Cloaking sound changed?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by PsyStorm, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. PsyStorm

    Is it me or did the sound change from the cloak? If it's the new cloaking sound I am more than happy with this change as it's not louder than gunfire now :)
    • Up x 2
  2. voigt

    It doesn't sound any different to me
  3. PsyStorm

    Strange it does to me and a lot more quiet.
  4. Toshogu

    Confirmed cloak sound was ninja buffed. it is quieter by about 40%-50%
  5. PsyStorm

    Thank you :) I thought so! Gonna see what else was ninja buffed :)
  6. Daimond

    Have not looked my self, But does it nerf the sound Distance as well? before you could hear it like 30m away in a quiet place.
  7. GaryGibbon

    All the factions had their cloak sound changed:

    The TR now sounds much more smoother and...glassy? It's hard to describe, but it's awesome.
    The NC stays the same, though it's quieter.
    The VS sounds biological, as if you're steeping into something squelchy. It's my favourite one, as i can pretend I'm some sort of alien hunter creature.
  8. ST4LK3R

  9. m44v

    Oh this is so good, I always freaked out whenever a team-mate cloaked.
  10. Rigsta

  11. PieBringer

    Praise be! Keeping hope however useless I believed it paid off! Thank you, SOE, for this reinforcement that you DO care about the Infiltrator. Although I wonder... Did they switch from bottle-fed to breast-fed, or are they using a rubber booby and a bottle?

    Edit: Now to familiarize myself with the different sounds. Hopefully it will take just as long as it did for ESF and weapon sounds.
  12. Vilmond

    Seriously, walking around a base and hearing cloaker sounds going "who the **** was that" only to see some friendly infil run by afew seconds later and curse him.
  13. GaryGibbon

    No more! Now when you hear some sort of eldritch-squishy noise, you can actually **** your pants without looking like a moron! (Unless you play VS, then you WILL look like a moron)
  14. Helwyr

    I don't know why any legitimate Infiltrator player would be celebrating Faction specific cloaking noises, that's a big nerf to the class.
  15. grin

  16. Yasser

    I don't see this as buff sorry, it just makes infiltrators more recognizable by aiding the enemy to know if they are being infiltrated by Vanu, Conglomerate or Republic, and giving them intel on how to deal with them without even needing to see them. For example, If I was a Light Assault guarding a base and I hear the classic cloaking sound, I'd know its an NC, which will help me to know that I could get headshoted from afar and take caution with that.

    All I can say about this is that its not a buff, not really a nerf either, just an aesthethic feature. I don't hate it, its not that bad, but I don't see a buff anywhere.
  17. Opapanax

    Cloaking sound debate is going to be like LA Jetpack debate..

    The devs are going to make you guys test and test and test..

    All the while you're going to believe you are going crazy because you swear something has changed but nothing is noted..

    Devs need to clean up on reporting changes like these.. The small ones that may even not be fully combat related can sometimes be the most irritating to not be informed about..
  18. Vilmond

    Its because its also much quieter too meaning the entire tech plant didn't just hear your fart and has a shorter "broadcast range" or whatever they want to call it.

    With the changes if theres active gunfire chances are people wouln't even hear it, and it doesn't broadcast the sound as far either meaning you need to be further away.

    Finally if you are on a hillside with another infil or two you can know immediately if an opposing infil has snuck up just by the sound. When you hear a cloak noise you will know. Granted your enemies will know too and its abit of a give and take but I'd say the pro/con here evens out to some extent and becomes very situational as to if this is a pro or con.

    Though the volume and broadcast range reduction are pure buffs.
  19. Yasser

    The only buff is the sound reduction.