How is the Balance on your server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gromlac, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Gromlac

    On Sol Tech, the Terrans are owning all 3 continents despite equal population. Even when VS or NC pops are significantly higher, little ground can be made even though the zerg factor should far outweigh tactics or skill (NOT that the TR are better skilled, but that is what they will claim).

    Occasionally the VS will take Esamir (the least fun continent), but not hold it for long. Before I come right out and QQ all over the place about balance, I was wondering if the same observation could be made on other continents.
  2. Idono

    It's fairly even on Woodman. But then again the TR do suck donkey on Woodman. And i'm not kidding on how bad they are playing.

    Either way i find that the TR has by far the best positions on all 3 continents. There's no secret that the TR whined them self to the best spots during the beta.
  3. DeadlyShoe

    Helios: fights rage back and forth on Indar. Vanu usually dominates Esamir, and Amerish doesn't have enough pop to be sure.
  4. Yetii

    Over on Briggs everyone is usually at 33-35% at prime time. Some factions are just more organised than others...
  5. ShinyToyPaladin

    I play both SolTech (VS) and Jaegar (NC) TR seem to dominate on both servers >_>
  6. Brickwalker


    Vanu took a hiatus of some sorts,but now averge 29-32% along with NC.TR are the zerg of the server,sometimes topping at 40%
  7. Gromlac

    yea, the TR position on Indar is rediculously biased for sure. Even with all other things being equal The default holdings of the northern warpgate position grant 1/2 of the entire contient because the northern half seems to be much more easily defended. In my experience, it makes continent lock darn near impossible from the other 2 positions.
  8. Gobla

    Miller has the most Vanu by a decent amount, after that the TR followed some distance by the NC who are outnumbered most of the time on all continents. Two with 50%+ Vanu and one dominated by the TR.
  9. Aggh


    I love playing NC on Jaeger.
  10. m44v

    Eh... Jaeger seems balanced to me. It was always TR on Indar, VS in Esamir and NC in Amerish. Only after NC started going to Esamir things got a bit mixed up.
  11. Aggh

    I don't get how NC has 33% world pop and has single digit pop on two continents q.q
  12. MortarionX

    Connery was the shining example of population balance the first like 2-3 weeks after release. Most of the times pops within ~1-2% of each other. Heck TR barely even owned a continent at that time. Then the past two weeks, the NC and VS seem to have lost their steam. TR now consistently owns Indar and Amerish, for some odd reason the majority of TR avoid Esamir. What happened NC and VS?
  13. Fligsnurt

    matherson is fairly balanced, somewhat. NC cant do **** on Indar unless we have 5% or more above the other factions. But we regularly own Esamir when the VS aren't pushing us. And we regularly own Amerish, though the TR do their best to take it every so often, not sure what our obsession is with Amerish but I swear about 60% of our server pop is on there constantly.
  14. Brutus

    This majority of the time. About an hour ago it was VS 38%, TR 35% and NC 33%. That so far has been the biggest gaps in population I've seen on Briggs.
  15. Rokeugon

    mallory is starting to move into the **** zone now TR used to rule mallory with a 3-5% increase over the factions and maybe sometimes 13% or more but now its beginning to go into vanu , because everyone is learning that vanu have OP weapons heavy assault and engineer there leaving their factions and moving to vanu
  16. Blitzer

    This is just bs. Miller is definitely one of the best balanced servers as far as overall faction populations go.
  17. Grandmont

    On Mattherson it's pretty evenly balanced, but during the day when everyone is on the NC tend to get their butts kicked. Mattherson has a lot of really organized outfits, most notably the enclave and azure twilight, which makes for some really interesting battles. TR usually stick to dominating Indar, but the VS have, on many occasion, sent us back to warp.. probably with azure twilight's outfit leading the charge.

    The NC have somethingawful's goons but I'm not sure if they have any other major groups.. are the 666th devil dogs on mattherson?

    I don't think NC have ever conquered indar other than when they conquered all three continents at night while no one else was on, that's what they tend to do on this server.. you'll go to sleep, wake up, and now at least two continents are NC.

    Also noticing on this server that most people tend to stick to Indar, Esamir is NC land and Amerish is a ghost town.
  18. Gobla

    Eh, not my experience.

    Plenty of good fights to be had but eventually either the TR or VS zerg always seems to catch up and we have to disperse as there's no way to match those numbers.
  19. Gromlac

    I think they "tweaked" the VS and NC guns/damage but didnt put it in the patch notes...
  20. Katana

    kinda like 10 fat kids on one end of the seesaw to a skinny little runt on the other end. Yeah. As balanced as that.