Server mergers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gypsy, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. gypsy

    Now that the initial release is over can we get some of these servers shut down and merge them together? I very rarely see a server over medium population with the majority appearing to be empty on the server lists. Planetside has always been about the epic battles with seemingly hundreds of players all fighting at same time which is a lot of fun but we need to condense the players into fewer servers
  2. Gogandantess

    Maybe if they fixed rendering issues I would be for that. As of now the scale of most battles is small enough to not cause too many problems.
  3. gypsy

    I run the game on supposed ultra settings that I got off these very forums and it actually seemed to improve my fps by putting the load on my gpu more. I never really had frame rate problems to begin with though. Personally I want bigger and better battles more often. Lesser pc's be damned
  4. Aidoboy

    The typical computer probably can't even run these games on High, noone else will play if the game doesn't work, and you can say good-bye to you big battles.
  5. Superdano

    Connery is already feeling very lonely at times. Weekends of course are better, but it's very dead during the week. I was watching a stream on Matherson server, and they had a 48 people queue for a mosquito at the warpgate!! 48!!! I have never seen more than 4 on connery. Also, VS on connery has a very low population and it's going down each week. A server merge would be nice, or at least allow server transfers...
  6. QuantumMechanic

    I've been checking the server status page off and on the past 24 hours, and I haven't seen a single US server register as high population.

    The only high pop server I've seen during this period was Miller (EU) this morning (pacific time).

    It's certainly noticeable. It's harder to find good fights.
  7. gypsy

    Transfers sound like a great solution. Allow me and the rest of us who don't blow all our cash on costumes to wear to the opening night midnight release of The Hobbit or whatever other nonsense you schlubs are spending your money on and can afford a video card made in the last 2 years to go to a server with a higher population and have all the fun we want. And you morlocs can play on your pitiful little servers like a 64 man cod server with a continent sized map. Cry your little hearts out about the bad coding and whatever else you can think to say because your 4800 series graphics card won't run the game on medium when 10 people come into frame. It's ridiculous. Go play your Xbox and let us have fun
  8. r.Tek

    I like how Sony has YET to respond to any of these topics regarding low populations nor have they said anything on Twitter. Do they not care?
  9. bPostal

    Am I supposed to be agreeing or offended or what? This post makes no damn sense to me.

    Either way, Server transfers sound like they might do the trick but I'd hate to see server X turn 90% VS, server Y turn 90% NC and server Z turn 90% TR. With luck and some cont locks we'll be able to funnel people onto one or two conts. A small enough area to provide plenty of fights of all sizes.
    Personally I'm not going to start worrying until the pop drops to current Planetside numbers.
  10. gypsy

    What about universal servers somehow making it so once this cont reaches full populations it starts another? There has to be something that can be done
  11. gypsy

    And I can go on rants about anything it's almost a talent. No offense meant
  12. Enig

    Welcome to Mattherson
  13. Kroktar

    I agree....Server merge please :D

    Jaeger its like 1 populated continent, 1 half empty and 1 empty.
  14. SpaceTurtle

    I completely disagree about Connery. One of the best things about it is that it has been chosen by a large amount of asian & eastern players as the unofficial server for their region. This leads to a nice population and good fights during all hours. We may not peak out and have 50 slot vehicle queues in prime time, but we typically have great battles going on any hour of the day.
  15. gypsy

    Well like my compatriot Kroktar up there I play on Jaeger and don't normally get off work until 2-5am it varies. But the servers are always dead except for a euro server which I don't want to play on for connectivity issues and general feelings of superiority for being a US citizen that i dont want confronted for fear of being wrong. That aside I sometimes will see matherson with a medium load but that's about it everything else is almost empty. The time for change is now. I demand mergers by the time I get home tonight
  16. QuantumMechanic

    Just because I may dress up as a Hobbit to attend the mightnight release doesn't mean I don't have a badass GPU.
    • Up x 1
  17. gypsy

    You people spend your money on all manner of absurdities which would astound anyone watching. And then you sit in your horrid apartments watching your pirated DVDs of dr who with your loser friends snorting laughter, coughing and sneezing on each other while bragging about buying some new balderdash that you hope will impress them and make your life not so meaningless for a couple more days. Meanwhile me and the rest of the player base who have a decent pc want the devs to be let loose and turn those rendering distances up and graphics to the max.
  18. Quickscope

    This is getting annoying and SOE doesnt care. All things go dead after 9pm east and it is hard to find GOOD fights. WTF IS GOING ON????????????????? merge them servers pls.
  19. QuantumMechanic

    Although it does feel like we could use server merges already (two weeknights in a row of prime time with no US server reaching high population), honestly it's probably better that they don't do it yet.

    Firstly, they need to fix the infantry render issue. The bigger the fights get, the more aggravating that problem becomes. Also there still seems to be some server-side lag issues in large battles. I was seeing that a lot over the double XP weekend.

    So fix performance first. And who knows, maybe the servers will get populated again without them having to do merges. Who am I kidding, that won't happen until the cert gain rate is increased :p
  20. gypsy

    1 Cert increase or price decrease.
    2 Server mergers.
    3 Let people play with max settings. And I know people will argue this because it puts others that can't run it at a disadvantage but I think a slider for render distance is the best option

    I think that covers everything