Snipers and tracer rounds

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Latex, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Latex

    Ya I'm pretty positive snipers don't use tracer rounds. Class breaking.. seeing that I can't infiltrate, now I can't even snipe from a distance with a silencer and just have a nme walk to my position a mile away and kill me. Class breaking. Betaside 2
  2. Xocolatl

    Wouldn't the class be too strong otherwise?
  3. Krytical

    They are also the only class that shakes when aiming down a scope.

    Apparently SOE thinks infiltrators are too strong and need to be held back.
  4. Neoxide

    I don't understand it either. Infiltrators are only decent at sniping and even then assault classes can spray their assault rifles in our general direction and 3-4 hits and we're down. They can find us so easily and staying hidden is our only real advantage.

    Don't even get me started on close quarter combat.
  5. Spartan 117

    Yeah, so many issues with the infiltrator atm. Why are we using tracer rounds? Why would we use a supressor when it lowers our dps & yields a distinctive sound isolated to infiltrators only basically giving away your location? Why does our recon tool only work for like 10 seconds when it should be permanent or last 5-10 minutes? Why do we not have any assassin tech at our disposal such as night vision, advanced hacking equipment, swords, different cloak option? Why is the cloaking sound so FING loud? I could go on & on & on...
  6. Nirish

    I'v been playing Infiltrator since beta and even if there are many things I would like to change/improve, one thing to rule them all. I dont care about my hp, ****** starting weapon, cloaking sound, I can deal with that, but... WHY the f*** is trajectory of my bullets visible. Just. Why. Especially when I am using silencer (suppressor or whatever).
    The thing is I found myself few very tasty spots on maps where I camp (mostly jumping high on trees). Yes, I am camper, true sniper, I dont move and my spree ends with my bullets. I got myself upgraded belts with additional ammo (more headshots for them) and silencer. I snipe on extreme distant targets and at same time deal headshots on guys running and jumping in my mid-range. But here comes the visible bullet trajectory - I must wait (sometimes seconds, more like minutes) to perfectly one-shot SINGLE TARGET in a whole area. Because if I kill one guy if there are others nearby = they instantly open fire in my direction /obviously they have no idea where exactly I am) => instant death. Even then if my target is alone, again, if I dont one-shot him => immidiately opens fire my way. Just why...
    As I said I dont care about other things which might be improved, just hiding trajectory would solve like 95% of my deaths. Its really frustrating to have a clear view on "sieged" enemy sunderer with 10 afk enemy guys around him and cant shoot. (The moment I fire 9 out of 10 run havoc around shooting my direction).
  7. PanzerGoddess

    no not true at all, plenty of us snipers good at close range, etc. It all depends on how you use your surroundings, easy to find infys who stay in one spot and dont move.....And fyi staying hidden doesnt always work, sometimes letting the enemy see you can give you the advantage, depends on how you play. This whole snipers can only do this is getting old......We have a infiltrator only outfit and do quite well with anything, long, medium and close range battles. Then again we might be crazy but we have managed to hack or take facilities with just our team and hold off plenty of HA, MA, etc....and yes if we have to change to HA to take out tanks we occasionally do that...dont tell anyone though :p
  8. vampwood

    Don't use the suppressor at long range or kill anyone who approaches you, you have the advantage of range, unless they pod on top of you no ones fault but your own really for letting them walk to you uncontested. While the class is weak in the infilitrating department, in sniping its in a good spot, theres a decent skill ceiling to it all depending on what rifle you use etc.
  9. Korban

    Latex, r u saying in ur OP that you want sniper bullets to leave a trail like the HALO sniper?
  10. Latex

    No, I was saying that we as a covert operative should no be using rounds that give away our position. I mean seriously... Think about it. And for yall frets saying get good. Oh wait.. I am. I just.pointing out a fuggin ******** no sense mechanic that is entirely worthless and class breaking to said "covert" class.
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  11. vampwood

    They already exist.
  12. Benevon

    Maybe the NC and VS on my server are dumb because I almost never have anybody follow my bullet trajectory. It happens once in awhile, especially if another inf is nearby, but not often. Then again, most targets I take out (and the ones around them) are otherwise distracted and if they do see where I am I am already gone.
  13. Korban

    I was implying that the trail lasts a bit longer and more obvious than the current.
  14. PanzerGoddess

    lol that happens alot. As a sniper myself if I see any trails that come by me, the first thing that happens is sniper vs sniper mode turns on, thats where I try to go find the ***** that shot at me and either shoot him dead or shank him.
  15. {joer

    Because being sniped by an invisible guy at maximum render distance no one can find gets old?

    Its not "realistic" but I can see why they put it in there.
  16. PanzerGoddess

    say what?
  17. {joer

    Ok I'll be clear.

    Being sniped over and over in say a base by a guy you can't find at all is only "fun" for the sniper. Everyone else can't do anything about it. Due to the limited nature of a game like this being able to tell where the shot came from has some merit. I've traced a shot back to a sniper (and I knife those guys) who camp a spot for long periods of time. Without the tracer there would be no way to find them.

    I've spent my time sniping, even paid for the $7 rifle, but for game balance you can't just sit at max render distance without SOME threat.
  18. Exrage

    Traditional sniper mentality: shoot and move. I shoot, they die, and before their friends can figure out where I am I'm gone unless they're clueless he died- then I kill anything close enough that hasn't moved much before bugging out. If it's on an entrenched position I'll typically kill one guy, move to the other end of a hill or rock and that's sufficient as they see the smoke but not the silhouette and get lost tracing where I was before it dissipates and they're completely lost. Then they stand still for a moment trying to see movement, I pop out behind the other end of the rock cloaked before aiming in, tap F and voila- another free kill before repositioning and they're none the wiser other than the direction of their hit-box as there screen pans up and fades out.
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  19. {joer

    Exactly. I think a lot of people just want to drop pod onto the top of a base and snipe until they run out of ammo without any worries.
  20. PanzerGoddess

    yup...and that is enough to put me asleep, Id rather die in a fire than do that.

    "Being sniped over and over in say a base by a guy you can't find at all is only "fun" for the sniper" this statement right here however is no different than being camped at a base by an army of tanks or air being annihilated by tank or air rounds every time you walk out....The point being you don't want the person to know where you are after you cap them.

    But again its all about game style, everyone is different, some like to sit and shoot people, so what...let one ever said they couldn't let alone against the rules x_X. Whats different than someone does nothing but flies esf and spam rockets all day.....everyones hate against someone elses playstyle is irrelevant tbh....your opinion matters to you, and for those that hate something....there are always other things to need to give yourself a reason to whine about there will be something "everyone" fckn hates or dislikes.