Deranged teammates

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceWindu, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. SpaceWindu

    -People have been trying to run me off the road in my sunderer before I can deploy.

    -Had one teammate actually blow up my sunderer from inside his sunderer after mine took damage.

    -Medics are either absolutely clueless or more interested in XP (I believe it's the latter most of the time). I'll be yelling for heals, mashing the voice command, asking over proximity chat and they will sit there and stare at me until I drop dead, at which point they will try to revive me.

    -Teammates come up behind me and unload into the back of my head while I am crouched facing a corner's edge. Other times, they will run past me and straight into my lane of fire, often jumping around and hipfiring at my target.

    -Nobody wants to take the second or third rocket shot at a sunderer / tank because they want to get the kill. So the damn thing will just drive away while I reload.

    -Tanks fire haphazardly into infantry battles.

    -Griefers regularly drop C4 in spawn and detonate it then logout. I can't report them, for whatever reason.

    I almost want to suggest that friendly fire be reduced to 50%...? I think the current state of friendly fire is a little too realistic for F2P to handle
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  2. Littleman

    I honestly think FF should be reduced by 50% too. Reasoning? We built our shielding and armor to be the most resilient to our own weaponry. That's all I got : /

    I don't have too many FF incidents personally, mind you. I've been shot at by panicked friendlies before however. Whatever I'm doing that they single me out as an enemy and don't realize it until they're forced to reload (if I survive that initial barrage) I'd like to fix it so I can only worry about 2/3rds of the population trying to kill me, not 3/4ths.
  3. medbot544

    Not had a TK in quite sometime: if teamie decides to run infront of my vehicle...I slam on the break. If teamie leaps infront of my gun whilst I am spraying: I stop shooting. If I throw a grenade and it magically decides to bounce off an invisible wall and lands no where near my intended target area....ok...I can't really stop that. ;)

    No, the real maniacs I meet are the ones who love to mic spam and generally be annoying. Thankfully I found out you can mute em, at least for that play session.
  4. SinerAthin

    That's because the game encourages them to play that way.

    - People killing each other's sundies for extra EXP? Let every sunderer in the area gain shared EXP, and they might end up protecting each other.
    - Medics letting you die rather than just heal you? Give them the same EXP for % healing you as they would for ressing you.
    - People afraid to fire the last rocket at a Sunderer because they won't get a kill? Let everyone who contributed to the kill get the equal amount of kills/EXP.
    - People who are afraid to storm first into a base because they won't get any EXP when dead? Let the EXP be shared among the people who storm the base.
    - The Heavy not sacrificing himself to protect his fellow medic because of negative K/D? Make him lose a 'death' if the medic saves him.

    Heaven forbid we have a system that makes people forget they are individuals, but part of an actual army and team instead, and that their deaths mean nothing as long as their team wins!

    It is the game and its system itself that determines how the majority of the players will play the game.
    Most players will naturally play the way that is the most beneficial to themselves, and if that way is also the most beneficial to their team, they will then do their best for their team.
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  5. VKhaun

    The medic thing is iffy. I agree on the rest, but I don't judge medics unless they think it's TF2 and run around trying to out-heal people shooting the person they're healing. Some people like me prefer the class imply because it self heals and uses the assault rifle class of weapons. I'm not going to stop shooting and having fun fire fights because you need a top off. I'm just going to hit F and you're either smart enough to capitalize or you're not. If I can rez someone I will, but I'm not rezzing you two feet from spawn while I'm trying to keep the enemy off the spawn door....

    I know I'm writing stories here, but that's all you can do with medic. It's situational on top of situational on top of situational. So I don't judge them unless they are causing a problem.
  6. omega4

    It's not these gamers fault. They're simply taking advantage of the friendly fire system.

    If you're going to blame someone, blame the PS2 developers for enabling these griefers and teamkillers for their actions.

  7. lordprinceps

    -if its bigger than you, get out of the way
    -if its making lots of dakka, get out of the way.

    if everyone followed these two rules, TK would be non-existant
  8. Iksniljiksul

    Very soon Sunderes are going to award zero xps for spawns.
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  9. medbot544

    -if you give peds the right of way, you won't TK them; all it takes is to hold off on the gas for a second. It's really not that hard.
    -if you stop shooting like a spray N pray baddie and control your fire: you will become a MUCH better player overall plus you won't be fraggin yer buds so often. L2haveselfcontrol.

