Just Killed Another Rank 1 Out of Drop Pod...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. DaveyBlackheart

    Hey Spartan,
    New Recrut here, this happened to me today my first time out the pod i didnt know wth was goin on, then bam im dead... i laughed it off but it still kinda sucks, i agree about the having a quick training course before they drop you, it would come in handy, but after i played for a few min's i was totally hooked on this game its amazing, I apreciate your concern for us new recruts and thank you for voiceing your opinion on this subject, some ppl cant handle getting mauled like that first time out, and its nice to be able to take a few breaths before getting a head shot, lol but eh war is Hell right?
    any who
    thanks again
  2. Spider0804

    They are, it is called Titan...due 2014
  3. Gobla

    Ideally I'd say there'd be an entire scripted sequence purely with NPCs where you take over a small facility, switching to a Heavy Assault to take out a damage tank, getting into a AA gun to shoot down an ESF flying over, switching to a light assault to get behind an Engineer with turret covering a doorway etc. Heavily scripted to just give you a decent taste of the game and get to know the systems, not actually designed to kill you. If the player chooses they can just rush straight past it all, ignoring all the instruction prompts that should appear on the screen and straight up capture the facility.

    Then once you capture it the screen flashes and you suddenly find yourself inside your faction's warpgate in a holo-room, turns out the entire thing was fake and just basic training. Somewhere on the screen there's now a prompt directing you to the instant action option.

    But for now, as a quick fix, skip the scripted training and just drop new players in the warpgate with that prompt to the instant action option. They've got the choice between jumping straight in just like the current design but they can also tweak the setting and try out the controls first.
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  4. DailyFrankPeter

    Yours and my sense of humour must be a tad more wicked than the average person's (my friends didn't sound that happy when they dropped them for the 1st time).
  5. Sparru

    Actually, they have been working on this "project Titan" for many years, like 5+? Currently all of their best developers are in it. There's not much info about it except that it's completely new Intellectual property and that it's an MMO. There have also been rumors that it would be futuristic and a shooter, so an MMOFPS. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_(Blizzard_Entertainment_project)

    I wouldn't even call planetside 2 an MMOFPS because the MMO part is so weak. Surely we are arguing over semantics but mmo is more than just massively multiplayer online game. Just like a RPG is more than just roleplaying. I mean you could say that ps2 is an MMORPGFPS because we are playing the role of a certain soldier who is fighting for his empire and getting stronger but is it? No it isn't and just like that it's also hardly an MMO.

    First impression is vital for games that plan to keep players for a long time because that's how they get their income, not with box sales.. Just like in real life you judge everything within the very first minutes. If that first experience is horrible then they will just meh it and play something else. Only the fans who knew about planetside well before the release are kind of players who don't care about bad first experiences. Why? Because their first experience actually came well before that by reading alot about it, watching videos, possibly playing beta etc. They actually know what they are getting in with. Also players who were yearning for a game like this will most likely continue even with bad first impression. My friend just told me today that he had installed ps2 because I had talked about it with him. He said he died 2 times right from the start and then just quit. Now I know we can play it together and hopely he will see the real ps2 but if it weren't for me, I'm sure he would have quit forever.

    So to SOE, you better start improving the new player experience if you want to keep your game alive for long. The market might get harder soon.
  6. MaxDamage

    I think it was initially a brilliant idea. I'm still not sure it isn't. I agree it is super harsh, I could not help but feel guilty for shredding a new player. But I also find it incredibly hilarious.

    As for the guy saying this isn't an MMO, you are wrong and should feel dumb.
    Learn the difference between mmo and mmorpg. Planetside is, and remains, a genre unto itself.
  7. Tuco

    "Welcome to PS2"
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  8. ajappat

    Why did you remake character? As if you couldn't redeploy after you die? I'm confused.
  9. xxJackallxx

    This is something they need to fix...

    When you first start you should be placed at your warpgate not dropped into combat right off and with no choice on what class you are going as.
    When I created m characters I was dropped into fights that did not even involve my faction...that was fun,NOT,drop in surrounded by two enemy groups..die then respawn back at my warpgate to go where I want.

    Though I have to admit my best and funniest kill was in a drop pod.I found you can steer the drop pod as it is falling and saw an enemy Galaxy below me....steered the drop pod over it and landed square on top blowing it up and killing 3-4 people with it.That was fun.
  10. nella

    I killed some new guy like 5 times yesterday, he was trying everything to destroy generators at a bio lab. From nades, launchers, mana turrets to max lol. I tried explaining what to do, but he wouldn't read anything I wrote. Tutorial should've been in the game on launch.
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  11. Zerlu

    I like the opening, it gives the game some urgency, some excitement. That being said your first death should kick off the first tutorial, selecting your continent's appropriate warp gate and then showing you how the drop system works and stuff like that.
  12. Quake

    the best option any new player can do after making their character and dropping in is to : LOGOUT

    You will come back at the warpgate and can take your time and go from there. I also have killed my share of BR1's and it quite honestly sucks. You can tell the alts from the brand new player by the deer in the headlights look. You can almost sense the confusion and fear but you still gank em, just how it is.
  13. Xepha

    I have posted an idea that might also solve this issue...


    To those that don't want to click the link, I suggest that Allied Activity should be added to the map, just like Enemy Activity is.

    So, back to the topic. I posted a reply in that thread which relates to this...

    Thought about this more today and remembered how much I disliked the "tutorial". Add this feature to the map and instead of dropping new players to their doom, drop them into a "Allied Platoons Mobilised" area. "Your brothers in arms are mobilising, deploy on their position and bring glory to your empire!"
  14. Phrygen

    the principle of the matter. I wanted a fresh start, and its surprisingly easy to delete and remake a char.

    When i was learning to fly, as i found it quite difficult at first, i would just make a character, trial purchase rocket pods on the way down in the drop pod, go fly, get shot down, delete the charcter, remake the character, trial the rocket pods again go fly etc.... over and over again. Went through about 40-50 characters before I could stay alive long enough on my main to get another esf.

    Helped me learn a lot faster.
  15. ajappat

    You just seem obsessed about your KDR :rolleyes:
  16. wowie

    No, what he's doing is gaming the system to get infinite 30-minute trials. It has nothing to do with K/D. :)
  17. Rocksteady777

    The devs said they were going to add a better tutorial soon, so that might help. I was completely new to PS2 but I did pretty well on my first life because of Twitch.tv. Maybe Planetside should direct some new players there somehow?
  18. alecholman

    Im BR 23 and I always try to hit Libs while I'm drop podding in.
  19. mavix

    Eventually, I hope they add this after the quick tutorial video

    [Drop into Battle] (as it is now)
    [Go to Training base] (sent to warpgate or sanc to get some practice)
  20. ovakin

    I like the idea, but if I'm not wrong, scripted sequences are actually quite expensive, it cost SOE money yo! SOE's MONEY!