(!) Not a way to treat European customers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostbitten, Dec 17, 2012.

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  1. irishroy

    So EU-guys don´t get the 3x SC promo?
  2. Cull58

    Any promo.
  3. MasterOhh

    I am so glad that I could avoid this PSG mess with my Beta account. Who had the brilliant idea to split the communities and serve one half all the goodies like double and tripple SC sales, while the other half only gets turd in buckets ?

    I can realy understand all the ppl who are pissed about this situation. I'd be, too, if I'd feel like a second class customer.
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  4. Cull58

    You know what else? People expect us to stay on our own forums. What where there is one staff member from psg and a bunch of volunteer support staff picked from the forum, where no players bother to use because all the support and all the devs operate on this forum. PSG is nothing. They are not involved in the games production whatsoever. Just a middle man for collecting money.
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  5. irishroy

    you mean, that EU´s won´t get any promo?

    if that is right,


  6. Kurreah

    If you look at the shop in-game, do you not have the 12 days of christmas offers?

    While I was lucky enough to be with SOE due to Beta, I have looked at the ProSiebenSat site and forums. They are extremely rudimentary and have far less activity and interaction, even taking into account the population difference.
  7. Dovahkiin

    Luckily I'm an EU player playing as a US player so not only do i get 3x SC on friday, But I also get is at a lower price due the currency conversion rate. :) Happy I joined the beta.
  8. Aelus

    Which he then goes into attempting to come to the SOE version due to a "lack of promotion". That then brings the issue I said in my last post. Since you EU are buttsad you come over and ruin the experience for some.
  9. Cull58

    Are you stupid?
    There is no SOE or PSG version of the game! They are all the same servers for everyone. The difference in SOE and PSG is account and billing based.
  10. ArcaneGuardian

    He is 100% mistaken. This is the situation. Pro7 users will not get any SOE promotion. Just like SOE users will not get any PRO7 promotion.

    EU promotions are run by PRO7, not SOE. (if and when they choose to do them, as they have to option of when to run a promotion - and have said they'll do it around EU holidays instead of US ones. Why would they have a thanksgiving/black friday promotion in the EU, they don't celebrate those as the US does)
  11. Cull58

    There are no PSG promotions.
    And i'm sorry, christmas is not a European holiday?
  12. Atheos1337

    I got my bills from soe london, do i get the 3+ sc? on the 21?
  13. Atheos1337

    Are u stupid? christmas is a eu holiday as well.
  14. Cull58

    I think you quoted the wrong person buddy.
  15. Atheos1337

    Sorry diden see the ? sign.
  16. Mansen

    That isn't SOE's fault/problem though. They are two entirely different companies. If "you" feel left out then your "beef" is with PSG, not SOE. They're just trying to run a business across continents - plenty of legalize to sort out as well as local economy. It really is easier (and cheaper for everyone) to have a registered company in the EU handle things, instead of opening one of their own.
  17. ArcaneGuardian

    Where did I say that? I said thanksgiving/black friday. Christmas has not come to pass yet, now has it? So there could still be a sale. But even then, they said "more in line with." They didn't say "We're going to do one at every EU holiday" did they? No.

    And since when are there no Pro7 promotions? They announced before PS2 launched that there would be promotions, but they would be at pro7's discretion, and that they would be more in-line with EU holidays. How long has the game been out? Not even a month?

    Oh lawd! the sky is falling! No promotions! Repent!
  18. Cull58

    They are representing SOE. SOE obviously has control of their own game. As such they should do something about this.
  19. Cull58

    The triple station cash is obviously a christmas promotion is it not?

    Ok buddy I just decided I am going to give you a million dollars. The timing of this will be at my discretion.
    The term is meaningless.
  20. Mansen

    That has nothing to do with holiday offers and such of any kind. You're starting to sound mighty "entitled" if I can say so myself.
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