle for the Crown? "Can anyone tell me which key is to eject from my Flash please...this is your leader speaking....answer me!!!!!!"

    I've just watched some of his stuff and the guy is plain weird!

    I vote Level Cap...at least he came 6th in the pre-launch competition and he actively creates sensible videos whilst having a normal persons sense of humour...AND HE PLAYS VS.

    Start the revolution, destroy the pretender, Long live Level Cap!!!!!!!
  12. Pella

    Because Tramel doesn't have 1.5Million YT subscribers. Its all marketing.
  13. Brandmon

    NC choice ain't that better, but VS?

  14. GundamMerc

    Wow... people confusing pewdiepie and Tobuscus. Who could imagine? You guys are too full of yourselves. "Oh god, I've never heard of him but if he plays happy wheels I don't want him playing on my team!" Bunch of children. Then the other people who say "What does he think he is, skilled or something? What an ***." HE PLAYS GAMES, oh, i don't know, TO HAVE FUN. He could care less how well he does at something. God forbid someone had fun playing a video game.
  15. Goomba

    The only reason I've heard of pewd is because he's pro-**** and Tobi was on stage with Lana Kane and awkward as hell. Both just stellar role models, obviously.
  16. SneakyTaffer

    lol, I don't know who any of these people are. You're telling me they weren't just made up for this thing?
  17. Kleus

    We want anybody (competent) for gods sake. WHO THE **** IS TOBUSCUS?! Never even heard of em until that video. Give us MAGGIE!
  18. Lukor

    He's some dude from youtube who thinks he's funny. He's about as serious as a gamer as IJustine. And atleast she's hot..
  19. Squiffy101

    If we all take one shot at Tobuscus when we see him on the battlefield, none of our weapons will lock out and he might get the message LOL;)
  20. wowie

    I've heard of Seananners. I've heard of TB. But this guy? Uh...
    I can't find a PS2 video on his channel... or even a shooter video, for that matter. Never heard of him.
    I want an FPS vet, please, not this whoever-he-thinks-is we have now.

    This man stands in the way of our road to the FUTURE. I'm locking my vehicle if I ever see this ...n00b in-game.
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