[Suggestion] Cloak -> Shooting

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Automedon, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Automedon

    Can we have it so when you fire it automatically cancels the cloak? I've had it happen too many times because I'm bad; where it won't let me fire, and I try to press f but i miss it or it doesn't work... so i just am running around like a blind deer getting shot at. I use the Nyx so I'm generally pretty close combat, I guess that's not necessarily the case for the LR snipers, but yeah. I'm new to the Infiltrator community so, if any others have any inputs please comment in teh section below.
  2. Faithwolf

    This has been suggested a few times, it makes perfect sense, and now we dont have shotguns, it wouldnt be overpowered atall. it simplifies the process..

    but for some reason, they dont want to.
  3. Latex

    The uncloak delay time between shooting and uncloaking is class breaking. And I'm stuck at being a sniper. Wait that's not infiltrating...
  4. Opapanax

    As long as you guys can deal with actually having to decloak before firing is good to go I think.

    The thing is when trying to implement this is to insure that the infiltrator is fully decloaked before they start firing. Even if they are able to fire for a couple seconds before coming out of cloak it's going to be percieved as not very balanced.

    I have no issue with firing and it removing your cloak, as long as the cloak actually comes down before you start firing any rounds. Even with that I think the more control heavy skill player will want to control the decloaking and cloaking on their own to really time their shots right..

    Idk, don't play infiltrator right now, just some minor observations about it.
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  5. Latex

    "Idk, don't play infiltrator right now". -Opapanax
  6. ST4LK3R

    Agree. it'd only be fair if taking damage breaks the cloak too like other games.
  7. Opapanax

    Well I don't know about damage breaking your guys cloak. That seems like a bit much.. With so many random things happening in game sometimes that can cause damage to a player that would easily become very, very annoying to have to deal with..
  8. Opapanax

    Yes but am more than open to discussing mechanics of gameplay, just like any other game..

    We could be talking about magic missile right now.. no different to me..

    whats up with the "sneak diss" quote..

    Stand by what ya got to say.. bro'z..
  9. Foreman Joe

    Signed. This has to be done.
  10. Sworaven

    Agreed! It takes to ******* long before being able to fire when decloaking.
  11. Krytical

    A change like that would actually make sense and thus wouldn't fit SOE's design goal for the infiltrator.

    Infiltrators are all about not making any sense. We have long range weapons to accomplish close-quarter jobs. We're supposed to be stealthy yet have the most revealing visual/sound effects. We're supposed to be expert marksmen yet medics can aim better than we do. We're supposed to create chaos and confusion behind enemy lines with sensor darts and hacked terminals.

    I think something more fitting for the current infiltrator would be to have the cloak teleport you 500 meters in random directions and shut-off your monitor to power it.
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  12. Aktarus

    i highly disagree

    its not class breaking its the little detail that balance us when we are in sniping mode ,

    instant uncloak and fire would be OP.

    infiltrator sniping is balanced if you cant aim with a bolt action stop to play with a PS3 gamepad and get a keyboard with a Shift key or switch game.

    and at long range or CqC instant decloak would be completely OP with a such low TTK any encounter would be a no match..

    we lack of tools to infiltrate , i agree , but uncloaking just by firing and /or instant uncloak would be OP.

    its more about cloaking efficiency and noise , and our auto rifle dmg and accuracy that need to be tweaked.
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