Not gettign the items purchased with SC

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by xXGenesisXx, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. xXGenesisXx

    As the topic says i've purchased the new rocket launcher the Decimator and didn't get it ..... then i got a camo and that also did not appear !! WTH is going on SOE ? 750 SC down the drain ?
  2. Snaffe

    Just got it too. like...ffs.

    This isn't beta anymore. Sort this out. Like now.
  3. Noollab

    They're aware of the issue, and are working on it. You could make a ticket about it, but you will most likely get a mass-reply, like I did.
    Be patient, your money aren't wasted, things are just not working quite optimally right now -- It happens.
  4. TSR-SeanF Customer Service