[BUG] The New Launcher (Video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cute-CandyPants, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Cute-CandyPants

    the extra 5% more damage per shot is ok i gues but the reloading animation is terrible,please slap your Animater SOE lol :p

  2. Cute-CandyPants

    here is another after patch bug of the spring animation bugging out

  3. Raigir

    That launcher reload animation is the same as vanu's normal launcher, and yet on NC it does the animation correctly (same as any other NC launcher). What gives?!
  4. Merdur

    5% damage over baseline isn't a better weapon, if it was 15% then it would be worth it.
  5. Hashi

    that 5% does matter, and they're trying to not give too much of an advantage.
  6. Jeralamo

    really only 5% more damage? thanks for saying me $7
    • Up x 1
  7. Hoki

    Yeah, 5% more damage, its slower, comes with 1 less rocket, and only takes shields off of infantry.

    I want what they're smoking.
    • Up x 2
  8. Merdur

    5% doesn't matter when the projectile speed is slower then the shrike<or w/e other side's baseline is>. It's already impossible to hit a magrider at anything but 20 meters with it's barrel in your face, and hard enough to hit vangaurds/prowlers at range. 5% is not worth 700sc or 1k certs with only a dumbfire. I can get the crow and do just aswell with lock-on.

    Oh and they need to add a setting on these forums to turn off signatures, tired of seeing your overly obnoxius one. Not trying to be offensive but it's distracting.
  9. JohnnyMaverik

    LOL 1k certs or 700SC for 5% damage and a whole lot more hiding while reloading, no thanks :p

    Also yes that animation looks spazzy.
  10. Cute-CandyPants

    heh pretty much lol
  11. Korazell

    Wow...that rocket launcher is horrible. I'm a little concerned now...they really are trying to sell these weapons and some of them are complete junk. For what, a week, longer? We've been teased with a better answer to armor. This is actually a DECREASE in the ability to kill a tank. A twenty percent damage increase over four rockets does not equal more then a actual whole rocket. Seriously? And even if it had five, that's a, what? 25% increase to one single target if you land all the shots? Screw that.

    Not buying it.