In loving memory of the tech plant battles.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Forumguy2, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Forumguy2

    I dont know why the defense sheild on the tech plants were changed, but it has made a massivly negative impact for me personnally, amp and tech plants are now the same type of battle, it lost its variety, moving from one to another is no longer a "breath of fresh air"

    I find this move to be somewhat appalling, and its a surprise to see things like one way sheilds in biolabs still around with the new patch, yet they changed the tech plant layout to cater to a more dopey crowd. I want you to understand why.

    I play only as an NC, and as an NC i know how indar's tech plant was once a SOB to cap, did this make it unenjoyable? At first glance, perhaps, after playing a while, HELL no! It was some of the best fun i had, becouse while the VS/TR would be holding it tight for 30min-hr, it gave NC a reason to group up, find sqauds, outfits.

    1. How do we get past that damn sheild!
    2. Ah, back door, or roof?
    3. **** that back door is heavily guarded
    4. Max rush, 12 max suits and a few engineers, GO!
    5. Wow did that just fail? (prolly not)
    6. Three fully loaded galaxys, suicide landing, GO!
    7. This may be impossible

    Sometimes nothing would work, what does that mean? MOVE ON!

    Any PC gamer worth his salt would know that when an opponent sends his majority to defend something he holds dear, take his pennies, his nickels, i.e all the surrounding territory, we see this with the crown all the time.

    When the tech plant is finnally taken, an NC bloodclot is ready to be unleashed, it was a typical cycle that made the tech plant an absolute blast. By the end we had on average 50 tanks, 25 sundys, and 20 aircraft just waiting to attack, and boy, if you missed that, you missed one of the coolest things ever seen in PS2.

    I doubt it will ever go back, but i felt i needed to jot this down, its almost like i just lost a favored pen, or broke a watch i was "used" to, just makes you feel a bit nausious for moment.
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  2. 13lackCats

    wtf did I just read, and why.
  3. Forumguy2

    The new tech plant layout was made for people like this guy, lol
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  4. Fallout10mm

    Meh i didnt like techplant battles that much anyway, I'd perfer a full redesign of techplants and amp stations all together (especialy those weird amp plants that you can drive vehicles in without even blowing the shield gens first)
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  5. Lausk

    old tech plant battles were for battlefield 3 players that liked metro, nuff said.
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  6. d1spatch

    Yea I mean it's definitely more than that.

    For me, I never actually participated in the slow grinding infantry battle. I always loved flying in as light assault and trying to clutch the generator by myself. I also loved going in there with a squad in a shieldbreak sundy and clutching it that way.

    The clutchability of the tech-plant is gone. Man I used to love being the guy who would go in there and kill 5-10 guys defending the generator as it blew up.
  7. bPostal

    Failure isn't an option, we can't just LOSE! Clearly all the walls need to go next. It's too hard.
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  8. Gavyne

    And metro just happens to be one of the most popular maps in BF3 currently, so go figure right? Why make your players happy, change something that's popular so it's bland and boring. Tech plant now is an amp station without the outer shield, enjoy the tank & aircraft spam. People have been duped in hearing the complaints on the forums, when many of them were non-infantry players that didn't like tech plant because they couldn't sit in their tanks & aircraft to farm.
  9. FelixG

    The thing about the hex system they use, you can bypass a base!

    The defense is too strong, slip around it and take other territory, they will be drawn out and slaughtered or they can just hold that one base as everything else is gone.
  10. Elbryan

    I loved the old tech plant battles. The only change it really needed was to make the roof entrance more away from the backdoor choke point to make it matter which of the entrances you take. Not much point having multiple entrances to the same choke point.

    Now tech plants are just like amp stations without the outer wall. Catering to zerg 'tactics'. No variety. =/
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  11. brennon

    Old tech plant battles were pure and unmitigated ****. The engine couldn't handle it, it was a stupid, stagnant meatgrinder if the defense was in ANY way organized (gate shield diffuse all you want into a wall of tank mines) and was generally won purely by attrition of one side getting bored. I'll reserve judgment on the new design as I haven't fought there yet, but there is absolutely nothing that could have made the situation 'worse'. I'd prefer if more bases played like amp stations (which themselves could still see a bit of improvement), and anything that moves in that direction is a plus.

    Having the game be kinetic and move places was an explicit design goal for this game, the old tech plant was entirely counter to it.
  12. d1spatch

    Yea the gameplay at the tech plant is pretty atrocious right now. Once the enemy has enough vehicles outside it's over, that was not the case at the old plant.
  13. MrBigMr

    So, in other words for the attackers to win they have to pull off a highly coordinated attack with very specific loadouts, while the defenders just need to have a gun and point it in the general direction of one of the few openings, and not, you know, actively work to defend their base like in PS1.

    Why is it that if you hate the old tech plant you just don't know how to play, but if you hate the new one, you're somehow defending a rich and refined art of gameplay? Why don't you haters just learn to play and defend the plants instead of having to rely on cheap tricks like impenetrable defence shields? Or is that too hard? We wouldn't want that, no would we?

    And then what? There's still a strong enemy stronghold smack in the middle of your territory where they can launch attacks on the areas you've just conquered. While your army moves from sector to sector, they can move out and take all the hexes you leave behind, and if you push them back, you're right back at the tech plant.
  14. r.Tek

    Metro is popular because it's a stat padding map, not because the map is well designed and people enjoy it......
  15. Gavyne

    So all those people playing Metro didn't login, by choice, because they enjoy it? Ok then. Well for one you're wrong about me because I actually do like Metro because of the design. I don't like it every day, I don't like to play it 3-4 rounds each night. But I do enjoy it one or two rounds a night.

    To take away old tech plant is like taking away from metro just because some people complained about it. Yet they still logged in, again by choice when there are other map choices, and played metro. Hypocritical gamers.
  16. d1spatch

    That's definitely not true, people do enjoy it.

    I can tell you from a competitive standpoint it was one of the only good 8v8 and 4v4 maps.

    That being said, the tech plant isn't really that much like metro. Tech plant is a much worse version of metro.
  17. Aghar30

    I loved tech plant battles, would require thought to get in and once you got it, it went really fast. Now its just meh, guess ill go hang out on skydock.
  18. r.Tek

    Majority of people playing Metro do so because it's the easiest way to pad your stats. That is a well known fact and if you were involved in the Battlefield community, you'd know that.

    How exactly am I wrong about you? You just described yourself as a person who doesn't play Metro non-stop, but rather a few rounds here and there. Therefore you obviously do not care about padding your stats and you're not one of the thousands of people who do nothing but play 24/7 Metro servers making the map as popular as it is.

    Your analogy is terrible.
  19. r.Tek

    Competitive 8v8 matches =/= 64 player 1000+ ticket Metro Servers

    Competitive gaming is a completely different ball game than public servers which is what my post was referring to with the stat padding comment. Obviously there is no way to stat pad in a competitive match on unranked servers.
  20. Gavyne

    My analogy isn't terrible, but if Dice removed Metro, that would be terrible and would be equivalent to what SOE did to the tech plant. Very simply, to put it bluntly, it's about choices. I can CHOOSE to login to a metro to play for a round or two, I could CHOOSE to go to the tech plant in PS2 and play if I want to. Now I can't play in the old tech plant because the new tech plant is an amp station without the outer shield. It's now a tank & aircraft spam fest like most other facilities.

    If people don't understand that then I got nothing further to say.