This game rewards anti social behaviour

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duckforceone, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Duckforceone

    Yes you read the title correct. This game does indeed reward anti social behaviour.

    You get the best xp, if you don't follow the zerg, and you find ways to farm infantry. Usually when you are farming, you aren't really helping the rest of your team, but you sure are getting rewarded 100 times more in xp and certs. And stats for those that care about KD.

    I would actually like to see reasons to work together. So that the only way to gain xp, was to either capture, or defend a base. That would get all these "elite" players, working together, and not make the system so easy to abuse or farm.

    And i think, it would make the game alot more fun, with larger fights.
    • Up x 1
  2. Xasapis

    Best exp/cert by far is from defending a base. The largest the better. Also the more fierce the defense, the better. If nothing else, the game promotes the exact opposite behavior from what you're describing.
  3. Duckforceone

    nope... i drop a sunderer, some anti social person, makes sure it explodes so he can put down his own.

    Have difficulty capturing the base? log in and destroy them from inside, then cap them quickly after

    Why kill the enemy sunderer that's spawning people in, when you can farm 50-90% of the people spawning there instead. Some will still get away and help the attack, but you just earn xp from the rest...

    best xp is not defending.. best xp is farming... sure you can get good xp from a defense, but it's just not the best...
    meanwhile, mediocre attackers, get barely any xp, so they will leave the game in a short while, because they are left behind in the dust...

    this game needs alot of mediocre gamers to keep being fun after 6 months...
  4. Kurreah

    Like killing people, taking their stuff, blowing up vehicles, raising people from the dead with alien science and littering the countryside with ecologically-unfriendly packs of nanites.


  5. Bags

    hiding alone in my tank is not anti social!

    i make lots of friends with the people I run over.
  6. nella

    You're right. I went solo the entire double XP weekend, ignoring the platoon I usually play with because you earn so much more XP doing that.
  7. Monnor

    Squad action gives extra exp , so, no.
  8. Mietz

    Squad action gives bonus XP to individuals, you don't share it, that just means its best to farm in a squad solo.

    This game is uniquely made for the Lone Wolf.

    Liberator tail-gunners get no XPs, etc. etc.
    • Up x 1
  9. Monnor

    Why should others get something, which dosnt even lift a finger ?
  10. Slaint

    Its true, in some ways it does reward the camper more than the base capper. Awards will have to be tweaked to better promote actual group coordinated efforts. Like a bonus while fighting/capping/healing etc within the radius of a stated squad objective.
  11. Udnknome

    Well.. there is also 50% exp for kills with assist. I believe I get more exp in a squad
  12. Mietz

    Define "lift a finger".

    I get XP for spotting and kills resulting from spotting. I get Sunderer XP from spawning and kills. I get XP from putting down an ammo-pack, I get XP from gunner-kills in my vehicle (except Liberator tailgunner).


    I'm guessing you are misunderstanding what I mean by "sharing XP" and instead substituted "passive gain" when you read that.
  13. Monnor

    You dont say, but i talk about those guys which just stand around, never move, and just wait for the baseflip. And if i drop a mmo pack why should you get xp for too ?
  14. Zoridium JackL

    you're right, killing people IS anti-social, and it IS rewarded!
  15. Mietz

    I never said you should get XP if someone else drops ammo packs.

    If someone just stands around and waits for base-flip, why is he still in your squad? I'd kick him on the first sign of leeching.
    Thats a sign of leeching, thats "passive gain" not "sharing XP".

    Sharing XP is getting rewarded for cooperative play, not for being in a squad.

    The keyword is -sharing- not one person gets FULL XP and then you get BONUS XP on top (spot kills, assists, vehicle gunner assist, base caps, flips).

    I guess an example is in order:

    A large facility capture gives a set amount of XP.
    Lets make it 100.000XP for the sake of argument here.
    People get rewarded for: time spent in the vicinity of the facility + kills + objectives + support (those are all tracked via ingame leaderboard anyways)
    Then the XP is divided by the force that took the facility and according to leader board stats with a multiplier for your performance you get your XPs.

    In that case, with ~100 players taking a facility, one might get 200XP if you came in late and had little to no contribution, but the main assault force that was there for the last hour and supported each other gets 1000 or 2000XP for the flip.

    Obviously this would need a tweak of the game mechanics beyond what we have now, its not something that can be put on top of the current system.

    Personally I'd even go so far as to remove immediate XP gain (for kills etc) and dish out XP at the end of an objective.
    The Hex system already puts you in a region by default, and there is only two actions you can be doing when it comes to objective play, assault or defense.
    So you are either defending the region or assaulting a region. If you defend the region, you get XP for all the kills, resupply, heal, res, etc that you did during that time in that region.
    It would reduce the TDM hunter-killer mentality of ESFs for example that go wherever the farm is best and never stick to one facility defense.
    If you want your XPs, you stay until the facility is defended/lost/won.
    If you leave, you get your XPs at a 25% reduced rate.
    By leaving i mean permanently leaving and not a quick hop into another zone because you were hunting that sunderer (could be ~2-5 minutes)
    Alas that would need even more hardcore redesigns, like a combat tether-system that tracks where a battle was initiated and if it moved somewhere else for example.
  16. MjrMHZ

    There's simply no reason to group when every battle is essentially a FFA deathmatch. Open world combat will never be as satisfying as a well-balanced CTF match.

    They're supposed to be changing the 'meta game', but I'm guessing those changes won't happen for a good long while.
  17. Cembrye

    I suspect the secret of success in cert farming is based on:

    1. Knowing exactly where the enemy will spawn at each base or even better camping a Sunderer but don't destroy it just use to feed
    2. Press trigger, pausing to reload
    3. Rinse and Repeat

    Many is the time I have deployed into an area expected to defend it only to find the spawn point camped already. The "battle" consists of people trying to get out through the rocket spam from hovering enemy gunships.
  18. DurandalRAI

    In fairness, I think shooting people for benefit is the crux of antisocial behavior. ;) Or maybe it's extremely social, and you're just an oversharer with bullets...