[BUG] Instant repairs.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gramps, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Gramps

    Not sure if this happens to anyone else but occasionally I can instantly repair both wall turrets and vehicles with a single tick of the glue gun, I never could figure out how to reproduce but it definitely happens.

    In fact it would explain a lot of "shifty" things I've considered as being hacks. I remember strafing a Sunderer in a Mosquito and getting it on fire, then as I reloaded my M18 Rotary it instantly went to full health. Probably the same bug tbh.
  2. myrmexaw

    it's been here since the early beta phase consider it like winning the lottery.
    • Up x 2
  3. bPostal

    Not gonna lie, when I'm trying to rep a gen in a highly contested area I pray for this bug.
    Someday they'll fix it, in the meantime just put in a bug report when it happens.
  4. Nyscha

    I hope its a feature for when you capture a base, because spending that time repairing every generator is insane.
  5. PrincessFrosty

    This bug has existed for a long time and still happens, It's completely unbelievable this has not been addressed yet.
  6. Gramps

    I wouldn't mind if it happened in spheres of influence with zero enemy activity for turrets/generators but vehicles is lame as the downtime to repair/rearm is a consideration to make when farming certs. I also don't think it's beneficial or intended to happen while being fired upon, like I said, got a Sunderer to flaming, probably a tenth of his HP left and it instantly went to full green. It was pretty infuriating at the time.