HE cannons need to go.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jourmand1r, Dec 14, 2012.


    Hey guys, let's listen to the advice of this AMAZING player who can barely maintain a 1:1 k/d ratio. Clearly he knows what he's doing
  2. Jourmand1r

    3 pages and people still wont shut up and read my post.

    The problem is that HE works around corners and sometimes goes straight through walls.
  3. Hellkyte

    So you think it's a legitimately good idea for them to completely change the graphics engine (to the UT engine of all things) after launch?

    Ok champ.
  4. Hellkyte

    Funny, pretty sure your original post said nothing about that. Let's go into the wayback machine

    Yeah we clearly didn't read the words that aren't in your post.
  5. Jourmand1r

    Blind firing because the explosions go around corners and through walls, so they dont need to aim.

  6. Jourmand1r


    Nice to see another genius who knows how video game design works.
  7. Hellkyte

    Sticks and stones may break my bones but I will never out HUR DUR you.

    Yeah, pretty sure it works by spending years building a product and then scrapping 50% of your man hours at launch.

    That's pretty much how every succesful business works. I know I for one throw away half my paycheck each week refurbishing my house.
  8. Gavyne

    Clearly k/d ratio is what everybody cares about in a game, didn't take long for someone to mention kdr. Quite predictable. But then ironically I'm not the one whining about dying. It's likely those with "good" kdr that cries about getting killed, or cried about the old tech plant because they hate to ruin their kdr by dying too much.

    There's so much QQ it's not even funny. I die a lot because I'm the guy that charges in first, while the rest are too scared and worried about their kdr. I die a lot because I do go for vehicles, I blow up a lot of sunderers to save the day, it's amazing how many just don't know how to stop a zerg. If you don't blow up their sunderers they'll keep zerging and you'll lose the base. Yes I'm the guy that goes for sunderers and that tank sitting on the hill killing everybody with HE. I die a lot because I protect generators during amp station attack & defense while everybody else runs around like headless chickens, not knowing how to drop the shield or keep the shield up. I die a lot because I'm on foot majority of the time and not miles up high in a liberator farming. But then I'm not one to complain about dying, and I definitely can give a rats *** about kdr.

    p.s. I only linked my profile because the OP accused me of someone who doesn't play the game much.
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  9. Jourmand1r

    I guess losing tons of potential player because your ugly game engine runs at 15 fps on i7 computers works too.

    EQ2 engine with bloom < UE3
  10. Rayco

    blind fired or not, they need to go.
  11. Hellkyte

    Ok champ.
  12. Gavyne

    How did the engine thing come up again? Haven't we gone through this with Unreal engine? Until there are good large scale MMO's that use this engine, where large amounts of people in the hundreds can play in the same area without problems, Unreal is an unproven MMO engine.

    I know there are MMO's that use UE3, but these MMO's have small scale PvP. Like Tera's 15 v 15.
  13. Chenjesu

    Do you game design or programming at all?
    Do you know how much trouble that would cause?
    This engine is built for the hugeness of the maps, unreal isnt.
    That engine barely handles the bigger UT maps.
    The engine would just die, unable to even think of handling one of the larger hexs on the map, not to mention an entire continent (without the people)
  14. Jourmand1r

    Until this game can handle more than 10 people in the same place without causing huge graphical errors/crashes and giving 2000 dollar PCs 15 fps, I don't think Forgelight is a proven MMO engine.
  15. Jourmand1r

    I doubt you design games either.

    I think every forum poster ever must have an Associates degree from Video Game Community College.
  16. Gavyne

    It's currently handling large scale, non-instanced content, much better than Unreal can. There's not even one example of a MMO using Unreal 3.0 that could support large scaled non-instanced PvP with hundreds of players.

    I get some of your complaints, but I don't understand your crusade with this whole unreal engine crap.
  17. Nambu

    You get XP for killing vehicles don't you. And not only that, when dead they stop killing you and your team. What more incentive do you need. You get to live, you get to win, and you get XP, do you need a cookie?
  18. Gavyne

    I think cookies might work, I'd go for that. But I kill vehicles for the satisfaction myself, points are just icing on the cake really. Knowing you blew up someone who thought they could farm you, or knowing you stopped the zerg by destroying their only spawn point close.....PRICELESS.
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  19. Garrix

    Whoops, it's a prowler, you'll die in a single volley regardless of flak armor. I guess you play TR? It seems most TR completely disregard the infantry killing power of the prowler, and prefer to cry about it's other attributes.
  20. Chenjesu

    I took a class in highschool. **** was tough, gave me an apreciation for how hard and the ammount of time it takes to make a game.
    EVen if my games where just ****** side scrollers so i could pass the class, you on the other hand, have no exp in this feild.