VS Connery Population is dead

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Superdano, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. BaneofLife

  2. CaptainCthulhu

    I've been on all day and haven't seen this.

    Right now it's
    VS 27%
    TR 36%
    NC 37%

    To be honest, I haven't seen VS get over 30% in two days now. Certainly not balanced.
  3. Merdur

    Everytime i get on VS have 35%+ pop so do TR and NC have 25-29%
  4. GraphicJ

    Yeah, Esmair on Connery is almost always drenched by the Vanu. What is it that snow attracts the VS so much? Come back to Indar. We promise we won't bite...... much.
  5. CaptainCthulhu

    You should pay more attention to world pop. It makes no sense for the least populous faction to attack the most populous faction on any given world. It becomes a huge time synch and accomplishes very little, and you leave your own continent open to attack.

    Given that VS consistently have roughly 5-10% less players than the other factions, it makes sense for them to try holding a continent because they know PS2 is a game about logistics and taking the path of least resistance.
  6. Bill Hicks

    looks like alot of NC were tired of being the lowest pop on every other server so they all crowded this server
  7. mareign

    I can do the same on my NC character. People who complain about the guns are just bad. None of them are different enough to use as an excuse for failing.
  8. RoosterNE

    Connery @ 17:00 Pacific Time
    VS - 27%
    TR - 37%
    NC - 36%
  9. Krytical

    The problem with the VS on Connery is that they are always hanging out in Esamir making up 60% of the population of that continent instead of spreading out evenly through the other continents like the NC and TR. What happens then is that no one wants to fight a massive magrider zerg and Esamir turns into a ghost town, thus the VS get bored from running around capping empty bases.

    It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. VS doesn't have anyone to fight on Esamir, and gets gate camped on the other two continents. I couldn't play like that either.
  10. Thades

    That's a laugh. TR almost never has anyone on any continent but Indar. I go to Esamir because most of the time it's at least a 40% NC vs 40% VS ratio. To even stay even with NC on Esamir we need pretty much all of our players. I really hate Esamir, too.
  11. Krytical

    TR usually has an even split on both Indar and Amerish. Most of the time Esamir is nothing but VS. Right now it's 43% there, followed by NC's 33%. Last night Esamir was 62% VS.

    Get off Esamir and VS might able to get out of the gate in other continents. VS feels outnumbered in 2/3 continents because they have the majority of their population tied to one continent.
  12. Choggo

    I play NC, and I hate this server, while NC always seem to have good numbers, from what I can tell, I think 75% of the NC play during the day and quit around 7pm...Each night I log in, the NC tend to have 1-2 Cont locks...by the time I log off around midnight, we are generally being curb stomped on all but maybe Amerish.
    I only started NC at release, but I've been trying to figure out why the NC seem so horribly organized on Connery, while every faction has their lone wolves, the NC just seem to have a much worse case of it. NC on other servers, I would love to hear your comments, please tell me the grass is greener on other servers, I'm praying they release server transfers soon to get off this rock.

    Based on my observations since launch, not sure if this applies to other servers as well, but on Connery, TR love Indar, VS love Easmir, and NC move Amerish
  13. Ryko Nailo

    Yes the Vanu pop has been dropping but hey it dropped on Markov too and what Vanu there was just became a friendly group of highly skilled killers. Already I'm seeing many familiar names in the fight and plenty of bonding in general. I fully expect with time we will hone our skills to match just as it did in times past.

    That said VS on Connery has an utterly massive Japanese zerg, and a 3 am zerg that size sweeps the land almost uncontested save for sometimes the RT outfit on TR has the numbers to fight back at that time, NC tends to get rolled then due to no late night presence. P.S. To the Japanese guy who sings for 6 hours straight on proxy chat, you are awesome.

    Except on Amerish, that map just plain stinks for Vanu with its miles of canyon near the gate and a far far away tech plant that's practically defenseless to any TR attack. Maybe if there was a tunnel to go from the gate to the bases easier but as is Vanu will simply fight on Indar or Esamir until some guild braves empty Amerish and hopes no one notices their presence.

    But really that's my only gripe, simply that Amerish needs tweaking to be a better map (also think NC should be in the south) so there's a chance to play there for VS. That and the numbers for low pop should be a simple 1% per less pop per continent not 1% per pop except the first 5% short give nothing and its global pop not cont.

