Is there any time frame on account wide unlocks?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nucleardraft, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Nucleardraft

    So after creating a TR character at launch and dropping a decent amount of SC on it, my friends decided that they were all going to play Vanu on the same server. They could not be convinced to change their minds. Now I'm stuck in a situation where I don't even feel like playing the game because I can't delete my TR character without flushing my money down the toilet. Are the account wide unlocks coming soon? Or am I going to be waiting a couple months until I can play?
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  2. OctavianAX5

    I am not in the exact same situation but I am in a very similar one. Except it's me asking a friend (not the OP) to switch after he already dumped some money. I'd really like to see this thread stay near the top so the devs know it's something very important.

    If you are having this issue please "like" the OP and post a response stating that it's an issue for you.

    The more people who post means it moves higher up the dev teams priority queue.
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  3. Nucleardraft

    Thanks for the support. It really is an issue that needs to be addressed asap.
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  4. DaPuschel2

    Same situation here. Contacted support.
    They said that there is a fee-based character transfer in development. Probably 25$ each transfer like in other SOE games.
    So, pay to pay! Yay!
  5. Gary

    As far as i know they have not said there will be account wide unlocks. Your best option is to contact support and explain the issue. They may offer you an alternative such as Deleting the character completely in return for your SC back. These cases are settled on a Case by Case basis so you may get a different response to someone else! Definitely worth a try though. You can do open a ticket at the following link

    Good luck :)
  6. Kurreah

    I'm pretty sure that they have said that they are intending to do it. I think that they have said that in January they will be showing the PS2 development schedule, but certainly at the moment, it could be three months, it could be a year. Likewise with the server transfer.

    However its worth pointing out that faction transfers will probably not be happening, and that account wide unlocks are mostly for same faction, different servers.
    Since most SC unlocks are for faction-specific stuff, they won't help the OP that much. Only the common-pool weapons and the cosmetics will transfer to his Vanu character.
  7. Nucleardraft

    It's definitely been confirmed that they're adding account-wide unlocks. As for customer support, the answer I've gotten basically boils down to "that's too bad".

    They haven't been specific with what will actually be account-wide but limiting it to just common pool weapons and cosmetics seems pointless. I think the more likely scenario would be for them to determine a weapon's cross faction equivalents and then unlock those weapons across the entire account. For example, the three new sniper rifles that were released this past week would be considered one unlock for that account. There would likely be some exceptions such as the heavy assault special weapons and the faction specific MBT secondary weapons.
  8. Kurreah

    Its a possibility, but if the OP did sink a lot of cash into his character before checking with his friends, it might be a bit risky to make that assumption.
    He may be better off asking for a refund and deletion of his old character since the worst that will happen is them saying "No".
  9. Hideyoshi

    The whole idea of character bound unlocks is dumb. I can understand faction specific weapons or the armor/helmet unlocks that only change the appearance, but boosts? Buy 4 of them and they will only be available to one character, that just makes no sense.

    I'm surprised they don't ask us to set up a seperate membership subscription for each character.
  10. Nogrim313

    I'm in same boat, kitted out my galaxy and despite the air power being nerfed to **** i would still like the stuff to be useable, my outfit changed servers and now I'm essentially stuck on the other server or walk away from $50 in SC

    it is outrageous that a digital weapon costs that much and is server locked, i sunk the cash because the game seemed worth that, lesson learned i guess won't be putting anything in to the store again

    you all ready have three separate factions with unique unlocks on their weapons do you really need to pad out the cert grinding further? its not like you have a paid sub that requires you to have people tread water to milk their money from them

    just make characters global ffs your going have mass amounts of people giving up when they have to start from scratch for reasons beyond their control like the population drops or their outfit moves. I'm basically cut off from my outfit (been playing together for 10 years in other games) until this is fixed

    it's not like you guys released at a time where there isn't something else to go try out and forget about PS2 this needs to be fixed ASAP before it snowballs and kills your population, oh well off to play far cry 3 till this gets fixed see you again whenever..
  11. Masterskunk

    Same for me. Spent $25 on SC, got around 1750 cert points and now I'm stuck on the wrong server. Hope they implement the character transfer asap.
  12. AirSuicide

    I wrote a ticket asking about SC refunds so you could change factions, They said Not going to happen, ever.

    However they did say, that I was welcome to create a new character and rebuy the 200.00 worth of SC again...

    They also said that they may be implementing server transfers, Though no one really cares about those, all the customers want fasction transfers. Which again they said is NOT going to happen.

    So in short:

    Server transfers - yes in the future.
    Faction Transfers - Not a chance in hell, your SC/Money is their's forever and you, like me are **** out of luck.
  13. AirSuicide

    SOE makes their money on this game via people switching factions and having to re-buy everything. By forcing you to spend your money repeatedly they make huge profits, and we all know profits are all SOE cares about. They'll make the money they can off this game let it flop and then make another one, that's SOE style, they don't give a rats *** about a long term Customer appreciated and enjoyed MMO only the short term Dollar value of a product. (Just look at their other games and what they did to SWG).

    The smart long term business plan would be to implement the option to refund the SC of a character upon deletion of that character. This would make the customers happy, secure their SC and make them want to spend more money on items voluntarily, instead of being forced to or leaving because they are fed up with the poor support and erroneous business models by which SOE has for the last decade tortured it's customers with, by way of failed products and horrid customer service.

