Nerf them already

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Clutchbot, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Clutchbot

    [IMG] I was playing yesterday and captured this. I am utterly disgusted. How can the devs get away with this type of favouritism? I want my bloody money back. NERF THEM ALREADY.
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  2. Exaemo

    What the heck!?!?!?!?

    I've been abducted by aliens when I was young and this new feature of the magrider makes me relive those horrid memories!

    I will not stand for this! I refuse to play until this feature is removed.

    It is not only a shameful display of bad balancing on the part of the devs but insensitivity to alien abductees as well.

    Absolutely shocking...
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  3. witherstaff

    Lag will make all vehicles float.
  4. Scorch Draken

    Most likely a hack, bug, or lag
  5. Deschain

    Nope, thats Rival Combat Frame, guess our secrets out.
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  6. XRIST0

    Agree vanu need a nerf , its getting rediculous .

    Everything they have is more powerful than the rest of the factions , not even balanced .
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  7. oOCKYOo

    The magrider being 1 step away from flying ill agree on, but everything is pushing it.

    All the stats people have found in the game files show the guns work as intended and personally as a VS player I get my *** handed to me a good amount of times when in a situation that favours TR or NC (for example going CQC with TR doesnt work.) Find what your faction is good at and fight that way.

    Vanguards are hard as hell to kill when you put some certs into it, even with a magrider. Yes we have the saron anti tank secondary but its a specialized anti-tank weapon. You loose all means to counter air with that magrider. So... How do you kill it? Spawn a MBT!!! *back of the head slap* No! you get in a damn plane or get a plane to kill it.

    If what you say was true then why doesnt vanu own all the continents on the servers? I mean if we have 33% population for each faction on a server then they should dominate any force with equal numbers no? On woodman where we play indar is NC turf, Esamir is VS land and Amerish belong to TR. This is the case 90% of the time but each faction is able to take a different continent if they ditch their old one, but this never happens. NC love their troops, Vanu love their tanks, TR love their planes and everyone loves discounts.

    My point is that countless people have complained about balance from all sides yet it seems fine to the majority (those not complaining on the forums). You're screaming in a room full of people screaming at eachother, accusing one another of being too strong.

    PS. This should probly be under vehicle discussion OP.

  8. Exaemo

    I'm not saying they are aliens...but yeah they are totes aliens
  9. Clutchbot


    p.s Were trolling

    p.p.s Take your head out of your ***
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  10. Seph Kurai

    I agree each faction has it's advantages. I have a cert vanguard and I would have to be very drunk not to win 1v1 against any other tank. But I can't do anything to air. While my guns seem to be so-so to down right useless in long range/short range, I tend to dominate in mid range. While my snipers are absolutely useless(at least for me), who needs them anyways? I can get more kills camping with a double shotty max than any other faction with anything. I am an NC. Fear me in my favorable circumstances, and laugh in unfavorable.
  11. DeltaGun

    I love flying around in the magrider, taking out ESFs and Liberators, even Galaxies! No idea why I keep getting reported.
  12. Seph Kurai

    Explain yourself rather than being rude and obnoxious. Otherwise your statement is quite accurately reverted to yourself.
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  13. Clutchbot

    Were obviously trolling read all the previous comment first
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  14. Rago

    Give the Vanu max a Jetpack instead, and we agree to remove flying Magriders :p
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  15. Seph Kurai

    Read the the previous comments first then you could tell I was clearly speaking to oOCKYOo.
    Just because I didn't use reply doesn't make it any less obvious.
  16. Clutchbot

    Only if we can get rid of the aliens
    IT HUNTS ME.....!
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  17. Clutchbot

    My point about taking your head out of your *** still stand you stuck up *****
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  18. shadowkhat

    the sauron anti tank weapon... one of the single most OP weapons in the game... just as good against.... well everything and kills tanks near instant mag rider is still the only tank in the game that has dropped my vanguard shields before the time expired. but what i'd like to see nerfed first is air... mag riders may be op the sauron definstaly needs a serious nerf but air... is f'ing rediculous you never would have hovered in a liberator in ps1, you never would have hoverspammed rockets in ps1 leave the AA where it is and drop the armor of air by 1/4th make small changes don't make AA op so you just have to do the same BS all over again... small changes and not making AA more powerful making planes less.. and don't fix all your problems boosting the f'ing max's i don't know why you dev's have such a hard on for max's its still the best AA in the game and should be the worst.
  19. Clutchbot

    You ******* Have been trolled just give your self's up
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  20. Seph Kurai

    We are no longer talking to you at this point. Out of your stupidity and rudeness we've actually began talking about something useful. Something you can't accomplish at all it seems. You aren't hurting anyone's feelings. Give yourself up, and try again when you've reached puberty.