[Suggestion] Fight the Zerg - Faction Balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gortha, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Gortha

    Hey All, Hey SoE,

    i would like to see some kind of maximum percentual population a faction can have on a continent.
    Let´s say 40% or 45% Max Populatiojn a Faction may have on a continent - is this maximum Pop reached,
    no new player of that faction can warp over to the specific continent.

    This would stop the Zerging we see all day. Players hop in masses to one Continent, to lock the continent.
    This leads to imbalances of 60+% Popoulation of one faction on the continent.

    It think as long as there are not more new coninents, this could help against massive Zerging.
    When new continents are ingame and more command features to lead the players the maximum population limit could be redone.

  2. Garrix

    I think there is a default population on each continent, the problem is that since it's a percentage, if you start with 30%, but nearly all of the opposing faction leaves, you can end up with 60+%, with no more than an actual 30% of the population. I do think they should lock it when it starts overflowing like that, but the issue then becomes what do you do with the players who were already there, over 40%.
  3. Gortha

    They can stay. Only no new arrivals possible.
  4. Gortha

    Please SoE!
  5. SenEvason

    It's already locked at 60% of the faction's max world population.
  6. Gortha

    Well, 60% is way too high IMHO...
  7. Morrow

    So all 3 conts remain constant 3 ways and no 1 can take one because they cant get the pop there..... awesome idea.
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  8. 13lackCats

    Use of the word "zerg" indicates a misunderstanding of actual game mechanics. There is no reason to read beyond the word "zerg", unless one is looking for an adolescent's view of the game.

    I sincerely recommend that you call it something that will motivate you to build countermeasures in the game that you own, instead of blaming the game for your enemy's willingness (and ability) to form a unit capable of achieving victories.
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  9. lsp1

    No, limitations are not the way, more havoc and chaos=more fun.
  10. cruczi

    Instead of limiting the representation of a faction by hard coding it, there should be a reward system in place to encourage people to play in servers, continents and regions underrepresented by their own faction. I think the best way to achieve this would be to make the XP per player from each capture inversely proportional to the number of players capturing, weighed by the time spent in the region. This would not only result in fewer crowded and empty regions, but also in more balanced continental populations.
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  11. NewSith

    Do you frigging seriously want to remove any continental conquest at all? Something we all barely managed to plead out of the devs?
  12. cruczi

    Isn't continental conquest supposed to be based not on overwhelming the enemy with superior numbers, but on the rewards that controlling regions gives your faction? You know, resources, boosts, etc... Controlling regions and capturing regions is what's supposed to make one faction rule over another, not numbers of players. If need be, the bonuses from region control could be heavily increased.
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  13. Lord Byte

    I personally think self-policing is best. Make the XP bonus continent-based (so you have a reason to stay and fight outnumbered), and at least provide a resource-trickle from other continents so the people who have to break out of their warp-gate CAN actually do just that.
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  14. NewSith

    Yes, if a game allows one side to win over the other without zerging the crap out of it.

    PlanetSide 2 is not that kind of game.
  15. cruczi

    Well, it should be.
  16. NewSith

    Devs don't want that.

    And many people don't want that apparenty, because everyone thinks that creating defensible designs will hurt the game, because "it's creating perfect conditions for farming". Farming, my ***, aren't Rocketpod-loaded ESFs doing the very same thing right now? Or tanks? Or people surrounding spawnrooms and killing everything that comes out?

  17. Gortha

    Boy, 45% Is not 33%. *rolleyes*
  18. Gortha

    That´s a good solution too.
    I like it. A combination of both would be awesome.

    But a Camp of 60% is just imbalanced.