    * Retained Customers - (player), This grows the game and it's population, If you lose 3 customers fro every 2 you gain your in the hole. The idea is to keep your customers. Not scare them away.

    * Customer Product satisfaction - The Player feels the game is worth their time and is satisfied with support policies on issues such as hackers, Bugs, and of course for an F2P, the Currency in game.

    * Customer support that really is.. Support. - Support actually helps the customer, rather then sending them automated emails, or responses which have nothing to do with the actual question. Response time is also key here. 24 hours is the longest a customer should have to wait for a response. Especially on account and billing issues.

    SOE is not a company I would label as "Smart" however. Granted, they have wonderful Ideals and great games like PS2, however in the end they always drop the ball in their business principals and customer service areas and the game fails and flops.

    Any TSR's who wish to prove me wrong, I'd love for you to do so, but you wont. Because you know I am correct and your responses to the tickets do nothing but prove such. The above reasons are the only reasons business wise for the current system you all have (In a game just out of beta and brand new). When this system changes, I will digress and change my opinion on this matter, As I said though you all have been doing it for 10 years, Why would you stop now?


    You can have the greatest games in the world (And SOE you truly have in the past) but if your Customer service sucks, and your Business policies are all about money, rather then quality, and satisfaction, You will fail every single time, as you have for the last 5 years while your stock has plumitted from what it used to be.

    For those who dont know how to read a chart - In 2008 SOE's Stock price was 50.0$ US, In 2012 it is Under 10.00$ us.
  14. McFly

    even if unlocks were to come account wide, then it should be faction specific most likely. So go balls up and get spend more money
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  15. McFly

    too lazy to search. but were there stock splits? merges? what's the P/E ratio? If you cannot answer those questions, then your numbers make no sense what so ever.
  16. AirSuicide

    I was going to post all of that but I think it infringes on one of their policies (rather not gt banned). However you can find all of that on etrade or on the web useing that Ticker.

    All my investments are with E-Trade. I used to have a lot of stock in Sony, but sold it when it started to drop in 2008, may buy into it again if they get their act back together.
  17. Maxus70

    I talked with someone on the support chat, and they told me that it's the next thing on their list, after all the bugfixes. However, that might take a couple of months.

    It's also only factionspecific stuff and only station cash items.
  18. OctavianAX5

    Good to see so many posts. Haven't been around the forums in a few days but I suppose I'll respond to some of whats been said.

    1.) I am lazy about quoting and apologize for that but I do believe I saw somewhere that someone was saying it would be nice if they refunded SC upon the deletion of a character. This is less of a programming problem and more of an accounting one. It would be quite nightmarish but I won't bore you with the details but just know it would be a real headache for SOE to deal with. It would be possible but not really ideal, especially if there were account wide unlocks.

    2.) They should increase the value of station cash since there is a dissonance created by the current pricing scheme in terms of how people perceive item worth. I am probably going to make a separate post on this particular issue.

    3.) If I were SOE, I would not try and match gun values across factions. By this I mean that if I buy a TR specific gun, it should not unlock its "equal" on VS and NC. While this isn't great for players, it does encourage more faction loyalty and will pad the pockets with minimal complaints. This should also make it easier on the programmers for various reasons and allow them to get this feature out faster.

    4.) As for the stock chart: I'm not entirely convinced it's a reflection of Sony's quality as a company. It's been a hard couple of years for a lot of stocks. A better indication of the company's health is of course the annual report. Beyond that however, it is not a reflection of the SOE development team and perhaps not even the SOE marketing team. Sony is a huge company with lots of fingers in many different pies.

    5.) They should create a designated "I need a refund" CSR ticket that has a sub category of "I need it to transfer." I imagine this would help them quickly figure out how big of an issue this is and also allow them to figure out what kind of resources they need to dedicate to fix the problem. Maybe this already exists but if they do make this, RadarX should post a sticky asking people with that problem to submit such a ticket.
  19. Needin

    You know, I felt the same way when my group decided to shift to another server Vanu from TR. Then I actually did the math and realized that I could, if I waited for the _MONTHLY_ SC 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 sales, I could replace my weapons for the cost of 2 McDonalds/Wendy's/Hardy's combo meals.

    Admittedly, this doesn't count the Barbie Dress Up Dolls options like decals and camos...but really.'s dress up dolls. You can couch it in as much pretend military lingo as you want but it's still dress up dolls.

    And for the guy posting the graphs? Many of us work in the internet "pay" world and you're posting a very straw man arguement. If you know the business you KNOW this won't work. CSR's are too expensive. The entire model of any busniess on the internet is minimal human involvement. People handling requests like this are too spendy. Any model talking about "teams of people" is just silly.

    Not to mention, I guarantee Sony isn't making money on weapons. They are actually making money on the dress up doll items. That has no impact on gameplay and, hey, if you're willing to pay 3-7 dollars to put Betty Boop on your plane or wear your glowing skull helmet, SoE should soak you for everything they can. You're the sweet spot for them. You're willing to pay real dollars to do nothing more than look good. (And, by the way, as a female gamer, exactly how do skull helmets make you look more awesome? They just look dumb.)
  20. irewolf

    There is a post somewhere by Smedly stating that common pool weapons, camo etc would be account unlocks and not character unlocks. This is coming it just isn't implimented yet.