Lack of Base Defense

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SGTalon, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Thurwell

    Well I for one support this change, tech plants were getting frustrating. I think it was even worse when my empire had the tech plant, because then that's all everyone wanted to do is go farm the tech plant. Of course this won't make things perfect, I could suggest a few more changes. Such as:

    1. Don't make the vehicle bay shields easy to down, make it like the amp station where you have to drop two generators to kill one shield. One shield is too big a weak point, defenders don't have enough time to get there and react.

    2. Keep vehicles out of the courtyards. Provide a lane so that vehicles can get from the vehicle bay to the gate and outside of the base, but other than that put in barricades so vehicles can't control the courtyard battle. If vehicles can cut off the defenders from getting to these shield generators, tech plants will not be defensible. Of course you also need to obscure the sight lines of vehicles in these lanes so they don't sit there farming infantry and ruin the fight.

    3. Make sure all tech plants have a teleporter from the spawn room into the main building, otherwise without the cheapo sundy trick aircraft and vehicles cut off the spawn room and the spawn room and SCU are meaningless. It's missing in some tech plants. Also add teleporters to the spawn rooms in amp stations.
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  2. Hypersot

    I just don't understand why there are no underground bases or spawn points also I don't understand why turrets and all defensive points in bases are so exposed to the attackers... maybe there is a balancing reason there that I cannot see?
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  3. SavageB

    Engine wont allow them to make anything underground, the tech needs to be done on the engine first. They need to really start thinking about infantry combat in this game, tanks/sundies/lightnings need to be barracaded off from most entrances in bases, it should be really tough for armor to gain entry to a cy, right now its way to easy.
  4. Hypersot

    I don't get this.... you've seen those existing bases that are holed in the ground, yes?

    they could make the holed-in-base nearly solid by adding more structure meshes... and there you have it, underground base.
  5. SavageB

    Considering three devs play in my outfit, I think I will believe them for the time being.
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  6. CitizenSoldier

    Then ask your outfit mates to pull their heads out of the dirty dark hole that is the anus.
  7. Rivenshield


    That is beyond lame.
  8. SGTalon

    Actually this is not quite true Savage. A couple of the Esamir bases have underground tunnels that go under the walls. It is really cool. At least 1 of them is large enough to park a sunderer completely under cover.

    There are a lot of ways that defenses could be improved so people actually defend more than just Tech Plants. I don't think the "Farm" is enough to keep people involved.

    I still think the best solution is XP for successful defense.

    I really like the idea of bonus for activity during attack and defend.
  9. SavageB

    Well, honestly if bases were designed better, the XP thing wouldnt even matter because they should be more easily defended. Hence, the defenders would be making decent XP from kills etc.
  10. CitizenSoldier

    This issue is the most pressing, in my expert opinion. The $6.50 car horn is bad, but base defence is worse. Where is Sned?! Where is that road map. How do they not see this issue, or is it that they do, but ignore?
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  11. Sith

    I agree. Also, this change to the Tech plants just made my sunderer that can go through shields useless. That's the situation I certed for, when in all other cases I'd rather have the option to deploy, so I can change my loadout at will.
  12. Flarestar

    It sold just fine, actually. Planetside 1's subscriber base didn't die as a result of the lattice system.
  13. Stampz

    Dear SoE,
    Please give me a reason to stand up to the enemy zerg.

    Sincerely a PS1 vet,
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  14. CitizenSoldier

    Dear SoE,
    Please give me a reason to stand up to the enemy zerg.

    Sincerely a PS1 vet,
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  15. Hodo


    There is no point to defend other than farm a few quick kills and skip out before you get camped.
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  16. Arcanum

    Pity, I assumed I was going to see that in the future because of some of the small underground corridors in the game.
  17. Tuco

    Lattice system didn't do that. The Cloaked AMS, PS1 style mines, spitfires, and motion detectors did that.

    There are more lattice connections per server in PS1, than there is surface area between enemy bases in PS2.
  18. CDN_Wolvie

    Just wanted to QFT, this post should be read early and often.

    The only think I would add is, engineer turrets are a joke, even as a temporary shield. You want to see some better defense at bases for an epic fight? Other than better base design and progressive objectives, let a few of the support classes make barricades / shields of their own. The variable, player driven nature of say, crouch high nanite constructed cover short and long sandbags or tall and skinny umbrellas / mushrooms or some emp caltrops / spike strips / mud puddles to slow, impede, and confuse would probably blow each other's minds with the inventive defenses we could come up with together. But that is probably just a pipe dream, I only slightly get the impression that the game's engine could support spawning such entities that would have some players wonder who let the Minecraft players in (Minecraft rocks).
  19. CitizenSoldier

    Bases are empty. Something is broken. All three factioins actively avoid direct fights in favor of easy certs and xp.

    It's eitther an uber-low population OR bases have jacked up indefensible designs OR there is no reason to defend. A meager xp bonus isn't cutting. That much is obvious. I don't care what the fix is, but fix it, Smed. Freaking acknowledge it at least, for the love of goodness.
  20. PotatoGundam

    because there are no incentive to defend, most people would rather just go cap another undefend base then to fight against the odds for cert, K/D, and ETC