SOE Thank you for allowing multiple factions per server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Consili, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Crator

    It will help the issue. I honestly don't understand why anyone would argue against this. It's really simple to implement and will help. Not preventing everyone, but it will help. If you really want to go play another empire without waiting just go to another server.
  2. Palefire

    I believe most of what you are saying is false. I will grant that many players don't have any loyalty to a faction, but there are also quite a few who do or they wouldn't be posting their concerns in this thread. I believe it to be a substantive number, if not the majority. While there was significant jumping soon after release, that has since stablized, at least on my server. These changes will destabilize the faction populations of servers. It's already occurring as some have already indicated.

    For some reason, people seem to think, "Oh great, how I can play any faction I want any time I want." They'll log in, they believe they'll see servers with very balanced populations; no one playing the spy for pointing out where forces are or aren't then quickly logging into their other character to help their outfit without the pain of closing out their client and relogging in with another account; no one really caring that who wins, as long as we can have fun shooting each other. Joy, joy, joy.

    That's a pipe dream. The reality will be very different.

    If SOE wanted to make a game where feelling like a winner is as simple as logging out and logging in again with a different character to bandwagon X faction dominating at the moment, mission accomplished. If they wanted to create a game of war that no longer feels like a game of war because no one is forced to take a side and fight through the challenges of the faction you aligned with, it worked.

    Their change was a bad choice.
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  3. Liquid23

    good to see your most valid argument is just pointless hyperbole
  4. MurderBunneh

    Good to see your argument is "they gonna do it anyway so lets just make it easier". Sounds solid to me.
  5. SgtScum

    Idiots will always get permabanned with a quickness and are not a concern over this new mechanic.

    It's the pro's who know when a single instance of greifing can turn a fight and that will nearly always drop below SOE's moderator radar.

    Remember bannings off greifing are report driven and not some magical omnipotent enforcement on SOE's part.
  6. MurderBunneh

    +1 to you obviously there are still some people out there who play war games to be at war.
  7. BailOut

    Popolation was the days before about VS 28/ TR 30/ NC 31 (at night) or so. Tonight - first night after the patch at 2´clock VS 26/ TR 41/ NC 25 that is ridiculous. The game makes no sense anymore. Oh TR (or who ever) is on the run....lets join it for better zerts and stats. A cooldown of several hours is fine or better ...undo it.
  8. Tasogie

    Allowing multiple chars is fine itself, but trouble is your dealing with a young an VERY immature playerbase, those are the ones who will exploit an destroy gameplay as fast as they can. They see it as funny an enjoyable to be ********.
  9. Liquid23

    thinking that the majority of players have had faction loyalty up to this point is wishful thinking and nothing more... with or without this change the only reason people who don't already switch sides won't is because unlocks aren't account wide thus they would have to start again or couldn't use things they bought... that right there will be what dissuades the most people from jumping... but honestly the whole faction loyalty thing is a crap argument because the limit of one faction per server didn't stop the 4th Faction (as another poster helpfully illustrated a few posts ago in detail)... it just made it so instead of people switching to the winning side on their current server they switched to the winning side on a different server... and as the grefing matter has already been debated and shot down as those people will continue to use ALT accounts as it's still their best bet.. this whole argument is pointless because the change doesn't really change **** in the overall picture... they could throw the arbitrary restriction right back in and it won't affect a damn thing except piss off all the legit players who have been asking for the feature since launch... the majority will continue to do exactly what they want... adding a timer lock may slow down the lazier groups which is all good and fine... but it's not going to solve anything either as anyone who wants to get around it still can and will just like they were getting around the single faction lock
  10. SgtScum

    This Xonemilliondollars.

    Please SOE its a f2p game so you need to consider the consequenses of opening the gates to the unwashed masses.
  11. Liquid23

    That's what I was saying... this change will lead to a bunch of the idiots getting thier main accounts banned right quick but it's not going to change at all for anyone with even a mild intelligence level who wants to cause disruption... they won't even be changing how they do it as it would be completely foolish to even chance using this option for doing it

    those gates were never even built as this is a F2P game... hell there isn't even a turn-style... just a wide open feild with no fence... the unwashed masses are already in and raiding your fridge
  12. Tasogie

    It can be left as it is, but just add a timer in, maybe 6 hours, so they cant just jump in an grief. Even in EVE Online we have a 24 hour lockout between clones (chars). it works, an its really easy fix.
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  13. sebo

    the people complaining about "spying" on the other team are fools. i mean who is going to sign out their main char to simply see what the other team is doing? what are they going to come back with "Oh my god there are sooo many of them on the other side!"

    really it's just stupid for people to make a big fuss about this.. it's no different than playing any other type of game that is player vs player.. anyone can quickly join the other team. do you see them whining about "OMG their going to spy on us!"

    the only problem i can see are for the trolls that like to TK others. they need to be prevented from rejoining with another character...
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  14. MurderBunneh

    This offers zero benefit to the game. It was not needed it will only cause more faction imbalance mark my words revisit this this thread in a week.
    But I'm sure then you will find some other excuse for why you are right.
    And I like the fact that you can speak for everyone and say that faction loyalty is fictional.
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  15. Tasogie

    We had the issue show just how bad it is about an hour ago on Briggs. TR had setup outside our warpgate an we were fighting over it for a good 90 mins. In end, it was reduced to snipers an odd tank. Suddenly 5 rank 1s pop up an start throwing grenades at each of us. We got wiped out then they disappeared. (obviously they were deleted) as they were called rotart1-5
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  16. Consili

    Agreed, the main valid issue that I have seen expressed is the potential for people to swap to the winning team and the stability of server populations between factions. It is a real issue and one which will have to be addressed if this change is going to remain. For reasons I stated in my original post I would very much like this change to remain, with appropriate changes to get players to stick with a given character for a play session.
  17. Consili

    That sounds pretty terrible. That is why I think that having a single name per server across characters would be a good idea. It would make players like this easy to ID and report.
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  18. MurderBunneh

    Well guess what they didn't do it that way and now what are they gonna do make people rename or delete toons?
    You got what you wanted I hope you are happy.^^^^

    And for the record when I play mmo's with my friends we all pick the SAME faction and play together interesting concept huh?
  19. Tasogie

    Agreed, add that to the 6 hour timer, an this issue is gone.... fixed
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  20. Iksniljiksul

    Once again let me point out that this is nothing new at all, since most MMOs players already have multiple accounts and we already had more then one character on a server in this game. Stop being blind and look at the options before posting. You could always have had multiple characters on the same server, this change effects nothing about the game you have been seeing. You can not lock out second accounts and you can not put timers on them, that's insane. More then one person using the same computer to play would be prevented, which is quite common for families. Grow up and face it, your game is exactly the same as it was before this change and if you can't see this you are simply not the brightest bulb on the tree.
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