Want to waste time? Ride with an outfit.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. MexelVanMexelen

    Trick, imo, is to find the an outfit with the right balance. That's one reason I've stuck with Vanu - the 2 outfits I've played with in PS1 and PS2 were identical. Bunch of laid-back adults looking to have a good time and no 13 year olds telling us where to go and what to do. Still, ime, outfit play tends to be more sedate and less intense than soloing with the zerg. So I do both. Not hard, really.

    Edit: I think if I was to outfit with SkyeXile, I wouldn't find outfit play quite as sedate lol.
  2. Bloodmyth

    I love lone wolfing, I get good fights, I choose how I want to play and where I want to go, I can afk with no guilt, I'm the boss!!

    But I do miss running with a few friends laughing over silly things that happen via TS, sadly my gaming friends got bored of PS2 so I'm left to fend for myself, but joining an outfit of random ppl and being dragged around the map on cert farming, isn't for me.
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  3. }{ellKnight

    Our outfit actually avoids going with the zerg. Before I could start playing it my friend kept telling me that a difficult thing to do in Planetside 2 is finding a good fight. He was right.
  4. MexelVanMexelen

    The Zerg is where the good fights are. Either in the thick of the zerg or on the edges. Go to other places and you can't guarantee to find enemies. My PS2 outfit suffers from this a little bit - seems to feel they are "above" the zerg?
  5. HappyZaps

    Make a difference?

    There are no victory conditions in this game. Read that to yourself again. There is nothing to win or lose. We come back to life seconds after we get gunned down. We change the color of a piece of the map, and you can change it back minutes later. Even "taking" an entire continent amounts to changing the color of the border brush used to paint it on the map screen.

    In what way, exactly, and to whom does anything we do -- organized or otherwise -- "make a difference"? What game are you playing?
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  6. ALeviathan

    I'm 80% lone wolf, 20% in game squad. Briggs server.

    The big issue with the zerg is that it destroys everything, flips base and drives off before anything fixed or clearing out stragglers. 80% lone wolf as in I spend most of my time repairing and rooting out the stragglers after the zerg. The zerg gets their 2 - 4 certs, but I get a hell of a lot more defending and repairing after them. I've noticed of late a few more hang back now as they realize you get more certs doing that, than following the zerg drinking coffee watching them TK each other out of boredom. If 6 + guys hang back, everything is fixed, stragglers cleared out and you've caught the zerg up again just in time to get the capture points LOL.
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  7. MexelVanMexelen

    LOL indeed. I like the meta game of seeing how many surrounding hexes you can get cap XP from while the zerg sits and picks its nose in the main base they're capping.
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  8. }{ellKnight

    If there's an actual fight going at all and not just 20 tanks, 10 ESFs, 5 libs and 40 infantry spawn camping. That's the issue with zergs. Smaller scale battles have always been more fun, for me at least. You and a few clannies fighting a similar sized force over a base, coordinating, trying to take out their sundy, protect yours, take over the main point(s) etc.

    Zerg is doing more harm than good to the game. Massive battle... it's not a massive battle if all they do is farm the spawn room while the base is slowly capped with 0/X on all capture points :p

    I guess it's down to personal preference.
  9. Lorim

    This is about 80% what my outfit does on SolTech.
  10. ZenTao

    This is the stupidest post i have seen for weeks ...
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  11. Zer0range

    What OP wrote resonates with me, but I like being a squad leader sometimes so that I can put smoke on top of an ammo tower. Makes it look like a giant burning torch.
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  12. Cute-CandyPants

    i just join random squads and have fun that way,seems more fun than having a egotistic full of himself outfit leader that sits back doing nothing while he threatens he will boot you from the outfit because you was a second late in entering a sunderer,
    ,i, to that
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  13. ent|ty

    That's what I do normally - stay at a base after capping it, repairing, reinforcing it and attempting to defend it. I do a pretty good job until the inevitable zerg (probably led by an 'outfit') that just mows over the 3 of us defending.

    I've had fun both soloing, playing with a small random group, and with my outfit! I'm glad I don't see it the way the OP does; I've had good times being able to play this game in a variety of ways which of course keeps it nice and fresh for me changing things up and not feeling like I can only roll one way!
  15. ent|ty

    I'm sure you have, we all have.
    I'm just suggesting another option, because many on these forums offer "join an outfit" as though it is the default answer to anyone not pleased with the combat in the game.
  16. Highway_Star

    Ignore this guy, knows nothing about gaming other than "killstreak = chopper gunner".
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  17. Ghoest

    As some one who has lone wolfed it to BR 30 becauase im colorblind - I think im missing out on a lot of fun not being in organized squads.
  18. maximus

    Best way to xp is solo in a reaver watch th zerg as they sit in empty bases fly in at 25% left and get cap xo the go back to farming. and im BR51 reaver rocket pod spammer.
  19. Dibola

    I prefer being in an outfit....you make friends....then you go do stuff with friend when not working with the outfit.
  20. JonnyMonroe

    My outfit splits the zerg down into smaller groups to take multiple bases at once, but they still prioritise undefended bases. I tend to just lonewolf, it's more fun.