Op this, Op that... stop whining.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Padla, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Padla

    Please stop complaing about not being able to kill EVERYTHING.
    Complain if you can't kill ANYTHING.
    The game is about combined arms, it is NOT Quake 3... Yes there are units that can kill you with impunity but they are in turn killed by other classes that are supposed to counter them.
  2. Corsix

    balance \o/

  3. Srixun

    A whining thread about whining. ;) jp padla.
  4. Autarkis

    This thread is OP.
  5. Ganelon

    Eh, now that the NC whining got them what they wanted, it isn't going to end.

    Other factions will start whining soon enough.
  6. Padla

    I fly air all the time. I havent been killed by skyguard for a long while. I agree that it is not right. Skyguard should be more effective.
    I have played all 3 factions and I do very well as inf vs. Inf unless Im NC. Because nc weapons are not on par with rest.
    There are valid balance issues in game.
    But people asking to remove rocket pods for example is the same as me asking to remove AA maxes. It is SUPPOSED to kill you. Just like dual bursters are supposed to kill me when im flying.
  7. JohnnyMaverik

    To be fair I spent a bit of time playing HA + MBT on both NC and TR to see how it felt vs. VS, and while TR has it's strengths NC was a pain in the backside for the most part, they did need a slight buff IMO.

    As for rocket pods, fk em, they kill me when I'm in ANYTHING, kill sundys, kill mags, kill stationary, kill infantry on mass, only response is to go air, but they just run or get their squad to spam more and more.

    Rocket pods should be nerfed to be effective against ground armour and stationary weaponry, or infantry, not both. I think they should break it into 2 weapons, one effective against each but not so smart for taking on the other.

    I miss the beta memories of being terrified about an approaching Liberator. With all the anti-air buffs to counter lolpodders now Liberators will be even less common and useful. The only solution is to nerf them pods, and they haven't done enough for me yet. Bit less effective against infantry now but only a bit. They need to decrease ROF and increase armour piercing capabilities. Even more useful for hunting down deployed sundys and you'd still be able to kill inf with it but not on mass and you'd need great aim and/or a bit of luck to do it.
  8. Liquid23

    Devs need to get on the ball and nerf it fast then or the forums will asplode