[Suggestion] Population based Faction BUFF's

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Legitsu, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Legitsu

    I had a epiphany whilst I was taking a shower
    Why not give the Faction's with the LEST number of players/lest number of outposts owned a Temporary buff to Even things up
    suggestions for buffs
    TR: accuracy boost/suite Energy
    VS: Buff the Armor of AIR and Tanks and transports
    NC:Speed buff for Armor and infantry
    Essentially you could Temporally nerf each factions's weaknesses until the population balances
  2. LordBelak(!)

    I'd rather give players more resources the less the population, because there is more to go around.
  3. Legitsu

    that too maby scale the amount of buff's based on the difference in player population
    #define PopDif FactionPlayerPercent != FactionPlayers x Percent Of Influence == popdiff=

    if Popdiff !=>15%
    #define PopBuffS1=(Popbuff*;)
    #popbuffTR Accuracy/Suite Energy +20%
    #popbuffVS Armor/Air HP +20%
    #popbuffNC ROF/Ground Unit speed +20%
    endif PopBuffS1
    if popdiff !=>20%
    #include #PopbuffS1
    #define PopBuffS2=(PopBuff2*;)
    Popbuff2TR= Give.Resource Armor +200
    Popbuff2VS=Give.Resource Air +200
    Popbuff2NV=Give Resource Infantry +200
    endif PopBuffS2