[Suggestion] Bring back warpgate rotations.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Highway_Star, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Highway_Star


    #1 Some continents aren't balanced, some warpgates have advantages over others.
    #2 It can be boring to fight in the same corner over and over, forever.

    Rotate factions/gates occasionally to freshen up the gameplay.
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  2. Wombat

    Yes, please.
  3. Rivenshield

    Right there with ya.
  4. Ixidron

    I like the idea I'm bored of fighting for the same spot.
  5. HeyPrivateMG

  6. DFDelta

    +1 from me.

    Might be nice to see the other end of the terrain as well.
  7. Sovietkoshka

    i too think that this is a great idea!
  8. Havoc11

    I agree 100%, i really miss this from BETA.

    Also, no more magriders sitting on the southern hill bombarding the crown for hours on end (Yay!)

    But.. Up comes the issue of persistent territory's... The only way i can think to make this work would be to rotate the Warpgates whenever a faction locks a continent, therefor the warpgates rotating will not effect the current state of the Hex's.
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  9. Sabzi

    If not this then something else should have been done already.
    As I don't have any and or better idea I fully support this.

    OFF: Havoc, FMA?
  10. DataLight

    #1 Some continents aren't balanced, some warpgates have advantages over others.

  11. Bulwarklion


    When a continent is locked, swap the warpgates somehow.
  12. AndreDoc

    Or rotate with every server restart, at least once a week...
  13. BunnyHillPro

    +1 absolutely. That was one of the greatest things in beta.
  14. Highway_Star

    Can you all give likes to the original post plz?
  15. Rivenshield

    Then the game turns into a wild dash from one end of the continent to another, if there's any active defense. Think about it. That would encourage the attackers to just bottle the defenders in their WG and farm them to death.

    No. We need sanctuaries. Little independent islands where we can mass and regroup and launch operations, with rotating warpgates to keep things fresh.

    Higby? Yo. We tried it your way. It's a freaking bust, much as the Gal-spawn was. What's it going to take?
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  16. Havoc11

    When the cont gets locked, everyone inside the warpgates would get redeployed and their vehicle cooldowns refreshed.


    Of course we need sanctuary's, but we don't have them, and wont anytime soon, so lets argue based on the metagame we have now.
  17. kill

  18. Fligsnurt

    Truth right here. Also I laughed so damn hard at that last line. FFS we need sancs and we need WG rotations, Im sick of getting pinned in the canyons by the VS from the west and the TR at the crown. We can't go anywhere and they just rain death onto our bases. lol
  19. Frizz

    Rotate warpgates on cont. lock.
  20. Dhart


    I was on Indar last night...Waterson and entered a Hex I had never seen before... and then there are others that I have seen far too much. Rotating the bases would be nice change that shouldn't be that difficult to implement.