Saron HBR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by justin, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. justin

    Given that pretty much everything in this game is normalized within the factions besides the magrider, can we at least for nc/tr have a similar gunner weapon? There's no comparison; the Saron is by far the best top gun for a tank...a good gunner can engage air and tanks extremely efficiently with it. Not to mention you can snipe flashes across the map. Give the NC/TR some coil gun equivalent or something.

    I'd understand if this was ps1 and the magrider was also the squishiest mbt by far/did the least overall damage but its not.
  2. MexelVanMexelen

    We'll give up the Saron HRB once the TR give up the Carv, deal?
  3. MNO

    So it's okay if it's underpowered but god forbid it has a toy that you don't.

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  4. Nyscha

    It has it because its a squishy bug that cannot turn the main gun compared to the other tanks, so its a unique VS perk.
  5. SixVoltSamurai

    Wait what? The mag is underpowered? When did this happen, or do you just charge into fights not taking advantage of the Mag's abilities? Mag is the most maneuverable tank in the game with the best long range capabilities of any MBT, and the easiest and best secondary AV weapon. Stop implying that it's under powered because you can't just faceroll and might have to think how to engage. It's at a tie for best MBT with the Vanguard, if the Vanguard didn't have I win shields, the Mag would win hands down.

    Coming from Vanu, that's quite funny and oddly ironic. Please, tell us how the Carv is so much better than VS weapons, we would love to hear it.

    On Topic:
    NC has a Saron-esque AV weapon already, it just has half the velocity, it used to lock on which was instant win in most engagements, now it just flies slow and straight could use a velocity buff, but it's only a secondary weapon *cough*. The Vulcan is a fantastic up close weapon, but has the range similar to a person with muscular dystrophy throwing a tennis ball. Variety is the spice of life, the Saron is perfectly in line with how the Mag can be used to it's strengths and can cause devastating damage from any range, it is the unequivocal best secondary in all around use, there's no doubt about that, on a tank that has some of the best movement in the game. It's a nice combo, hardly OP, and so not UP. Mag has it's disadvantages, few of them, but it has them.. have to play to those or you will likely lose.

    This doesn't mean every MBT needs the same thing, I think the balance is almost good right now except a few little tidbits with the Vulcan and the Enforcer that could be changed just slightly to make them perform more consistently outside of point blank range. Enforcer could maybe use wire guidance, something that doesn't equal lock on fire and forget, but gives that slow moving ROCKET a chance to hit more accurately depending on the gunner and trades off firing speed for best chance of accuracy. Vulcan could just use less bullet drop making it able to be fired semi accurately at ranges over 50m.
  6. Phrygen

    carv was nerfed to the ground.

    Hand over the lazar
  7. MNO

    When did I ever say it's currently underpowered? Not going to bother replying to you more than this if you can't handle reading.

    Also, people can ***** and whine about vanu all they want, no one thought they were OP when TR were drilling everyone into the ground. And not long before that, Vanu were the most gimped faction in the game.

    Bandwagon bandits.
  8. Tarrick

    You should read the posts that you're replying to more carefully. He did not say, imply, or infer that the Magrider was currently underpowered. The person to which he was replying implied that the Magrider should only have the Saron HRB if the rest of the tank was worthless.
  9. NoobAbuser

    Wait.... wut?

    It has a terrible elevation angle, absolutely useless against any air unless they're 10 feet off the ground.

    Its a good weapon, I will give you that, but 95% of my gunners that hop into my magrider can't hit jack squat with it, mind you its also pretty useless against infantry.
  10. brennon

    Carv's combat stats weren't touched in the patch, moron.
  11. Phrygen

    actually they were apparently, ghost nerfed from what i head on buzzcut's stream. I believe it was the CoF.

    And even if it wasn't touched, the equip time is hilariously stupid. It makes absolutely no sense. It should have just been a stats nerf instead of that nonsense.

    And this is from an NC who isn't playing cause the Reaver got nerfed/bugged
  12. Phrygen

    Then your gunners suck. Its the best secondary tank weapon by miles.
  13. lncabin

    HRB has no usefulness against infantry. It can not aim lower than 0 degrees and anything higher than around 20 degrees. If someone specs out their mag to be a tank killer and they own your tank then good. But they are not all around killers and mags easily die to infantry flanking.
  14. Freyar

    It's a good anti-armor, and an okay anti-infantry tool. Using it against air is rough due to pitch limitations.

    I don't know if I find it OP, since it hasn't helped tremendously yet in armor fights.
  15. MikeDK

    Seeing as you probably never used it, you don't have a ******* clue do ya. It's good, but it's not the zomg can hit all ultra 100% accuracy hit that you whiners make it out to be.
  16. ForceM

    Everything with Saron in its name seems to be OP...

    The Saron laser on the scythe is the best weapon any aircraft has, the HRB same thing for vehicles,

    I can kill TR Sundies in my ESF but Vanu outdamage me... Funny stuff!

    Also the Magrider is awesome. I tried it and the only reason i prefer the Vanguard is that i brefer Turret over strafing because i am a really good WoT veteran tanker.
  17. justin

    gotta love the idiocy of some people

    just gonna leave this here..

    A good gunner can tear stuff up with it; the delay requires some getting used to. Although it can't nessisarily hit air directly above you, you can hit aircraft that are further away from or low flying air. And when you do connect, it chunks - like half of an esfs hp.

    Yeah, it's pretty piss poor against infantry but so are other dedicated AV gunner weapons.

    Look, i'm not here to call out that its op or anything, because its really not that op in terms of damage output; it's a fun gun and I hope they don't change it...but its flexability leaves the other factions desiring for something to compensate.

    Hate to break it to you, but the vs were never underpowered...not even in the was all baseless qq; vs actually had the fastest killing infantry guns. don't believe me? try to find a beta weapon spreadsheet if you can.

    and really, scythe in beta? are you nuts? that thing was retaaaaaarded strong. at least really early on when i played.
  18. Dixa

    you can have the hrb on vanguards when magriders can get the vanguard shield
  19. Phrygen

    Used it plenty, any who doesn't do well with is inexperienced with it.

    Let me break it down for you, its crazy good as anti armor. Then you put a anti infantry on the main gun, and now your tank is good at both. The saron is almost as good due to the speed of the round and the close to main gun damage, as the normal mbt attack on an armor. Hell, whatever you do, you will do will with the saron against anti air, and you can decimate low flyers with it. And if you aren't terrible, you can get some infantry kills by aiming at the feet.
  20. Mafarett

    Orion is better, so what are you complaining about?
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