    If everyone followed this, TK would be non-existant.

    But I do agree with OP, really think TK dmg should be toned down. At very least lower vehicular DMG to others; last TK I did was simply cus the guy was on top of my tank and I tapped the forward button once....he died instantly lol. That makes no sense what so ever.
  10. AnnPerkins

    I'm slowly teaching the TR on Helios that there are more than two speeds to vehicles. "Stop" and "GOOOOOOOOOO!!!1!!!!11111!!one!!!!!!!!1". If you're moving near allies drive a little slower. Show a little caution
  11. Limabean

    You get shot in the back fine, but please make vehicles just push friendlies out of the way, instead of insta gib. Also make if fair, why dont enemies insta gib, a lot of times you have to reverse and finish the job.
  12. Nikushimi

    The solution is not to reduce or remove Friendly fire (its always been part of planetside). The correct solution is to increase to amount of grief points accumulated based on the value of the target and increase point gain successively for every hit within a short time frame. As it is right now you really have to go out of your way to weaponlock (the weaponlock should apply account wide to prevent alt hopping)

    However the system also needs to be addressed so certain events do not attribute points. ExampleA: A vehicle getting pushed into friendlies (does not matter if its occupied or not) it will give grief points to the owner rather than the person who pushed it. ExampleB: you overload a generator then countless morons decide to stand next to it until it blows.
  13. SpaceWindu

    thank you all for your comments, nice to see some folks agree.

    i think this is a very good idea. at the moment, i make way more certs when i lone wolf. i don't have to worry about covering anyone except myself, its easy to pick people off and leave the hard work to the zerg. somebody has to be the first person in the room, soaking up the bullets and being that guy sucks if you aren't rewarded for it.

    i think one of the biggest problems with planetside 2's xp system is that it caters to individualism - earn xp based on your achievements, customize your character and the game kind of 'expects' us to work with our teammates.

    i'd love to work with my teammates and use teamwork casually, just the basic stuff but more often i find myself viewing teammates as a nuisance or cannon fodder for me to get positioned properly.
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  14. Scorch Draken

    well, people that do friendly fire purposefully might as well just go to hardcore mode on COD and do it there so they can leave us alone. For the medics, well, it seems you chose the wrong team, because the NC medics always heal me, and not just let me die to revive me. I've rarely ran into anyone on my team that doesn't fire the second/third rocket to increase the tank damage, and I've not seen anyone drop the C4 in the spawn yet.

    By the sounds of things, your team is full of 10 year olds from COD BO and COD MW3
  15. Vashyo

    hahaha, I was killing a sundy with my vannie yesterday, then this liberator came. It patiently waited for me to deal damage to the sundy and just when it only had about 10%, he starts firing and kills it, lol. :D
  16. wolfva

    Wrong. It IS the gamer's fault. THEY make the conscious decision to behave in reprehensible ways to get their jollies. No one forces them to. We all have the choice to NOT engage in dishonorable, or *********, behavior. Many people don't. Some do, because they happen to be douches. No insult to the actual ****** product which, afterall, serves an important use. As opposed to those 'people' who delight in griefing others to boos their own sagging egos.

    Yesterday I sat in a spawn point, out of the way, to go grab a sandwich. Coming back, I saw I had just been killed by a team mate who went to the trouble of putting a MANA turret up just to kill me. Why? What logical reason was there to do that? None at all; just some dweeb acting out because he figured he could get away with it.
  17. Crashcouse144

    Problem with "If it's bigger than you" is then you get ******* guys in tanks who think they can run whoever they want off the road. The big tech plants are the worst. You just walk past a ramp and the guy will run over you in a prowler or sunderer.
  18. xBoneBreakerx

    my biggest problem regarding TK is when ppl run infront of me while im fireing (not before i fire but while i am acually fireing)
  19. Veri

    I had one MAX TK me when I was looking at the map.
    I don't think he realized that I saw where he was.

    A rocket to the face, LMG to kill and /report *playername* to finish off.
  20. Destructomonkey

    One time i yelled for a medic while right next to three medics.

    They ended up healing each other like it was some damn ********** for a good five seconds until i sprayed them to get their attention...

    My respect for other medics on the field is less than zero unless proven to be worthy of otherwise unfortunately