Leaderboard not working?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by oste, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. oste

    Seems like the leaderboard is broken after the last restart.
    I only get some AAAAAAAAAAA with 0 0 ???

    looks like this

  2. oste

  3. LachDiggityDog

    Same thing is happening to me I'm on Briggs AU server
  4. Trignite

    Yep same here on briggs au already submitted a bug report. They probably broke it during the sever 'fixes' they did today
  5. kazumi

    Works when your in any zone except a warpgate. But it's only by zone, not the world.
  6. Maer

    Yep. Same for me. Hard to find the desire to play when I can't see how i'm competing.
  7. LachDiggityDog

    I cant view my leader board anywhere I wonder what's wrong with it??
  8. questarey

    not working for me either since saturday :( doesnt work anywhere, not just warpgates
  9. Mansen

    Yeah the TAB scoreboards are localized. For server/continent? wide scoreboards you press Escape and head to the scoreboard(profile?) screen.
  10. Twist

    Leaderboards are disabled for the moment, we'll turn them back on shortly.
  11. Saydian

    Any new when it will be fixed? Mine still does this since release.
  12. Bolderton

    The leaderboard isn't up due to the fact it clearly shows hackers are running and ruining the game. The end.
  13. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    No ETA yet mates but will definitely keep you posted.