[Suggestion] Can I has a rope? (or walk through shields?)

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Xocolatl, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Xocolatl

    I find it kind of hard to infiltrate when you can't actually walk into a base. It would be nice if the utility slot can have something that allow you to scale the wall or walk through shields in order to reach vital areas of the enemy's base.
  2. Exrage

    Well a rope or the ability to scale most inclined surfaces and drop down from heights into a target area. I'm a former Marine scout/sniper, and the fact any reconnaissance based class runs around without the means to get into the most strategic points unseen is tactically mind-blowing. How many years in the future and we forgot the value of a good light-weight rope?
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  3. GenericSoldier

    Because mobility is the light assaults thing, infiltrator has invisibility, I'm not saying I wouldn't enjoy it but that's just not what the class is
  4. {joer

    Shield penetration would be very fun and not grossly overpowered based on how awful the current cloak is. Could be interesting.
  5. iller

    "you keep using that word.... I do not think it means what You think it means"
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  6. Takoita

    I suggest 'sticky movement' for scaling walls - like those Turbo'd Flashes were shown to do, but slower (and with longer cloak duration).
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  7. BigMcLargeHuge

    Mmm ninjas clanging up on the ceilings.
  8. Mibeshu

    I whole-heartedly agree with being able to walk through shields. I mean, the sunderer can so why can't the infiltrator? Maybe even use the EMP to temporarily disable a hole in the shield too would be nice.
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  9. OldMaster80

    I agree. Better EMP bombs is what we need: we have to jam vehicles weapons and disable shields with our EMP devices. This is something that we totally miss in the game.

    Tip of the day: press F while using the Infiltrator :p
  10. Exrage

    Yes troll, the ability go to invisible is what allows us to go from place to place by drawing less attention, but you're going to tell me draping a 250 foot nylon rope around your shoulder was taken out after how many failed attempts at scaling a wall or mountain ridge, or trying to get down from the top of something where the only assured thing is a swift death?
  11. Whiteagle

    Well I don't know about rappelling gear, but giving Infiltrators the ability to climb better would certainly be a plus...

    Perhaps an option that allows them to trade the ability to Cloak or opens an extra "hands-free" equipment slot so they can wall crawl.

    ...Hell, the TR Infiltrator already looks like Spiderman...
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  12. Rhumald

    it would be an upgrade called "climbing kit" and it'd sound like suction cups... people would be looking around like "where is it, WHERE IS IT?!?"
  13. Vikarius

    I know right. I am a former Space Marine...
    If I had a dime for how many people post on here claiming they are a Marine/former Marine/ scout sniper I would be rich enough to buy the rights to this game.
    The force is telling me high-school

    On topic:
    Rework nano armor cloaking, rename it to something like "reverse polarity generator"
    2 cert bubbles max
    1st allows us to walk through spawn shields while cloak is active (wed still be taking damage over time being in there anyway)

    give us some of the old PS1 style weaponless cloaking vehicles which brings me to 2nd cert bubble
    2nd allows cloaked vehicles we are driving to bypass vehicle block shields
  14. VKhaun

    C'mon guys, it's a game not real life. Limitations are there to create gameplay. In this case, they don't want any idiot walking through the force fields or why bother? There are specific ways to get in. LA is one, the sunderer is the other.

    Nothing says you can't roll through with a sunderer and hop out, stealth, and run around the sunderer (so you're on the opposite side of people who saw you get out) and go about your sneaky business while the poor sods you brought in with you get cut to pieces in the middle of the area. :D
  15. Exrage

    Battle roster number BJB0847. I've got a feeling you have no idea what that is or what it stands for "space marine", sufficed to say if you're wanting me to calculate the trigonometric values for calculated bullet drop on a round of any caliber or grain-count of your choice off the top of my head feel free to challenge me punk. Hell, I'll even give you an easier task like googling the word "Fallujah" and leave it at that.

    Until then, grant an old sniper his rope or some kind of equivalent as I'm not sure why a vertical surface should defeat such a simple concept in the sniper world as "elevation is king."
  16. GenericSoldier


    Definition one

    A space marine is a fictional super-soldier from the warhammer 40k series. What did you think it was? A marine is spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace, seriously though, that would be awesome.
  17. iller

    Definition 1> "not visible; not perceptible by the eye:"

    Exactly my point. My eyes can see them clear as day, even at night. Almost everyone can. ...well, everyone who's running with "GraphicsQuality=2" or higher in their useroptions.ini.... (which by the way, has no impact on Framerate like Multithread support, Anti-Aliasing, Anisotropic, Shadows,& RenderDistance all do).
  18. TribbleFluffer

    Ninja CLimbing Hooks, Grappler, Shield Buster, magnetic climbing gloves/knee pads....somthing like that certainly would be useful for the infils
  19. Faithwolf

    If I had a dime for everyone who felt the need to be a ***** on forums I'd be friggin rich n all.

    I have no idea if he is or isnt military, but I am an adult with respect. and If he served he deserves your respect too. so ill hedge my bets and simply NOT be a dick instead.

    on topic, I like the idea of this. not ropes though. as previously mentioned that sort of gameplay is LA's arena.. (as much as I'd LOVE a rope, would open up some sick sniper spots) - However a shield diffuser perhaps in place of our infiltration tool would be great.

    infact, a different tool. fire it @ a field... it creates a mansize doorway for 30 seconds.

    this would give infiltrators a great use in squadplay as they would be able to open doors for their team, hack terminals.. it would add alot of utility to the class.
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  20. loveundermytail