    Aside from those two things and as long as we don't drop too much to the point we can't do anything ever I say bring it on. I welcome the challenge and look forward to trying or dying next to my fellow Vanu.
  14. Goden

    VS on Amerish/Connery is 3% right now.

    This is getting bad. If I could get my character moved to VS and get my SC/Certs refunded I would to help you guys out.
  15. Thades

    VS is the underpopulated faction, players that don't know any better will stay on Esamir pretty much no matter what. Those of us with some experience in the game know that joining in the 12% on Indar or 8% on Amerish will just result in us being shot at from all sides and being essentially incapable of playing the game.

    With a faction sporting this low of numbers, it's up to you guys to field an actual effort on Esamir if you actually want a fair fight with all 3 factions. These have happened on Esamir on occasion, it's not like you guys can't do it. But why are you asking a very outnumbered player pool to try and spread out even more? I would fight 43% to 33% on any continent any day. But we typically can't get over 20% anywhere else. Do you TR really need 55% of the pop on Indar?

    Furthermore VS is unfortunately the most disorganized empire on Connery, as well. I can't really call a platoon in and there's not any real outfits of note on our side here. We can't really influence numbers on any sort of organized scale. NC and TR on the other hand do have organized outfits capable of making this kind of a sway, with at least TRG for TR and 666 DD for NC.
  16. Ouch Electric

    Of course there will be server merges at some point.
  17. Pizlenut

    Oh yes, oh wise one, im sure the problem with Vanu is that they use their tanks. If only vanu didn't use their tanks they would do so well because the dainty little TR would come back and pwaaayy? Im sure all Vanu players also only love to play on one continent, and has nothing to do with the fact that we don't normally get a choice. I am also 100% positive that if I could, I would shove my magrider up your *** on whatever continent you were on, but seeing as how that will likely require a team effort to pull that off while you hide under the protective bubble of your overwhelming zerg (and get rewarded for that behavior) that, once again, I simply don't get a choice about it do I?

    The problem is, actually, that the game doesn't funnel players into continents properly, and won't lock it up to a faction when it becomes grossly overpopulated for one side. Additionally there are relatively weak rewards for defending, meaning everyone flocks to the easy offensive points on their respective continent because its not worth it for a skeleton crew to go in and defend something. Its not worth it time-wise and its not worth it for experience either. I like to do it because its entertaining (more so than zerging empty bases), but its normally a ****** job with ****** pay. Don't get me wrong, it has its moments and it certainly can pay off, but I essentially need to pull 10 to 1 (technically 9 to 1 from the generous 15% defense boost!!) to make it even with a base capture... just to keep it even with someone who did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with ZERO RISK IN THEIR ZERG on offense fyi... 1000 points. BUT I DIGRESS...
    Any game that ASSUMES its players won't stack or otherwise herd onto one team is fooling itself. Every game that has had teams has had issues with team balance, because people will (in mass) decide to go for the 0 challenge win (and subsequently complain about the game being easy or boring) rather than play on the challenging side or in a challenging fashion because; well, "dying is just no fun for me!".
    Granted... neither is 0 challenge winning, but at least the game rewards you for that! AMIRITE?!

    Im also sure this is a game problem, not a VS problem. I'm also sure the only way its getting fixed is by Sony coming in and forcing you wankers to actually play the game, rather than sit in empty bases farming exp and boring the absolute **** out of yourselves. Sony has to learn how to properly lay out breadcrumbs for their lemming players or they are doomed to bore themselves out of the game.
  18. Stampz

    Current world population on Connery as of Friday 12/14/12, 7:30PM PST.
    VS 31%
    TR 37%
    NC 32%

    VS 35%
    TR 45%
    NC 19%

    VS 40%
    TR 25%
    NC 34%

    VS 3%
    TR 45%
    NC 51%

    Prime time hours, the VS are NOT heavily outnumbered. They have 1% less world pop than NC. Other than Amerish, there's a good number of VS on Indar and Esamir.
  19. Stampz

    Current world population on Connery as of Friday 12/14/12, 8:45PM PST.
    VS 33%
    TR 38%
    NC 29%
  20. Keifomofutu

    Time for some server merges. Merge the 3 west servers and Amerish would stop being empty all the time(to some extent esamir as well). It would also balance the VS population out with the two other west servers that are swimming in purple tights.