Vanu Hacker at Genudine

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Horo, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Horo

    yeah... we were trying to capture a base and this....noob... start shooting us from inside the walls.... i got it recorded, please GMs... ban this VS scum and tell the programmers to fix the freaking game...

  2. Twist

    Please report these in game whenever possible, we have GMs ready to follow up on these kind of reports specifically, equipped with multi-dimensional banhammers.
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  3. MurderBunneh

    All you have to do is look at his name and you know that toon was created with the express intent of cheating and ruining others experience as much as possible.
  4. Horo

    i rlly dont know how to report this players... but i find hard to type tht kind of name without making mistakes..... so i posted the video so u guys could count the zeros haha
  5. SpiderOz

    i hope when they are caught they spent hard earned cash on both the hack and SC - its not if but when.

    i can't wait to see all these banned accounts, be nice if it was PB streamed, its quite handy to identify them from other games.
  6. Gobmi

    It would be so much easier to report these clowns if you could copy text from the communication/text chat screen.
  7. ZeroFighter


    I know he's a hacker, but there is nothing funnier than buttpained TR.

  8. Xenedor


    just look up and see world's stupidest creature
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  9. Horo

    soo.... VS is full of hackers and kids?... just like the alliance at WOW... im trying to keep the hackers out of this game so we can all enjoy it.. but u come here to troll?... ****
  10. hostilechild

    It shows in the chat window you should be able to right click copy paste and report from there.
  11. gobbybobby

    do SOE IP ban people as well?

    apart from starting back at level 1, where is the incentive not to hack. You can just make another account in 5 mins and be back in the game.